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Couldn't find key stacktrace in dynamic #438

2 of 5 tasks
kyo504 opened this issue Jul 5, 2018 · 25 comments
2 of 5 tasks

Couldn't find key stacktrace in dynamic #438

kyo504 opened this issue Jul 5, 2018 · 25 comments


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kyo504 commented Jul 5, 2018


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Output of node -v && yarn -v && yarn list --prod --depth=0

yarn list v1.7.0
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├─ remove-trailing-separator@1.1.0
├─ repeat-element@1.1.2
├─ repeat-string@1.6.1
├─ repeating@2.0.1
├─ request@2.87.0
├─ require-directory@2.1.1
├─ require-main-filename@1.0.1
├─ requires-port@1.0.0
├─ resolve-url@0.2.1
├─ response-time@2.3.2
├─ restore-cursor@2.0.0
├─ ret@0.1.15
├─ reusify@1.0.4
├─ rimraf@2.6.2
├─ rndm@1.2.0
├─ route-parser@0.0.5
├─ rsvp@3.6.2
├─ run-async@2.3.0
├─ rx-lite-aggregates@4.0.8
├─ rx-lite@4.0.8
├─ rx@4.1.0
├─ rxjs@5.5.11
├─ safe-buffer@5.1.2
├─ safe-regex@1.1.0
├─ safer-buffer@2.1.2
├─ sane@2.5.2
├─ sax@1.1.6
├─ semver@5.4.1
├─ send@0.13.2
├─ serialize-error@2.1.0
├─ serve-favicon@2.3.2
├─ serve-index@1.7.3
├─ serve-static@1.10.3
├─ set-blocking@2.0.0
├─ set-value@2.0.0
├─ setimmediate@1.0.5
├─ shebang-command@1.2.0
├─ shebang-regex@1.0.0
├─ shell-quote@1.6.1
├─ shellwords@0.1.1
├─ signal-exit@3.0.2
├─ simple-plist@0.2.1
├─ simple-swizzle@0.2.2
├─ slash@1.0.0
├─ slide@1.1.6
├─ snapdragon-node@2.1.1
├─ snapdragon-util@3.0.1
├─ snapdragon@0.8.2
├─ source-map-resolve@0.5.2
├─ source-map-support@0.4.18
├─ source-map-url@0.4.0
├─ source-map@0.5.7
├─ spdx-correct@3.0.0
├─ spdx-exceptions@2.1.0
├─ spdx-expression-parse@3.0.0
├─ spdx-license-ids@3.0.0
├─ split-string@3.1.0
├─ sshpk@1.14.2
├─ stacktrace-parser@0.1.4
├─ static-extend@0.1.2
├─ statuses@1.5.0
├─ stream-buffers@2.2.0
├─ stream-counter@0.2.0
├─ strict-uri-encode@1.1.0
├─ string_decoder@1.1.1
├─ string-width@2.1.1
├─ strip-ansi@3.0.1
├─ strip-bom@3.0.0
├─ strip-eof@1.0.0
├─ strip-json-comments@2.0.1
├─ supports-color@2.0.0
├─ symbol-observable@1.2.0
├─ tar@4.4.4
├─ temp@0.8.3
├─ throat@4.1.0
├─ through@2.3.8
├─ through2@2.0.3
├─ time-stamp@1.1.0
├─ timed-out@4.0.1
├─ tmp@0.0.33
├─ tmpl@1.0.4
├─ to-fast-properties@1.0.3
├─ to-object-path@0.3.0
├─ to-regex-range@2.1.1
├─ to-regex@3.0.2
├─ tough-cookie@2.3.4
├─ transit-immutable-js@0.7.0
├─ transit-js@0.8.861
├─ trim-right@1.0.1
├─ tsscmp@1.0.5
├─ tunnel-agent@0.6.0
├─ tweetnacl@0.14.5
├─ type-is@1.6.16
├─ typedarray-to-buffer@3.1.5
├─ typedarray@0.0.6
├─ ua-parser-js@0.7.18
├─ uglify-es@3.3.9
├─ uid-safe@2.0.0
├─ ultron@1.0.2
├─ union-value@1.0.0
├─ unpipe@1.0.0
├─ unset-value@1.0.0
├─ urix@0.1.0
├─ url-parse-lax@1.0.0
├─ url-parse@1.2.0
├─ url-to-options@1.0.1
├─ use@3.1.0
├─ utf8@2.1.2
├─ util-deprecate@1.0.2
├─ utils-merge@1.0.0
├─ uuid@3.0.1
├─ validate-npm-package-license@3.0.3
├─ validator@9.1.1
├─ vary@1.0.1
├─ verror@1.10.0
├─ vhost@3.0.2
├─ walker@1.0.7
├─ watch@0.18.0
├─ whatwg-fetch@1.1.1
├─ which-module@2.0.0
├─ which@1.3.1
├─ wide-align@1.1.3
├─ win-release@1.1.1
├─ wordwrap@1.0.0
├─ wrap-ansi@2.1.0
├─ wrappy@1.0.2
├─ write-file-atomic@1.3.4
├─ ws@1.1.5
├─ xcode@0.9.3
├─ xmlbuilder@8.2.2
├─ xmldoc@0.4.0
├─ xmldom@0.1.27
├─ xpipe@1.0.5
├─ xtend@4.0.1
├─ y18n@3.2.1
├─ yallist@3.0.2
├─ yargs-parser@7.0.0
└─ yargs@9.0.1


  Sentry.config(DSN, {
    debug: isDev,
    release: packageJSON.version,

I have following issue:

When I turn on Debug JS Remotely, app crashes with error message below.

07-05 13:39:13.759 7347-7615/ E/unknown:ReactNative: Exception in native call
    com.facebook.react.bridge.NoSuchKeyException: couldn't find key stacktrace in dynamic object
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableNativeMap.getMap(Native Method)
        at io.sentry.RNSentryModule.captureEvent(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaMethodWrapper.invoke(
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke(
        at Method)
        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
        at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step
  • Run application
  • Turn on Debug JS Remotely

Actual result:

  • Actual: App runs normally

Expected result:

  • Result: App crashes with the error message above
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kyo504 commented Jul 29, 2018

We have moved to another service so I close this.

@kyo504 kyo504 closed this as completed Jul 29, 2018
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I am having the same problem. Could you reopen?

@HazAT HazAT reopened this Aug 3, 2018
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HazAT commented Aug 3, 2018

How do I reproduce this, does this only happen when remote debugging on Android?

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ghost commented Aug 5, 2018

I too have what seems to be this error on react-native-sentry@0.38.3

Yes, this error only happens when remote debugging on Android and when an error is being captured.

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It happens only when the remote debugger is on. had to disable sentry on android while debugging, just comment the Sentry.config('<url>').install(); line, not sure if there is a better way to disable it though.

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Same issue here react-native-sentry@0.38.3, react-native@0.56.0.

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It happends when your app crashes and your remote debugger is running.
I comment out Sentry while I'm debugging.

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luco commented Sep 18, 2018

Any updates on this?

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apski commented Sep 23, 2018

Also having this problem...

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lukecyca commented Nov 7, 2018

We're also having this problem. For now we disable Sentry while using remote debugging.

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equesteo commented Dec 6, 2018

I am experiencing this error in production with no remote debugging set up. It is intermittent and rare, but happens:

com.facebook.react.bridge.NoSuchKeyException: couldn't find key stacktrace in dynamic object
    at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableNativeMap.getMapNative(
    at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableNativeMap.getMap(
    at io.sentry.RNSentryModule.captureEvent(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaMethodWrapper.invoke(
    at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke(
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$

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@HazAT the fatal error that my app is trying to report doens't have a stacktrace key, so the following expression causes a crash:
stacktrace = exception.getMap("stacktrace");
Maybe that should be checked with hasKey() before the call.

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cospin commented Jan 14, 2019

Hello, any news on this? Same thing happening here 😢

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equesteo commented Jan 14, 2019

I eventually found the cause of this error for my particular case. I was directly throwing the error object PouchDB gave back. I solved it by converting the PouchDB error object to a native error. I would expect the SDK to handle this case, but apparently you have to be very careful what kind of errors you're throwing.


              live: false,
              doc_ids: fetchIDs,
          ).on('complete', () => {
          }).on('error', (e) => {
            throw e


          live: false,
          query_params: {
            userIDs: userIDs
      ).on('complete', () => {
      }).on('error', (e) => {
        reject(new Error('localReplicateUsers error'))

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I had the same issue. Once I turned off the Sentry.config line, I saw that I had a promise with an unhandled rejection. Adding a .catch(() => null) to that promise (to swallow the error) fixed the native crash

That said, I would expect the Sentry SDK to be able to deal with unhandled promise rejections

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I have the same issue...
Could be nice to have a real fix :)
This issue has been open for too long 😢

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equesteo commented Feb 5, 2019

Yeah, I'm going to have to quit using Sentry soon if this doesn't get fixed. It throws this error in production, which covers up real errors and makes them impossible to track down. Total dealbreaker.

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I have same issue.

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ghost commented Mar 11, 2019

It seems, that Sentry cannot catch some error and crashes the app. gwmccull 's solution to figure out the error works. But it is temp solution, need fix in Sentry project code.

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I'm experiencing this as well.

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petergaultney commented Apr 4, 2019

Our issue is also being caused by a non-fatal unhandled promise rejection occuring while remote debugging. With Sentry disabled I get a warning in the console, unfortunately without a stacktrace, which means I've not been able to find the specific offender and attach a catch to it (assuming it's even in our code and not in a library somewhere).

Our programmatic workaround is also to disable Sentry while remote debugging. Concretely, we're defining const haveRemoteDev = typeof DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' and then only calling Sentry.config and the rest of our setup if that boolean is false.

It's unfortunate not to have Sentry working in our local dev environments, as sometimes the output can actually be better than the remote debugger. But it's obviously not worth the occasional crashes.

Sentry devs, if anyone is listening, it would be really nice to have an actual fix for this issue. It's clearly bad behavior to be crashing the app in your code.

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t0m0120 commented Apr 24, 2019

I have the same issue while remote debugging.
I feel that this error is displayed when there is a Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection.

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onedazy commented Apr 29, 2019


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jdegger commented May 2, 2019

We solved this problem by disabling native integration on android in dev mode:

Sentry.config(Constants.XG_SENTRY_KEY, {
  deactivateStacktraceMerging: true,
  disableNativeIntegration: __DEV__ === true && Platform.OS === 'android',

The impact of this is minimal and it solves the problem. The inspiration for this solution came from #6

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HazAT commented Sep 4, 2019

I am closing all old issues, please if this is still a problem feel free to revive it.
Also, consider moving to our new SDK @sentry/react-native if it still happens there please open a new issue.

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