diff --git a/.craft.yml b/.craft.yml
index b65e012eb5e7..66fc8fca329c 100644
--- a/.craft.yml
+++ b/.craft.yml
@@ -160,28 +160,34 @@ targets:
# Sentry Release Registry Target
- name: registry
+ 'npm:@sentry/angular':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-angular-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/astro':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-astro-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/aws-serverless':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-aws-serverless-\d.*\.tgz$/
onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-browser-\d.*\.tgz$/
includeNames: /\.js$/
- algorithm: sha384
format: base64
- 'npm:@sentry/node':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-node-\d.*\.tgz$/
- 'npm:@sentry/react':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-react-\d.*\.tgz$/
- 'npm:@sentry/vue':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-vue-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/bun':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-bun-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/deno':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-deno-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/ember':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-ember-\d.*\.tgz$/
onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-gatsby-\d.*\.tgz$/
- 'npm:@sentry/angular':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-angular-\d.*\.tgz$/
- 'npm:@sentry/astro':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-astro-\d.*\.tgz$/
- 'npm:@sentry/wasm':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-wasm-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/google-cloud-serverless':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-google-cloud-serverless-\d.*\.tgz$/
onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-nextjs-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/node':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-node-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/react':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-react-\d.*\.tgz$/
onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-remix-\d.*\.tgz$/
@@ -190,9 +196,9 @@ targets:
onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-svelte-\d.*\.tgz$/
onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-sveltekit-\d.*\.tgz$/
- 'npm:@sentry/bun':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-bun-\d.*\.tgz$/
onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-vercel-edge-\d.*\.tgz$/
- 'npm:@sentry/ember':
- onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-ember-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/vue':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-vue-\d.*\.tgz$/
+ 'npm:@sentry/wasm':
+ onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-wasm-\d.*\.tgz$/
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 5e100df939ad..c8505ab3a022 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -1477,33 +1477,33 @@ jobs:
node: 22
# macos x64
- - os: macos-11
+ - os: macos-13
node: 16
arch: x64
- - os: macos-11
+ - os: macos-13
node: 18
arch: x64
- - os: macos-11
+ - os: macos-13
node: 20
arch: x64
- - os: macos-11
+ - os: macos-13
node: 22
arch: x64
# macos arm64
- - os: macos-12
+ - os: macos-13
arch: arm64
node: 16
target_platform: darwin
- - os: macos-12
+ - os: macos-13
arch: arm64
node: 18
target_platform: darwin
- - os: macos-12
+ - os: macos-13
arch: arm64
node: 20
target_platform: darwin
- - os: macos-12
+ - os: macos-13
arch: arm64
node: 22
target_platform: darwin
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a54112be9a29..027b13f56901 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,6 +8,28 @@
### Important Changes
+- **feat(solid): Remove need to pass router hooks to solid integration** (breaking)
+This release introduces breaking changes to the `@sentry/solid` package (which is currently out in alpha).
+We've made it easier to get started with the solid router integration by removing the need to pass **use\*** hooks
+explicitly to `solidRouterBrowserTracingIntegration`. Import `solidRouterBrowserTracingIntegration` from
+`@sentry/solid/solidrouter` and add it to `Sentry.init`
+import * as Sentry from '@sentry/solid';
+import { solidRouterBrowserTracingIntegration, withSentryRouterRouting } from '@sentry/solid/solidrouter';
+import { Router } from '@solidjs/router';
+ dsn: '__PUBLIC_DSN__',
+ integrations: [solidRouterBrowserTracingIntegration()],
+ tracesSampleRate: 1.0, // Capture 100% of the transactions
+const SentryRouter = withSentryRouterRouting(Router);
- **feat(core): Return client from init method (#12585)**
`Sentry.init()` now returns a client directly, so you don't need to explicitly call `getClient()` anymore:
@@ -28,10 +50,21 @@ module.exports = withSentryConfig(nextConfig, {
+- **feat(node): Allow to configure `maxSpanWaitDuration` (#12610)**
+Adds configuration option for the max. duration in seconds that the SDK will wait for parent spans to be finished before
+discarding a span. The SDK will automatically clean up spans that have no finished parent after this duration. This is
+necessary to prevent memory leaks in case of parent spans that are never finished or otherwise dropped/missing. However,
+if you have very long-running spans in your application, a shorter duration might cause spans to be discarded too early.
+In this case, you can increase this duration to a value that fits your expected data.
### Other Changes
- feat(feedback): Extra check for iPad in screenshot support (#12593)
- fix(bundle): Ensure CDN bundles do not overwrite `window.Sentry` (#12580)
+- fix(feedback): Inject preact from feedbackModal into feedbackScreenshot integration (#12535)
+- fix(node): Re-throw errors from koa middleware (#12609)
+- fix(remix): Mark `isRemixV2` as optional in exposed types. (#12614)
- ref(node): Add error message to NodeFetch log (#12612)
Work in this release was contributed by @n4bb12. Thank you for your contribution!
diff --git a/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/node-koa/index.js b/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/node-koa/index.js
index 08ddc231ffb3..ddc17f62e6f7 100644
--- a/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/node-koa/index.js
+++ b/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/node-koa/index.js
@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@ router1.get('/test-outgoing-http-external-disallowed', async ctx => {
ctx.body = data;
+router1.get('/test-assert/:condition', async ctx => {
+ ctx.body = 200;
+ const condition = ctx.params.condition !== 'false';
+ ctx.assert(condition, 400, 'ctx.assert failed');
diff --git a/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/node-koa/tests/assert.test.ts b/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/node-koa/tests/assert.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0f9f724ef237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/node-koa/tests/assert.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import { expect, test } from '@playwright/test';
+import { waitForError } from '@sentry-internal/test-utils';
+test('Returns 400 from failed assert', async ({ baseURL }) => {
+ const errorEventPromise = waitForError('node-koa', event => {
+ return !event.type && event.exception?.values?.[0]?.value === 'ctx.assert failed';
+ });
+ const res = await fetch(`${baseURL}/test-assert/false`);
+ expect(res.status).toBe(400);
+ const errorEvent = await errorEventPromise;
+ expect(errorEvent.exception?.values).toHaveLength(1);
+ expect(errorEvent.exception?.values?.[0]?.value).toBe('ctx.assert failed');
+ expect(errorEvent.request).toEqual({
+ method: 'GET',
+ cookies: {},
+ headers: expect.any(Object),
+ url: 'http://localhost:3030/test-assert/false',
+ });
+ expect(errorEvent.transaction).toEqual('GET /test-assert/:condition');
+ expect(errorEvent.contexts?.trace).toEqual({
+ trace_id: expect.any(String),
+ span_id: expect.any(String),
+ });
+test('Returns 200 from successful assert', async ({ baseURL }) => {
+ const res = await fetch(`${baseURL}/test-assert/true`);
+ expect(res.status).toBe(200);
diff --git a/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/solid/src/index.tsx b/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/solid/src/index.tsx
index b975502ef590..66773f009d1e 100644
--- a/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/solid/src/index.tsx
+++ b/dev-packages/e2e-tests/test-applications/solid/src/index.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* @refresh reload */
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/solid';
-import { Router, useBeforeLeave, useLocation } from '@solidjs/router';
+import { solidRouterBrowserTracingIntegration, withSentryRouterRouting } from '@sentry/solid/solidrouter';
+import { Router } from '@solidjs/router';
import { render } from 'solid-js/web';
import './index.css';
import PageRoot from './pageroot';
@@ -10,12 +11,12 @@ Sentry.init({
dsn: import.meta.env.PUBLIC_E2E_TEST_DSN,
debug: true,
environment: 'qa', // dynamic sampling bias to keep transactions
- integrations: [Sentry.solidRouterBrowserTracingIntegration({ useBeforeLeave, useLocation })],
+ integrations: [solidRouterBrowserTracingIntegration()],
release: 'e2e-test',
tunnel: 'http://localhost:3031/', // proxy server
tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
-const SentryRouter = Sentry.withSentryRouterRouting(Router);
+const SentryRouter = withSentryRouterRouting(Router);
render(() => {routes}, document.getElementById('root'));
diff --git a/docs/migration/feedback.md b/docs/migration/feedback.md
index 6d9c189df1c2..c6f328c9ff0f 100644
--- a/docs/migration/feedback.md
+++ b/docs/migration/feedback.md
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ Below you can find a list of relevant feedback changes and issues that have been
We have streamlined the interface for interacting with the Feedback widget. Below is a list of public functions that
existed in 7.x and a description of how they have changed in v8.
-| Method Name | Replacement | Notes |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `Sentry.getClient()?.getIntegration(Feedback)` | `const feedback = Sentry.getFeedback()` | Get a type-safe reference to the configured feedbackIntegration instance. |
-| `feedback.getWidget()` | `const widget = feedback.createWidget(); widget.appendToDom()` | The SDK no longer maintains a stack of form instances. If you call `createWidget()` a new widget will be inserted into the DOM and an `ActorComponent` returned allows you control over the lifecycle of the widget. |
-| `feedback.openDialog()` | `widget.open()` | Make the form inside the widget visible. |
-| `feedback.closeDialog()` | `widget.close()` | Make the form inside the widget hidden in the page. Success/Error messages will still be rendered and will hide themselves if the form was recently submitted. |
-| `feedback.removeWidget()` | `widget.removeFromDom()` | Remove the form and widget instance from the page. After calling this `widget.el.parentNode` will be set to null. |
-| `feedback.attachTo()` | `const unsubscribe = feedback.attachTo(myButtonElem)` | The `attachTo()` method will create an onClick event listener to your html element that calls `appendToDom()` and `open()`. It returns a callback to remove the event listener. |
-| - | `const form = await feedback.createForm()` | A new method `createForm()`, used internally by `createWidget()` and `attachTo()`, returns a `Promise` so you can control showing and hiding of the feedback form directly. |
+| Method Name | Replacement | Notes |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `Sentry.getClient()?.getIntegration(Feedback)` | `const feedback = Sentry.getFeedback()` | Get a type-safe reference to the configured feedbackIntegration instance. |
+| `feedback.getWidget()` | `const widget = feedback.createWidget(); widget.appendToDom()` | The SDK no longer maintains a stack of form instances. If you call `createWidget()` a new widget will be inserted into the DOM and an `ActorComponent` returned allows you control over the lifecycle of the widget. |
+| `feedback.openDialog()` | `widget.open()` | Make the form inside the widget visible. |
+| `feedback.closeDialog()` | `widget.close()` | Make the form inside the widget hidden in the page. Success/Error messages will still be rendered and will hide themselves if the form was recently submitted. |
+| `feedback.removeWidget()` | `widget.removeFromDom()` | Remove the form and widget instance from the page. After calling this `widget.el.parentNode` will be set to null. |
+| `feedback.attachTo()` | `const unsubscribe = feedback.attachTo(myButtonElem)` | The `attachTo()` method will create an onClick event listener to your html element that calls `appendToDom()` and `open()`. It returns a callback to remove the event listener. |
+| - | `const form = await feedback.createForm()` | A new method `createForm()`, used internally by `createWidget()` and `attachTo()`, returns a `Promise>` so you can control showing and hiding of the feedback form directly. |
### API Examples
diff --git a/docs/publishing-a-release.md b/docs/publishing-a-release.md
index 25c8a3a5b6f0..99025b7804a2 100644
--- a/docs/publishing-a-release.md
+++ b/docs/publishing-a-release.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ _These steps are only relevant to Sentry employees when preparing and publishing
4. Open a PR with the title `meta(changelog): Update changelog for VERSION` against `master` branch.
5. **Be cautious!** The PR against `master` should be merged via "Merge Commit"
6. When the PR is merged, it will automatically trigger the
- [Prepare Release](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/actions/workflows/release.yml) on master.
+ [Auto Prepare Release](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/actions/workflows/auto-release.yml) on master.
7. A new issue should appear in https://github.com/getsentry/publish/issues.
8. Wait until the CI check runs have finished successfully (there is a link to them in the issue).
9. Once CI passes successfully, ask a member of the
diff --git a/docs/triaging.md b/docs/triaging.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cd0b1ea1aa65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/triaging.md
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Triaging
+The term _triage_ originally comes from medicine and describes the process of quickly examining patients who are taken
+to a hospital in order to decide which ones are the most seriously ill and must be treated first.
+By _triaging issues_, we are evaluating problems that our customers are facing and providing the appropriate level of
+support. The goal is to provide attention to all open issues, categorise them, and alert people when there are issues of
+high severity. The goal is _not_ to fix all issues or answer all the questions coming from the open source community
+## Bug fixing 101
+Not every bug is equally critical or time sensitive. Some things reported as bugs aren’t even bugs. If you are unsure
+whether something needs fixing, just reach out to your colleagues and get their opinion. When you do fix a bug, it
+should always go hand-in-hand with adding new tests (or improving existing ones), so we can avoid any regressions in the
+## Triaging workflow
+There are a few different ways to triage issues:
+1. You can look at the `#feed-web-frontend` channel in Slack. This channel will automatically receive a message every
+ day in the morning with issues that require triaging.
+2. You can look at the triage view in the GitHub Project Board: https://github.com/orgs/getsentry/projects/31/views/29
+3. (Also for external contributors) You can filter by `Waiting for: Product Owner` label:
+ https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Waiting+for%3A+Product+Owner%22
+Generally, all new issues that are opened by external users will receive the `Waiting for: Product Owner` label
+initially. Whenever a contributor replies to the issue, the label will be removed automatically. If/when an external
+user replies again, the label will be re-added (indicating that a response from the repo owners is expected).
+Note that issues created by contributors themselves will not get this label applied. They will also not be added to the
+"Web SDK Frontend" board automatically. You'll have to add the "Web SDK Frontend" project manually to issues you create
+yourself as a contributor.
+If a user replies to an issue, leading to the label being re-applied, but no response is required by a contributor, you
+may also remove the label manually, which will also remove it from the triage list.
+Working through the triage queue should have the highest priority of tasks. Especially issues that are reaching the top
+of the triage queue (which is indicated in the `#feed-web-frontend` channel through a remaining time to triage) should
+be prioritised. **This does not mean that you need to fix the issue immediately,** but that you should investigate and
+categorize the issue as soon as possible. If an issue is hard to fix, an edge case, or otherwise unclear, feel free to
+reply and put the issue in backlog. You may also encourage the user to contribute a PR themselves if we are unlikely to
+find time to resolve the issue ourselves anytime soon.
+### (Sentry Employees) How & when should I triage issues?
+Ideally, you can take some time every day in the morning to look over the triage queue and identify issues that you can
+help triage. You will not be able to triage _every_ issue effectively, and it's OK to skip some issues if you don't know
+what to do. That being said, it's important to split the triaging duty between the team members, so if you see a large
+amount of issues that you cannot help with, try to find ways to help team members with their triage load in other ways.
+Sometimes, this will mean taking some extra time to look into an issue. But remember, even if it takes you longer to
+look into an issue than another colleague, you'll also learn stuff and you'll be more effective at triaging in the
+When you start looking into an issue, you may assign the issue to yourself. This indicates to other colleagues that
+somebody else is already looking into the issue. Generally speaking, the first person to assign themselves/answer in the
+issue is considered the owner of this triaging issue, and other colleagues will generally not look into this issue
+anymore unless prompted. Still, if you stumble upon an issue and you feel like you have something productive to add to
+the conversation, feel empowered to also comment on issues owned by somebody else. Make sure to follow up on issues you
+started to triage, and/or pull in other colleagues as needed.
+If a team member is out of office, make sure that issues this person started to triage continue to receive attention.
+You can and should also move issues through the project board. You can set the status to:
+- `Backlog`: May be done at some point
+- `Todo`: Should be done, feel free to pick up this issue any time
+- `In Progress`: This is being worked on
+- `In Review`: PR is open
+- `Done`
+This helps have an overview of what is actively being worked on at any given time.
+### (Sentry Employees) How much time should be spent triaging?
+Generally, triaging should be distributed between the SDK team members as equally as possible. Every developer should
+contribute to triaging as much as they can.
+Overall, developers should not spend more than 2h per day triaging & reproducing issues. If you find yourself spending
+more time than this, bring this up with your manager to find ways to optimize this better.
+### (Sentry Employees) What about "inoffical" triaging?
+In addition to Github issues, you may also be pulled into triaging duty in other ways, e.g. via Discord , StackOverflow,
+GitHub Discussions, or Slack.
+Generally, if non-trivial issues are raised this way, encourage the other parties to create issues on GitHub with as
+much detail as possible, which also makes it easier for us to track the requests/issues. You should also include the
+time you spend working on such issues in your general triaging time.
+### How to approach triaging an unknown issue?
+If you have no idea how to approach a given issue, there are a few general ways you could start:
+1. Ask for a more thorough reproduction. Often, an issue does not contain enough information for us to figure out what
+ is going on. Feel free to ask liberally for more information, if the provided information is not enough.
+2. Ask users to enable debug logs (`Sentry.intit({ debug: true })`), and paste the logs for their app. This can contain
+ valuable information for debugging issues.
+3. Ask colleagues who may have some experience with a category of issues.
diff --git a/packages/feedback/src/core/integration.ts b/packages/feedback/src/core/integration.ts
index 0cfd84061e67..8917644cebfe 100644
--- a/packages/feedback/src/core/integration.ts
+++ b/packages/feedback/src/core/integration.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { getClient } from '@sentry/core';
import type {
- FeedbackDialog,
@@ -56,7 +55,9 @@ export const buildFeedbackIntegration = ({
}: BuilderOptions): IntegrationFn<
Integration & {
attachTo(el: Element | string, optionOverrides?: OverrideFeedbackConfiguration): Unsubscribe;
- createForm(optionOverrides?: OverrideFeedbackConfiguration): Promise;
+ createForm(
+ optionOverrides?: OverrideFeedbackConfiguration,
+ ): Promise>;
createWidget(optionOverrides?: OverrideFeedbackConfiguration): ActorComponent;
remove(): void;
@@ -179,7 +180,9 @@ export const buildFeedbackIntegration = ({
return integration as I;
- const _loadAndRenderDialog = async (options: FeedbackInternalOptions): Promise => {
+ const _loadAndRenderDialog = async (
+ options: FeedbackInternalOptions,
+ ): Promise> => {
const screenshotRequired = options.enableScreenshot && isScreenshotSupported();
const [modalIntegration, screenshotIntegration] = await Promise.all([
_findIntegration('FeedbackModal', getModalIntegration, 'feedbackModalIntegration'),
@@ -223,7 +226,7 @@ export const buildFeedbackIntegration = ({
throw new Error('Unable to attach to target element');
- let dialog: FeedbackDialog | null = null;
+ let dialog: ReturnType | null = null;
const handleClick = async (): Promise => {
if (!dialog) {
dialog = await _loadAndRenderDialog({
@@ -306,7 +309,9 @@ export const buildFeedbackIntegration = ({
* Creates a new Form which you can
* Accepts partial options to override any options passed to constructor.
- async createForm(optionOverrides: OverrideFeedbackConfiguration = {}): Promise {
+ async createForm(
+ optionOverrides: OverrideFeedbackConfiguration = {},
+ ): Promise> {
return _loadAndRenderDialog(mergeOptions(_options, optionOverrides));
diff --git a/packages/feedback/src/modal/components/Dialog.tsx b/packages/feedback/src/modal/components/Dialog.tsx
index d691d0bd18c8..b711335a96c3 100644
--- a/packages/feedback/src/modal/components/Dialog.tsx
+++ b/packages/feedback/src/modal/components/Dialog.tsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import type { FeedbackFormData, FeedbackInternalOptions } from '@sentry/types';
import { Fragment, h } from 'preact'; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
import type { VNode } from 'preact';
import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'preact/hooks';
import { SUCCESS_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT } from '../../constants';
import { DialogHeader } from './DialogHeader';
import type { Props as HeaderProps } from './DialogHeader';
diff --git a/packages/feedback/src/modal/integration.tsx b/packages/feedback/src/modal/integration.tsx
index 419a02328e0b..ab0b6418b8cd 100644
--- a/packages/feedback/src/modal/integration.tsx
+++ b/packages/feedback/src/modal/integration.tsx
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
import { getCurrentScope, getGlobalScope, getIsolationScope } from '@sentry/core';
-import type {
- CreateDialogProps,
- FeedbackDialog,
- FeedbackFormData,
- FeedbackModalIntegration,
- IntegrationFn,
- User,
-} from '@sentry/types';
+import type { FeedbackFormData, FeedbackModalIntegration, IntegrationFn, User } from '@sentry/types';
import { h, render } from 'preact';
+import * as hooks from 'preact/hooks';
import { DOCUMENT } from '../constants';
import { Dialog } from './components/Dialog';
import { createDialogStyles } from './components/Dialog.css';
@@ -30,7 +24,7 @@ export const feedbackModalIntegration = ((): FeedbackModalIntegration => {
name: 'FeedbackModal',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
setupOnce() {},
- createDialog: ({ options, screenshotIntegration, sendFeedback, shadow }: CreateDialogProps) => {
+ createDialog: ({ options, screenshotIntegration, sendFeedback, shadow }) => {
const shadowRoot = shadow as unknown as ShadowRoot;
const userKey = options.useSentryUser;
const user = getUser();
@@ -39,7 +33,7 @@ export const feedbackModalIntegration = ((): FeedbackModalIntegration => {
const style = createDialogStyles();
let originalOverflow = '';
- const dialog: FeedbackDialog = {
+ const dialog: ReturnType = {
get el() {
return el;
@@ -66,7 +60,7 @@ export const feedbackModalIntegration = ((): FeedbackModalIntegration => {
- const screenshotInput = screenshotIntegration && screenshotIntegration.createInput(h, dialog, options);
+ const screenshotInput = screenshotIntegration && screenshotIntegration.createInput({ h, hooks, dialog, options });
const renderContent = (open: boolean): void => {
diff --git a/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/ScreenshotEditor.tsx b/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/ScreenshotEditor.tsx
index 155cfac8e527..84528d2908a1 100644
--- a/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/ScreenshotEditor.tsx
+++ b/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/ScreenshotEditor.tsx
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-import type { FeedbackDialog, FeedbackInternalOptions } from '@sentry/types';
/* eslint-disable max-lines */
+import type { FeedbackInternalOptions, FeedbackModalIntegration } from '@sentry/types';
import type { ComponentType, VNode, h as hType } from 'preact';
-// biome-ignore lint: needed for preact
-import { h } from 'preact'; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
-import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'preact/hooks';
+import type * as Hooks from 'preact/hooks';
import { DOCUMENT, WINDOW } from '../../constants';
import { createScreenshotInputStyles } from './ScreenshotInput.css';
-import { useTakeScreenshot } from './useTakeScreenshot';
+import { useTakeScreenshotFactory } from './useTakeScreenshot';
const CROP_BUTTON_SIZE = 30;
@@ -15,8 +13,9 @@ const DPI = WINDOW.devicePixelRatio;
interface FactoryParams {
h: typeof hType;
+ hooks: typeof Hooks;
imageBuffer: HTMLCanvasElement;
- dialog: FeedbackDialog;
+ dialog: ReturnType;
options: FeedbackInternalOptions;
@@ -62,17 +61,25 @@ const getContainedSize = (img: HTMLCanvasElement): Box => {
return { startX: x, startY: y, endX: width + x, endY: height + y };
-export function makeScreenshotEditorComponent({ imageBuffer, dialog, options }: FactoryParams): ComponentType {
+export function ScreenshotEditorFactory({
+ h, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+ hooks,
+ imageBuffer,
+ dialog,
+ options,
+}: FactoryParams): ComponentType {
+ const useTakeScreenshot = useTakeScreenshotFactory({ hooks });
return function ScreenshotEditor({ onError }: Props): VNode {
- const styles = useMemo(() => ({ __html: createScreenshotInputStyles().innerText }), []);
+ const styles = hooks.useMemo(() => ({ __html: createScreenshotInputStyles().innerText }), []);
- const canvasContainerRef = useRef(null);
- const cropContainerRef = useRef(null);
- const croppingRef = useRef(null);
- const [croppingRect, setCroppingRect] = useState({ startX: 0, startY: 0, endX: 0, endY: 0 });
- const [confirmCrop, setConfirmCrop] = useState(false);
+ const canvasContainerRef = hooks.useRef(null);
+ const cropContainerRef = hooks.useRef(null);
+ const croppingRef = hooks.useRef(null);
+ const [croppingRect, setCroppingRect] = hooks.useState({ startX: 0, startY: 0, endX: 0, endY: 0 });
+ const [confirmCrop, setConfirmCrop] = hooks.useState(false);
- useEffect(() => {
+ hooks.useEffect(() => {
WINDOW.addEventListener('resize', resizeCropper, false);
}, []);
@@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ export function makeScreenshotEditorComponent({ imageBuffer, dialog, options }:
setCroppingRect({ startX: 0, startY: 0, endX: imageDimensions.width, endY: imageDimensions.height });
- useEffect(() => {
+ hooks.useEffect(() => {
const cropper = croppingRef.current;
if (!cropper) {
@@ -141,7 +148,7 @@ export function makeScreenshotEditorComponent({ imageBuffer, dialog, options }:
DOCUMENT.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);
- const makeHandleMouseMove = useCallback((corner: string) => {
+ const makeHandleMouseMove = hooks.useCallback((corner: string) => {
return function (e: MouseEvent) {
if (!croppingRef.current) {
@@ -218,10 +225,10 @@ export function makeScreenshotEditorComponent({ imageBuffer, dialog, options }:
- onBeforeScreenshot: useCallback(() => {
+ onBeforeScreenshot: hooks.useCallback(() => {
(dialog.el as HTMLElement).style.display = 'none';
}, []),
- onScreenshot: useCallback(
+ onScreenshot: hooks.useCallback(
(imageSource: HTMLVideoElement) => {
const context = imageBuffer.getContext('2d');
if (!context) {
@@ -235,13 +242,13 @@ export function makeScreenshotEditorComponent({ imageBuffer, dialog, options }:
- onAfterScreenshot: useCallback(() => {
+ onAfterScreenshot: hooks.useCallback(() => {
(dialog.el as HTMLElement).style.display = 'block';
const container = canvasContainerRef.current;
container && container.appendChild(imageBuffer);
}, []),
- onError: useCallback(error => {
+ onError: hooks.useCallback(error => {
(dialog.el as HTMLElement).style.display = 'block';
}, []),
diff --git a/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/useTakeScreenshot.tsx b/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/useTakeScreenshot.tsx
index bf50eab24283..a0e70247a007 100644
--- a/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/useTakeScreenshot.tsx
+++ b/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/components/useTakeScreenshot.tsx
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-// biome-ignore lint/nursery/noUnusedImports: reason
-import { h } from 'preact'; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
-import { useEffect } from 'preact/hooks';
+import type * as Hooks from 'preact/hooks';
import { DOCUMENT, NAVIGATOR, WINDOW } from '../../constants';
+interface FactoryParams {
+ hooks: typeof Hooks;
interface Props {
onBeforeScreenshot: () => void;
onScreenshot: (imageSource: HTMLVideoElement) => void;
@@ -10,36 +12,40 @@ interface Props {
onError: (error: Error) => void;
-export const useTakeScreenshot = ({ onBeforeScreenshot, onScreenshot, onAfterScreenshot, onError }: Props): void => {
- useEffect(() => {
- const takeScreenshot = async (): Promise => {
- onBeforeScreenshot();
- const stream = await NAVIGATOR.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
- video: {
- width: WINDOW.innerWidth * WINDOW.devicePixelRatio,
- height: WINDOW.innerHeight * WINDOW.devicePixelRatio,
- },
- audio: false,
- // @ts-expect-error experimental flags: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaDevices/getDisplayMedia#prefercurrenttab
- monitorTypeSurfaces: 'exclude',
- preferCurrentTab: true,
- selfBrowserSurface: 'include',
- surfaceSwitching: 'exclude',
- });
+type UseTakeScreenshot = ({ onBeforeScreenshot, onScreenshot, onAfterScreenshot, onError }: Props) => void;
- const video = DOCUMENT.createElement('video');
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- video.srcObject = stream;
- video.onloadedmetadata = () => {
- onScreenshot(video);
- stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
- resolve();
- };
- video.play().catch(reject);
- });
- onAfterScreenshot();
- };
+export function useTakeScreenshotFactory({ hooks }: FactoryParams): UseTakeScreenshot {
+ return function useTakeScreenshot({ onBeforeScreenshot, onScreenshot, onAfterScreenshot, onError }: Props) {
+ hooks.useEffect(() => {
+ const takeScreenshot = async (): Promise => {
+ onBeforeScreenshot();
+ const stream = await NAVIGATOR.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
+ video: {
+ width: WINDOW.innerWidth * WINDOW.devicePixelRatio,
+ height: WINDOW.innerHeight * WINDOW.devicePixelRatio,
+ },
+ audio: false,
+ // @ts-expect-error experimental flags: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaDevices/getDisplayMedia#prefercurrenttab
+ monitorTypeSurfaces: 'exclude',
+ preferCurrentTab: true,
+ selfBrowserSurface: 'include',
+ surfaceSwitching: 'exclude',
+ });
- takeScreenshot().catch(onError);
- }, []);
+ const video = DOCUMENT.createElement('video');
+ await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ video.srcObject = stream;
+ video.onloadedmetadata = () => {
+ onScreenshot(video);
+ stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
+ resolve();
+ };
+ video.play().catch(reject);
+ });
+ onAfterScreenshot();
+ };
+ takeScreenshot().catch(onError);
+ }, []);
+ };
diff --git a/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/integration.ts b/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/integration.ts
index 6edb1ce6a246..d4060c0071e2 100644
--- a/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/integration.ts
+++ b/packages/feedback/src/screenshot/integration.ts
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
-import type {
- FeedbackDialog,
- FeedbackInternalOptions,
- FeedbackScreenshotIntegration,
- IntegrationFn,
-} from '@sentry/types';
+import type { FeedbackScreenshotIntegration, IntegrationFn } from '@sentry/types';
import type { Attachment } from '@sentry/types';
import type { h as hType } from 'preact';
+import type * as Hooks from 'preact/hooks';
import { DOCUMENT } from '../constants';
-import { makeScreenshotEditorComponent } from './components/ScreenshotEditor';
+import { ScreenshotEditorFactory } from './components/ScreenshotEditor';
export const feedbackScreenshotIntegration = ((): FeedbackScreenshotIntegration => {
return {
name: 'FeedbackScreenshot',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
setupOnce() {},
- createInput: (h: unknown, dialog: FeedbackDialog, options: FeedbackInternalOptions) => {
+ createInput: ({ h, hooks, dialog, options }) => {
const imageBuffer = DOCUMENT.createElement('canvas');
return {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- input: makeScreenshotEditorComponent({ h: h as typeof hType, imageBuffer, dialog, options }) as any,
+ input: ScreenshotEditorFactory({
+ h: h as typeof hType,
+ hooks: hooks as typeof Hooks,
+ imageBuffer,
+ dialog,
+ options,
+ }) as any, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
value: async () => {
const blob = await new Promise[0]>(resolve => {
diff --git a/packages/node/src/integrations/tracing/koa.ts b/packages/node/src/integrations/tracing/koa.ts
index 1fc85234fb76..071238eb7094 100644
--- a/packages/node/src/integrations/tracing/koa.ts
+++ b/packages/node/src/integrations/tracing/koa.ts
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ export const setupKoaErrorHandler = (app: { use: (arg0: (ctx: any, next: any) =>
await next();
} catch (error) {
+ throw error;
diff --git a/packages/node/src/sdk/initOtel.ts b/packages/node/src/sdk/initOtel.ts
index 652c3826fa04..47c8879ae3e9 100644
--- a/packages/node/src/sdk/initOtel.ts
+++ b/packages/node/src/sdk/initOtel.ts
@@ -113,7 +113,11 @@ export function setupOtel(client: NodeClient): BasicTracerProvider {
forceFlushTimeoutMillis: 500,
- provider.addSpanProcessor(new SentrySpanProcessor());
+ provider.addSpanProcessor(
+ new SentrySpanProcessor({
+ timeout: client.getOptions().maxSpanWaitDuration,
+ }),
+ );
// Initialize the provider
diff --git a/packages/node/src/types.ts b/packages/node/src/types.ts
index d78e1761fd79..2c00302e2e64 100644
--- a/packages/node/src/types.ts
+++ b/packages/node/src/types.ts
@@ -74,6 +74,17 @@ export interface BaseNodeOptions {
skipOpenTelemetrySetup?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The max. duration in seconds that the SDK will wait for parent spans to be finished before discarding a span.
+ * The SDK will automatically clean up spans that have no finished parent after this duration.
+ * This is necessary to prevent memory leaks in case of parent spans that are never finished or otherwise dropped/missing.
+ * However, if you have very long-running spans in your application, a shorter duration might cause spans to be discarded too early.
+ * In this case, you can increase this duration to a value that fits your expected data.
+ *
+ * Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
+ */
+ maxSpanWaitDuration?: number;
/** Callback that is executed when a fatal global error occurs. */
onFatalError?(this: void, error: Error): void;
diff --git a/packages/node/test/integration/transactions.test.ts b/packages/node/test/integration/transactions.test.ts
index 75f5ef85a519..e3c9203ddaf5 100644
--- a/packages/node/test/integration/transactions.test.ts
+++ b/packages/node/test/integration/transactions.test.ts
@@ -633,4 +633,63 @@ describe('Integration | Transactions', () => {
+ it('allows to configure `maxSpanWaitDuration` to capture long running spans', async () => {
+ const transactions: TransactionEvent[] = [];
+ const beforeSendTransaction = jest.fn(event => {
+ transactions.push(event);
+ return null;
+ });
+ const now = Date.now();
+ jest.useFakeTimers();
+ jest.setSystemTime(now);
+ const logs: unknown[] = [];
+ jest.spyOn(logger, 'log').mockImplementation(msg => logs.push(msg));
+ mockSdkInit({
+ enableTracing: true,
+ beforeSendTransaction,
+ maxSpanWaitDuration: 100 * 60,
+ });
+ Sentry.startSpanManual({ name: 'test name' }, rootSpan => {
+ const subSpan = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'inner span 1' });
+ subSpan.end();
+ Sentry.startSpanManual({ name: 'inner span 2' }, innerSpan => {
+ // Child span ends after 10 min
+ setTimeout(
+ () => {
+ innerSpan.end();
+ },
+ 10 * 60 * 1_000,
+ );
+ });
+ // root span ends after 99 min
+ setTimeout(
+ () => {
+ rootSpan.end();
+ },
+ 99 * 10 * 1_000,
+ );
+ });
+ // Now wait for 100 mins
+ jest.advanceTimersByTime(100 * 60 * 1_000);
+ expect(beforeSendTransaction).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(transactions).toHaveLength(1);
+ const transaction = transactions[0]!;
+ expect(transaction.transaction).toEqual('test name');
+ const spans = transaction.spans || [];
+ expect(spans).toHaveLength(2);
+ expect(spans[0]!.description).toEqual('inner span 1');
+ expect(spans[1]!.description).toEqual('inner span 2');
+ });
diff --git a/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanExporter.ts b/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanExporter.ts
index 94e12bc019a8..d139044a713f 100644
--- a/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanExporter.ts
+++ b/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanExporter.ts
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import { parseSpanDescription } from './utils/parseSpanDescription';
type SpanNodeCompleted = SpanNode & { span: ReadableSpan };
const MAX_SPAN_COUNT = 1000;
+const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5 min
* A Sentry-specific exporter that converts OpenTelemetry Spans to Sentry Spans & Transactions.
@@ -40,9 +41,11 @@ const MAX_SPAN_COUNT = 1000;
export class SentrySpanExporter {
private _flushTimeout: ReturnType | undefined;
private _finishedSpans: ReadableSpan[];
+ private _timeout: number;
- public constructor() {
+ public constructor(options?: { timeout?: number }) {
this._finishedSpans = [];
+ this._timeout = options?.timeout || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
/** Export a single span. */
@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ export class SentrySpanExporter {
private _cleanupOldSpans(spans = this._finishedSpans): void {
this._finishedSpans = spans.filter(span => {
- const shouldDrop = shouldCleanupSpan(span, 5 * 60);
+ const shouldDrop = shouldCleanupSpan(span, this._timeout);
shouldDrop &&
diff --git a/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanProcessor.ts b/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanProcessor.ts
index e3f604cab64b..71dab1359b94 100644
--- a/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanProcessor.ts
+++ b/packages/opentelemetry/src/spanProcessor.ts
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ function onSpanEnd(span: Span): void {
export class SentrySpanProcessor implements SpanProcessorInterface {
private _exporter: SentrySpanExporter;
- public constructor() {
+ public constructor(options?: { timeout?: number }) {
- this._exporter = new SentrySpanExporter();
+ this._exporter = new SentrySpanExporter(options);
diff --git a/packages/remix/src/index.client.tsx b/packages/remix/src/index.client.tsx
index 4f0c9ab662ad..711fd3c2d2fc 100644
--- a/packages/remix/src/index.client.tsx
+++ b/packages/remix/src/index.client.tsx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export async function captureRemixServerException(
err: unknown,
name: string,
request: Request,
- isRemixV2: boolean,
+ isRemixV2?: boolean,
): Promise {
diff --git a/packages/remix/src/index.types.ts b/packages/remix/src/index.types.ts
index 05bc6483218e..61088e370b45 100644
--- a/packages/remix/src/index.types.ts
+++ b/packages/remix/src/index.types.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export declare function captureRemixServerException(
err: unknown,
name: string,
request: Request,
- isRemixV2: boolean,
+ isRemixV2?: boolean,
): Promise;
// This variable is not a runtime variable but just a type to tell typescript that the methods below can either come
diff --git a/packages/remix/src/utils/errors.ts b/packages/remix/src/utils/errors.ts
index 3c8943d2c107..92958c2c3eb3 100644
--- a/packages/remix/src/utils/errors.ts
+++ b/packages/remix/src/utils/errors.ts
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ export async function errorHandleDataFunction(
// Remix v1 does not have a `handleError` function, so we capture all errors here.
if (isRemixV2 ? isResponse(err) : true) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
- captureRemixServerException(err, name, args.request);
+ captureRemixServerException(err, name, args.request, true);
throw err;
diff --git a/packages/remix/test/integration/app_v2/routes/click-error.tsx b/packages/remix/test/integration/app_v2/routes/click-error.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e42801b2cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/remix/test/integration/app_v2/routes/click-error.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Throw error on click
+export default function ClickError() {
+ return (