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371 lines (261 loc) · 9.63 KB

File metadata and controls

371 lines (261 loc) · 9.63 KB

Module Hooks

Note: Stencil module hooks are documented in the module docs.

stencil-golang exposes a few module hooks to allow for integration with other modules. These docs will go over them at a highlevel, but note this is not and exhaustive list of hooks or how to use them. For more information it's suggested to look at the hooks in context of the file you're trying to modify.


Type: { name string, version string }

File: _helpers.tpl

Add a dependency to this service. This dependency will be ignored by dependency management tools like dependabot in favor of the dependency specified in go_modules.

{{- define "deps" -}}
- name: a-module
  version: 1.0.0
{{- end -}}
{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "go_modules" (stencil.ApplyTemplate "deps" | fromYaml) }}


Type: { name string, version string }

File: _helpers.tpl

Equivalent go_modules but for JavaScript (node).


Type: { name string, version string }

File: _helpers.tpl

Equivalent go_modules but for JavaScript (node), dev dependencies.


Type: []string

File: deployments/appname/app.jsonnet.tpl

Adds Vault secret paths to be pulled within the deployment manifests and created in Kubernetes.

{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "vaultSecrets" (list "path/to/secret") }}


Type: map[string]interface{}

File: .vscode/private.env.tpl

Environment variables to write out to private.env for VSCode to use while running tests.

    stencil.AddToModuleHook "" (list (dict "MY_ENV_VAR" "my-value")),


Type: string

File: api/api.go.tpl

Extra interface methods to add to the Service interface.

{{ $myInterface := "MyServiceMethod(ctx context.Context) error" }}
{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "api.Service" (list $myInterface) }}


Type: string

File: api/api.proto.tpl

Extra message types to add to the api.proto file.

Note: New lines are supported.

{{ $myMessage := "message MyMessage { string my_field = 1; }" }}
{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "api.proto.message" (list $myMessage) }}


Type: string

File: api/api.proto.tpl

Extra service rpcs to add to the api.proto file.

{{ $myService := "rpc MyMethod (MyMessage) returns (MyMessage) {}" }}
{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "api.proto.service" (list $myService) }}


Type: map[string]interface{}

File: main.go.tpl

Additional dependencies to add to the main.go file.

{{  stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "main.dependencies"
            (dict "count" "int")


Type: string

File: internal/appName/http/handler.go.tpl

Insert to different parts for extension of handler.go

  • http/extraComments add extra comment in top of the file
  • http/extraStandardImports add extra standard imports
  • http/additionalImports add extra other imports
  • http/extraRoutes add extra handlers for routing
  • http/extraFuncs add extra functions for routing's usages
{{  stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "http/xxxx"
        (stencil.applyTemplate "<template-name>")


Type: string

File: internal/appName/rpc/rpc.go.tpl

Insert to different parts for extension of rpc.go

  • internal/rpc/extraComments add extra comment in top of the file
  • internal/rpc/extraStandardImports add extra standard imports
  • internal/rpc/additionalImports add extra non-standard imports
  • internal/rpc/grpcServerOptionInit add extra init statements by modules
  • internal/rpc/grpcServerOptions add extra options by modules
  • internal/rpc/additionalGRPCRPCS add extra gRPC RPCs injected by modules
  • internal/rpc/additionalDefaultHandlers add extra functions
{{  stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "internal/rpc/xxxx"
        (stencil.applyTemplate "<template-name>")


Type: string

File: deployments/appname/app.jsonnet.tpl

Extra mixin files in deployments/appname/mixins to include in the jsonnet deployments.

# deployments/appname/mixins/my-mixin.jsonnet
{{ $myMixin := "my-mixin" }}
{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "mixins" (list $myMixin) }}


Type: string

File: deployments/appname/Dockerfile.tpl

Extra commands to run after the build stage in the Dockerfile.

{{ $myCommand := "RUN echo 'hello world'" }}
{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "Dockerfile.afterBuild" (list $myCommand) }}


Type: string

File: deployments/appname/app.config.jsonnet.tpl

Extra configuration jsonnet files to merge into the application config.

# deployments/appname/configs/my-config.jsonnet
{{ $myConfig := "my-config" }}
{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "app.config.jsonnet/config" (list $myConfig) }}



   name: string,
   description: string,
      env: [ key: value ]
      vars: [ key: value ]
          op: string
          path: string
          value: [ key: value ]

File: devspace.yaml.tpl

Extra devspace profiles to merge into the devspace.yaml config.

{{- define "ingestTerminalDevspaceProfile" }}
- name: {{ .Config.Name }}-ingest-terminal
  description: Allows for running ingest in --with-terminal mode
    - env:
        DEVENV_DEV_DEPLOYMENT_PROFILE: deployment__{{ .Config.Name }}-ingest
        DEVENV_DEV_TERMINAL: "true"
    - op: replace
      path: dev.terminal.labelSelector
        app: {{ .Config.Name }}-ingest
{{- end }}

{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "devspace.profiles" (stencil.ApplyTemplate "ingestDevspaceProfile" | fromYaml) }}



  name: string,
  labelSelector: string,
  namespace: string,
  localSubPath: string,
  containerPath: string,
  excludePaths: [ string ]

File: devspace.yaml.tpl

Extra devspace sync to merge into a devspace.yaml config.

{{- define "testSync"}}
    - name: test
      labelSelector: ${DEVENV_DEPLOY_LABELS}
      namespace: ${DEVENV_DEPLOY_NAMESPACE}
      localSubPath: ./
      containerPath: ${DEV_CONTAINER_WORKDIR}
        - bin
        - ./vendor
{{- end }}

{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "devspace.profiles" (stencil.ApplyTemplate "testSync" | fromYaml) }}


Type: string

File: devspace.yaml.tpl

Extra ports that should be forwarded while devspace dev is running

# devspace.ports
{{- stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "devspace.ports" (list "4000") }}


Type: string

File: Makefile

Extra commands to add to the root Makefile

{{- define "run.rover" }}
## run-rover:           merges shared and specific schemas and runs rover-cli
.PHONY: run-rover
	cat internal/graphql/schema/shared.graphql > internal/graphql/generated/schema.graphql
	cat internal/graphql/schema/schema.graphql >> internal/graphql/generated/schema.graphql
	rover dev --router-config config/apollo.yaml --name $appName --url http://localhost:4000/graphql --schema internal/graphql/generated/schema.graphql
{{- end }}

{{- stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "Makefile.commands" (list (stencil.ApplyTemplate "run.rover")) }}


Type: string

File: monitoring/

Extra SLO teraform definitions.

{{- define "grpc-slo"}}
resource "datadog_service_level_objective" "grpc_p99_latency" {
  name        = "{{ .Config.Name | title }} GRPC P99 Latency"
  type        = "monitor"
  description = "Keeping track of P99 latency commitments for all {{ .Config.Name | title }} GRPC requests in aggregate, for production bentos only."
  tags = local.ddTags
  monitor_ids = [module.grpc_latency_high.high_traffic_id]
  groups = [
    {{- $bentos := extensions.Call "" (stencil.Arg "deployment.environments") (stencil.Arg "deployment.serviceDomains") }}
    {{- range $b := $bentos }}
    "kube_namespace:{{ stencil.ApplyTemplate "goPackageSafeName" }}--{{ $ }}",
    {{- end }}
  thresholds {
    timeframe = "7d"
    target = 99.9
    warning = 99.95
{{- end }}

{{- stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "monitoring.slos"
  (list (stencil.ApplyTemplate "grpc-slo"))


Type: string

File: .vscode/extensions.json

This hook allows you to add more recommended extensions for the workspace in VSCode. These extensions are suggested when a developer opens the workspace in VSCode.

{{- define "extensions" -}}
{{- end }}

{{ stencil.AddToModuleHook "" "vscode/additional-extensions"
    (stencil.ApplyTemplate "extensions")