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Concurrent API



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These methods have no rational concurrent definition; for convenience only, they're aliases for serial.compose(..) / serial.pipe(..), respectively.


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Iterate through items in a list (arr), checking each item with a predicate function (fn), producing a new list of items. To include an item in the filtered list, the predicate function should eventually resolve to true (or a truthy value); false or a falsy value will ignore/exclude the item. Returns a promise for overall completion of the async filtering; the fulfillment value is the new list.

All predicate functions are processed concurrently (aka "in parallel"); whenever all of them finish, the completion will be signaled.

This is the asynchronous equivalent of JavaScript's built-in Array#filter(..).

Note: As with all fasy methods, fn(..) can be any of: function, async function, or function*. If it's a function, and it needs to perform asynchronous actions before being considered complete, make sure a promise is returned. async functions automatically return promises for their completion, so no extra effort is necessary there. If fn(..) is a function* generator, its iterator will be driven according to the sync-async pattern, meaning yielded promises delay the generator until they're resolved. Moreover, if the final yield / return value is a promise, it will be waited on before allowing completion.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: the predicate function; called each time with v (value), i (index), and arr (list) arguments; should (eventually) produce true for inclusion of the item or false for exclusion of the item
    • arr: list to iterate over
  • Returns: Promise

  • Example:

    checkImages( [
    ] );
    async function checkImages(imageUrls) {
        var availableImgUrls = await FA.concurrent.filterIn( imgExists, imageUrls );
        console.log( `Images available: ${availableImgUrls}` );
    async function imgExists(url) { /*..*/ }
  • Aliases: concurrent.filter(..)

  • See Also: concurrent.filterOut(..)


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Iterate through items in a list (arr), checking each item with a predicate function (fn), producing a new list of items. To exclude an item from the filtered list, the predicate function should eventually resolve to true (or a truthy value); false or a falsy value will keep the item. Returns a promise for overall completion of the async filtering; the fulfillment value is the new list.

All predicate functions are processed concurrently (aka "in parallel"); whenever all of them finish, the completion will be signaled.

This is kind of like the asynchronous equivalent of JavaScript's built-in Array#filter(..), except that the predicate check is inverted.

Note: As with all fasy methods, fn(..) can be any of: function, async function, or function*. If it's a function, and it needs to perform asynchronous actions before being considered complete, make sure a promise is returned. async functions automatically return promises for their completion, so no extra effort is necessary there. If fn(..) is a function* generator, its iterator will be driven according to the sync-async pattern, meaning yielded promises delay the generator until they're resolved. Moreover, if the final yield / return value is a promise, it will be waited on before allowing completion.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: the predicate function; called each time with v (value), i (index), and arr (list) arguments; should (eventually) produce true for exclusion of the item or false for retention of the item
    • arr: list to iterate over
  • Returns: Promise

  • Example:

    checkImages( [
    ] );
    async function checkImages(imageUrls) {
        var availableImgUrls = await FA.concurrent.filterOut( imgMissing, imageUrls );
        console.log( `Images available: ${availableImgUrls}` );
    async function imgMissing(url) { /*..*/ }
  • See Also: concurrent.filterIn(..)


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Iterate through items in a list (arr), mapping each item to a new value with a function (fn), producing a new list of items. If a mapped value is itself a list, this list is flattened (one level) into the overall return list. Returns a promise for overall completion of the async iteration; the fulfillment value is the new list.

All mapper functions are processed concurrently (aka "in parallel"); whenever all of them finish, the completion will be signaled.

This is kind of like the asynchronous equivalent of JavaScript's built-in Array#map(..), except that additionally any mapped return values that are lists get flattened into the result.

Note: As with all fasy methods, fn(..) can be any of: function, async function, or function*. If it's a function, and it needs to perform asynchronous actions before being considered complete, make sure a promise is returned. async functions automatically return promises for their completion, so no extra effort is necessary there. If fn(..) is a function* generator, its iterator will be driven according to the sync-async pattern, meaning yielded promises delay the generator until they're resolved. Moreover, if the final yield / return value is a promise, it will be waited on before allowing completion.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: the mapper function; called each time with v (value), i (index), and arr (list) arguments; should (eventually) produce a new mapped item value
    • arr: list to iterate over
  • Returns: Promise

  • Example:

    fetchDimensions( [
    ] );
    async function fetchDimensions(imageUrls) {
        var dimensions = await FA.concurrent.flatMap( extractImgDimensions, imageUrls );
        console.log( `Dimensions: ${dimensions}` );
        // example output:
        // Dimensions: 350,200,500,500,640,480
    async function extractImgDimensions(url) { /*..*/ }
    // returns: [width,height]
  • See Also:


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Iterate through items in a list (arr), executing a function (fn) for each item. Returns a promise for overall completion of the async iteration; the fulfillment value is undefined.

All functions are processed concurrently (aka "in parallel"); whenever all of them finish, the completion will be signaled.

This is the asynchronous equivalent of JavaScript's built-in Array#forEach(..).

Note: As with all fasy methods, fn(..) can be any of: function, async function, or function*. If it's a function, and it needs to perform asynchronous actions before being considered complete, make sure a promise is returned. async functions automatically return promises for their completion, so no extra effort is necessary there. If fn(..) is a function* generator, its iterator will be driven according to the sync-async pattern, meaning yielded promises delay the generator until they're resolved. Moreover, if the final yield / return value is a promise, it will be waited on before allowing completion.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: the iteration function; called each time with v (value), i (index), and arr (list) arguments
    • arr: list to iterate over
  • Returns: Promise

  • Example:

    preloadImages( [
    ] );
    async function preloadImages(imageUrls) {
        await FA.concurrent.forEach( preloadImg, imageUrls );
        console.log( "All images preloaded." );
    async function preloadImg(url) { /*..*/ }

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Iterate through items in a list (arr), mapping each item to a new value with a function (fn), producing a new list of items. Returns a promise for overall completion of the async iteration; the fulfillment value is the new list.

All mapper functions are processed concurrently (aka "in parallel"); whenever all of them finish, the completion will be signaled.

This is the asynchronous equivalent of JavaScript's built-in Array#map(..).

Note: As with all fasy methods, fn(..) can be any of: function, async function, or function*. If it's a function, and it needs to perform asynchronous actions before being considered complete, make sure a promise is returned. async functions automatically return promises for their completion, so no extra effort is necessary there. If fn(..) is a function* generator, its iterator will be driven according to the sync-async pattern, meaning yielded promises delay the generator until they're resolved. Moreover, if the final yield / return value is a promise, it will be waited on before allowing completion.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: the mapper function; called each time with v (value), i (index), and arr (list) arguments; should (eventually) produce a new mapped item value
    • arr: list to iterate over
  • Returns: Promise

  • Example:

    fetchSizes( [
    ] );
    async function fetchSizes(imageUrls) {
        var sizes = await extractImgSize, imageUrls );
        console.log( `Image sizes: ${sizes}` );
        // example output:
        // Image sizes: 62774,103906,458859
    async function extractImgSize(url) { /*..*/ }
    // returns: imgSize
  • See Also: concurrent.flatMap(..)



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These methods have no rational concurrent definition; for convenience only, they're aliases for serial.reduce(..) / serial.reduceRight(..), respectively.