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1032 lines (850 loc) · 44.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1032 lines (850 loc) · 44.6 KB

Dev Notes

Alternative to std::system

Use ext_sysprocess

#include "ext_sysprocess.h"

@@ -789,11 +789,11 @@ t_max_err ck_edit(t_ck* x, t_symbol* s)
     if (s != gensym("")) {
         x->edit_file = ck_check_file(x, s);
         if (x->edit_file != gensym("")) {
-            std::string cmd;
-            // post("edit: %s", x->edit_file->s_name);
-            cmd = std::string(x->editor->s_name) + " " + std::string(x->edit_fi
-            std::system(cmd.c_str());
+            if (sysprocess_launch(x->editor->s_name, x->edit_file->s_name) == 0
) {
+                error("could not open %s with editor %s",
+                    x->edit_file->s_name, x->editor->s_name);
+                return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;
+            }
             return MAX_ERR_NONE;

Registering and Binding Different Callbacks

Sidestepping limitations of callbacks (see here and here) especially due to lack of capture of context variables, their use is limited in Max as they don't have access to the struct pointer unless it is stored in a global pointer..

The following provides for more than one family of callbacks through the use of maps of function pointers. Probably abandon it due to above limitation.

To have more than 1 callback instance which can be retrieved by name from a map:

// typedefs
typedef void (*t_cb_event)(const char*);
typedef void (*t_cb_int)(const char*, t_CKINT);
typedef void (*t_cb_float)(const char*, t_CKFLOAT);
typedef void (*t_cb_string)(const char*, const char*);
typedef void (*t_cb_int_array)(const char*, t_CKINT[], t_CKUINT);
typedef void (*t_cb_float_array)(const char*, t_CKFLOAT[], t_CKUINT);

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, t_cb_event> t_map_cb_event;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, t_cb_int> t_map_cb_int;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, t_cb_float> t_map_cb_float;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, t_cb_string> t_map_cb_string;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, t_cb_int_array> t_map_cb_int_array;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, t_cb_float_array> t_map_cb_float_array;

x->default_cb = gensym("default");

// init callback maps
x->map_cb_event = t_map_cb_event();
x->map_cb_int = t_map_cb_int();
x->map_cb_float = t_map_cb_float();
x->map_cb_string = t_map_cb_string();
x->map_cb_int_array = t_map_cb_int_array();
x->map_cb_float_array = t_map_cb_float_array();
// ? add others

// register callbacks
x->map_cb_event.emplace("default", &cb_event);
x->map_cb_int.emplace("default", &cb_get_int);
x->map_cb_float.emplace("default", &cb_get_float);
x->map_cb_string.emplace("default", &cb_get_string);
x->map_cb_int_array.emplace("default", &cb_get_int_array);
x->map_cb_float_array.emplace("default", &cb_get_float_array);
// ? add others

// then getting or using a fpointer is a matter of lookup on 'default' or other.

t_max_err ck_register(t_ck* x, t_symbol* s, long listen_forever)
    if (!x->map_cb_event.count(s->s_name)) {
        error("event/callback not found: %s", s->s_name);
        return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;
    std::string key = std::string(s->s_name);
    t_cb_event cb = x->map_cb_event[key];
    // false: for a one off call, strue: called everytime it is called
    if (x->chuck->vm()->globals_manager()->listenForGlobalEvent(s->s_name, cb, (bool)listen_forever)) {
        post("%s event/callback registered", s->s_name);
        return MAX_ERR_NONE;
    return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;

t_max_err ck_unregister(t_ck* x, t_symbol* s)
    if (!x->map_cb_event.count(s->s_name)) {
        error("event/callback not found: %s", s->s_name);
        return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;
    std::string key = std::string(s->s_name);
    t_cb_event cb = x->map_cb_event[key];
    if (x->chuck->vm()->globals_manager()->stopListeningForGlobalEvent(s->s_name, cb)) {
        post("%s event/callback unregistered", s->s_name);
        return MAX_ERR_NONE;
    return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;

Using Max code editor

// struct
t_object* code_editor;  // code editor object
char** code;            // handle to code buffer for code editor
long code_size;         // length of code buffer
t_fourcc code_filetype; // filetype four char code of 'TEXT'
t_fourcc code_outtype;  // savetype four char code of 'TEXT'
char code_filename[MAX_PATH_CHARS]; // file name field
char code_pathname[MAX_PATH_CHARS]; // file path field
short code_path;   // short code for max file system
long run_on_save;  // evaluate/run code in editor on save
long run_on_close; // evaluate/run code in editor on close

void ck_dblclick(t_ck* x)
    if ((x->run_file != gensym("")) && (x->editor != gensym(""))) {
        ck_edit(x, x->run_file);
    } else if (x->code_editor) {
        object_attr_setchar(x->code_editor, gensym("visible"), 1);
    } else {
        x->code_editor = (t_object*)object_new(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("jed"), x, 0);
        object_method(x->code_editor, gensym("settext"), *x->code, gensym("utf-8"));
        object_attr_setchar(x->code_editor, gensym("scratch"), 1);
        object_attr_setsym(x->code_editor, gensym("title"), gensym("ck-editor"));

// etc.

How to Sync Chuck <=> Max

Possible to use alternative (active transport) notion?

1nd - Dotted whole note - 2880 ticks
1n - Whole note - 1920 ticks
1nt - Whole note triplet - 1280 ticks
2nd - Dotted half note - 1440 ticks
2n - Half note - 960 ticks
2nt - Half note triplet - 640 ticks
4nd - Dotted quarter note - 720 ticks
4n - Quarter note - 480 ticks
4nt - Quarter note triplet - 320 ticks
8nd - Dotted eighth note - 360 ticks
8n - Eighth note - 240 ticks
8nt - Eighth note triplet - 160 ticks
16nd - Dotted sixteenth note - 180 ticks
16n - Sixteenth note - 120 ticks
16nt - Sixteenth note triplet - 80 ticks
32nd - Dotted thirty-second note - 90 ticks
32n - thirty-second note - 60 ticks
32nt - thirty-second-note triplet - 40 ticks
64nd - Dotted sixty-fourth note - 45 ticks
64n - Sixty-fourth note - 30 ticks
128n - One-hundred-twenty-eighth note - 15 ticks

1nd, 1n, 1nt, 2nd, 2n, 2nt, 4nd, 4n, 4nt, 8nd, 8n, 8nt, 16nd, 16n, 16nt, 32nd, 32n, 32nt, 64nd, 64n, 128n 

Sending Messages to Maxobject

t_max_err ck_send_max_msg(t_ck* x, t_symbol* s, const char* parsestr)
    t_max_err err;

    t_object *maxobj = (t_object*)object_new(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("max"));
    if (maxobj == NULL) {
        error("could not get max object");
    err = object_method_parse(maxobj, s, parsestr, NULL);
    if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE) {
        error("could not send msg: ;max %s %s", s->s_name, parsestr);
        return err;

Getting a default external editor

It seemed to be a bit difficult to retrieve the path of the default external editor. So if x->editor is also an attribute then it should be possible set as follows:

if (const char* editor = std::getenv("EDITOR")) {                   // 1
    post("editor: %s", editor);
    x->editor = gensym(editor);
} else if (x->editor = preferences_getsym("externaleditor")) {      // 2
    post("editor: %s", x->editor->s_name);
} else {
    x->editor = gensym("");

(1) didn't initially work, but works after a restart or intermittently? and (2) retrieves only the stem of the path of the configured executable in which locatefile_extended doesn't work.

t_max_err ck_edit(t_ck* x, t_symbol* s)
    if (x->editor == gensym("")) {
        error("editor attribute or EDITOR env var not set");
        return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;

    if (s != gensym("")) {
        char conform_path[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
        std::string cmd;

        path_nameconform(s->s_name, conform_path, PATH_STYLE_MAX, PATH_TYPE_BOOT);
        post("edit: %s", conform_path);
        if (x->editor_from_prefs) {
            post("open editor: %s", x->editor->s_name);
            cmd = std::string("/usr/bin/open -a '") + std::string(x->editor->s_name) + "' " + std::string(conform_path);
        } else {
            post("exec editor: %s", x->editor->s_name);
            cmd = std::string(x->editor->s_name) + " " + std::string(conform_path);
        return MAX_ERR_NONE;
    error("ck_edit: reguires a filename");
    return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;

also see: get-path-of-executable

Using chuck api more efficiently

The chuck shell in core/chuck_shell.h has a very nice interface but is a repl (chuck --shell from the commandline). The core/lib_machine.h api is also quite nice, but is meant to be called from chuck code. Chuck shell uses the core/chuck_otf.h functionality. Maybe easier to hook into one or more of these apis instead or re-implementing the wheel.


    implemented Chuck_Msg_Type(s)

    [x] CK_MSG_ADD
    [-] CK_MSG_PAUSE            OTF only
    [-] CK_MSG_EXIT             Not applicable
    [x] CK_MSG_TIME
    [-] CK_MSG_DONE             OTF only
    [-] CK_MSG_ABORT            OTF only
    [-] CK_MSG_ERROR            Not implemented


    [x] add <path> <args>
    [x] add <code>

    [x] replace <shredID> <path> <args>
    [ ] replace <shredID> <withShredID>
    [ ] replace <shredID> <code>

Faust.chug causes Max crash on closing (not yet solved)

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process:               Max [41388]

Crashed Thread:        0  CrBrowserMain  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:        EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6
Terminating Process:   Max [41388]

Application Specific Information:
abort() called

Kernel Triage:
VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter

Thread 0 Crashed:: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                 0x199be2a60 __pthread_kill + 8
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                0x199c1ac20 pthread_kill + 288
2   libsystem_c.dylib                      0x199b27a20 abort + 180
3   libc++abi.dylib                        0x199bd1d30 abort_message + 132
4   libc++abi.dylib                        0x199bc1fcc demangling_terminate_handler() + 320
5   libobjc.A.dylib                        0x1998601e0 _objc_terminate() + 160
6   libc++abi.dylib                        0x199bd10f4 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 16
7   libc++abi.dylib                        0x199bd4348 __cxxabiv1::failed_throw(__cxxabiv1::__cxa_exception*) + 88
8   libc++abi.dylib                        0x199bd428c __cxa_throw + 308
9   libc++.1.dylib                         0x199b52a28 std::__1::__throw_system_error(int, char const*) + 100
10  libc++.1.dylib                         0x199b468c0 std::__1::recursive_mutex::lock() + 40
11  Faust.chug                             0x140bad3d0 0x140000000 + 12243920
12  Faust.chug                             0x140de24bc llvm::MCJIT::~MCJIT() + 164
13  Faust.chug                             0x140de27f4 llvm::MCJIT::~MCJIT() + 12
14  Faust.chug                             0x141a6d3f4 0x140000000 + 27710452
15  Faust.chug                             0x141a81b64 0x140000000 + 27794276
16  Faust.chug                             0x141a72b74 0x140000000 + 27732852
17  Faust.chug                             0x141a72d48 0x140000000 + 27733320
18  Faust.chug                             0x141a7aa80 0x140000000 + 27765376
19  Faust.chug                             0x141a7a9f0 0x140000000 + 27765232
20  Faust.chug                             0x141a6c33c 0x140000000 + 27706172

Fauck and WarpBuf chugins

Fauck chugin can be deployed in two ways for macOS:

  1. Default is via a macos bundle with the faust stdlib included inside the bundle

  2. As a non-bundled module with chugins and faust stdlib in the examples folder

Preference in this case is for (2) since it is useful to have direct access to chugins and stdlib (and related examples). The package format is more natural for Max/MSP.

Converting (1) to (2) was a major pain because the faust dependency needs to be git cloned as branch 2.69.3, if current main was cloned it would. segfault inexplicably at the compute function.

Converting chugins to cmake builds

This has been pretty straightforward, especially as the project is currently only targeting one platform (macOS).

However, static compilation and integration of chugins is not working although this is indicated as possible in the makefiles: static chugins were not recognized when invoked via test scripts.

Why isn't chuck a git submodule?

The directories chuck/src/core, chuck/src/host, chuck/src/host-embed are directly included for the sake of practicality in the chuck-max/source/projects/chuck~ folder. Typically the chuck repo would have been included as an external dependency and downloaded and built when required.

The prior reason was that the chuck repo until recently, even at --depth=1, required more than 1 GB of storage and could take ages to download.

With this problem solved, a script (source/scripts/ is preferred to including chuck and chugins directories as git submodules.

Audio Processing Block Evolution

The initial audio processing algorithm was pretty much taken from David Braun's ChucKDesigner processBlock function in Plugin_ChucK.cpp

CHUCKDESIGNERSHARED_API bool processBlock(unsigned int chuckID, const float** inBuffer, int inBufferNumChannels, int inBufferNumSamples, float* inChucKBuffer, float* outChucKBuffer, float** outBuffer, int numOutSamples, int numOutChannels)

    if (chuck_instances.count(chuckID) == 0) {
        return false;
    ChucK* chuck = chuck_instances[chuckID];

    int numOutChans = chuck->vm()->m_num_dac_channels;
    if (numOutChans != numOutChannels) {
        return false;

    int numSamples;
    int numInChannels = std::min<int>(inBufferNumChannels, (int)chuck->vm()->m_num_adc_channels);

    for (int i = 0; i < numOutSamples; i += CHUCKDESIGNERCHOP_BUFFER_SIZE) {

        // chuck->run(inbuffer, *output->channels, output->numSamples); // this doesn't work because of interleaved samples.
        // Chuck returns LRLRLRLR but for touchdesigner we want LLLLRRRR.
        // Therefore we must use an intermediate buffer
        float* inPtr = inChucKBuffer;

        numSamples = min(CHUCKDESIGNERCHOP_BUFFER_SIZE, numOutSamples - i);

        if (inBuffer) {
            for (int samp = i; samp < std::min<int>(inBufferNumSamples, i + CHUCKDESIGNERCHOP_BUFFER_SIZE); samp++) {
                for (int chan = 0; chan < numInChannels; chan++) {
                    *(inPtr++) = inBuffer[chan][samp];
        float* outPtr = outChucKBuffer;

        chuck->run(inChucKBuffer, outChucKBuffer, numSamples);

        for (int samp = 0; samp < numSamples; samp++) {
            for (int chan = 0; chan < numOutChans; chan++) {
                outBuffer[chan][i + samp] = *outPtr++;


    return true;

This was initially changed to this:

void ck_perform64(t_ck *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
    int n = sampleframes; // n = 64
    int numSamples;

    int numOutSamples = n;
    int inBufferNumSamples = n;

    for (int i = 0; i < numOutSamples; i += BUFFER_SIZE) {

        float* inPtr = x->in_chuck_buffer;

        numSamples = min(BUFFER_SIZE, numOutSamples - i);

        if (ins) {
            for (int samp = i; samp < std::min<int>(inBufferNumSamples, i + BUFFER_SIZE); samp++) {
                for (int chan = 0; chan < N_IN_CHANNELS; chan++) {
                    *(inPtr++) = ins[chan][samp];
        float* outPtr = x->out_chuck_buffer;

        x->chuck->run(x->in_chuck_buffer, x->out_chuck_buffer, numSamples);

        for (int samp = 0; samp < numSamples; samp++) {
            for (int chan = 0; chan < N_OUT_CHANNELS; chan++) {
                outs[chan][i + samp] = *outPtr++;


and finally, it was simplified to the following with the help of Professor GE Wang

void ck_perform64(t_ck* x, t_object* dsp64, double** ins, long numins,
                  double** outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags,
                  void* userparam)
    float* in_ptr = x->in_chuck_buffer;
    float* out_ptr = x->out_chuck_buffer;
    long n = sampleframes; // n = 64

    if (ins) {
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int chan = 0; chan < numins; chan++) {
                *(in_ptr++) = ins[chan][i];

    x->chuck->run(x->in_chuck_buffer, x->out_chuck_buffer, n);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int chan = 0; chan < numouts; chan++) {
            outs[chan][i] = *out_ptr++;

Parameters via the global keyword

How to set default global values?

As a general rule, if the chuck code will not run in chuck, then it will not run in chuck-max.

So global parameters should be initialized in the chuck script as normal and chuck-max will change the value of initialization on opening. It practice, this is a non-issue.

From "Chunity: Integrated Audiovisual Programming in Unity"

We have added the new global keyword to enable integrated communication between ChucK code and the outside environment that ChucK is embedded in (the embedding host). The global keyword is used when declaring the type of a variable, such as (A) below

public class EventResponder : MonoBehaviour {
 private ChuckSubInstance myChuck;
 void Start() {
  myChuck = GetComponent<ChuckSubInstance>();
     // broadcast "notifier" every 250 ms
     myChuck.RunCode( @"
       global Event notifier; // <- Here (A)
       while( true ) {
         250::ms => now;
  } ");

     // create a ChuckEventListener
     ChuckEventListener listener = gameObject
     // call MyCallback() during Update()
     //   after every broadcast from "notifier"
     listener.ListenForEvent( myChuck, "notifier", // <- Here (B)
       MyCallback );

 void MyCallback() {
     // react to event (rotate my object)
     transform.Rotate( new Vector3( 5, 10, 15 ) );

The main guiding principle in the design of this keyword is that it is not necessary for ChucK to know anything about the embedding host, or whether it is embedded at all. Instead, global variables appear like normal variables within their own ChucK script, but can be inspected, edited, or listened to by other ChucK scripts or by the embedding host.

So far, the global keyword is enabled for three types of variables;

  1. The first type of global variable is primitives: ints, floats, and strings. The embedding host can get and set their values. The get operation requires the use of a callback because the embedding host often runs on a different thread than the audio thread.

  2. The second type of global variable is Events. ChucK Events are used to pause execution in a ChucK script until the Event signals that it has occurred. The embedding host can signal or broadcast a global Event (i.e. trigger one or all ChucK scripts waiting on the event). The embedding host can also register a callback to be called every time a global Event is broadcast, as (B) in the code example above. This callback to user code occurs on the audio thread and thus is timed with sample-level accuracy; a tighter integration of timing between audio and visuals is not achievable.

  3. The third type of global variable is UGens (unit generators). ChucK UGens are signal processing elements that generate streams of audio. The embedding host can fetch a global UGen’s most recent samples.

... The desire to embed ChucK in Unity motivated the wider libChucK rearchitecture project, which enables ChucK to act as an embeddable component in any C++ project.

The ChucK source was separated into core and host code- bases. The core comprises the language parser, which compiles code, and virtual machine (VM), which translates audio inputs to outputs. One embeds ChucK in a new project by simply writing a new host that calls these functions.

The rearchitecture allowed multiple VMs to exist in the same address space (useful for contexts where the number of channels is limited and multiple outputs are desired, such as in a digital audio plugin or Unity’s spatial audio system). It also enabled the redirection of all ChucK error messages to an optional callback (e.g. the Unity debug console).

Chuck Events

See above section on events.. "ChucK Events are used to pause execution in a ChucK script until the Event signals that it has occurred."

Documented here

Relevant interface is provided in chuck/core/chuck_oo.h and chuck/core/chuck_globals.h

There are local events and global events, see and for examples of both. Trigger a single named event is via ck_sigal , and all events of the same name via ck_broadcast which implement:

t_CKBOOL Chuck_Globals_Manager::signalGlobalEvent( const char * name );
t_CKBOOL Chuck_Globals_Manager::broadcastGlobalEvent( const char * name );

Data and Event flow between chuck~ and Max

Max messages change chuck global variables

The following set functions are used in the ck_anything() message handler

t_CKBOOL setGlobalInt( const char * name, t_CKINT val );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalFloat( const char * name, t_CKFLOAT val );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalString( const char * name, const char * val );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalIntArray( const char * name, t_CKINT arrayValues[], t_CKUINT numValues );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalIntArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKUINT index, t_CKINT value );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalAssociativeIntArrayValue( const char * name, const char * key, t_CKINT value );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalFloatArray( const char * name, t_CKFLOAT arrayValues[], t_CKUINT numValues );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalFloatArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKUINT index, t_CKFLOAT value );
t_CKBOOL setGlobalAssociativeFloatArrayValue( const char * name, const char * key, t_CKFLOAT value );

Clobal Variable Callbacks

// A. primitives
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// fn(T value)
void cb_global_int1(t_CKINT val);
void cb_global_float1(t_CKFLOAT val);
void cb_global_string1(const char* val);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalInt( const char * name, void (*callback)(t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloat( const char * name, void (*callback)(t_CKFLOAT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalString( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*) );

// fn(string name, T value)
void cb_global_int2(const char* name, t_CKINT val);
void cb_global_float2(const char* name, t_CKFLOAT val);
void cb_global_string2(const char* name, const char* val);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalInt( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloat( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKFLOAT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalString( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*, const char*) );

// fn(int id, T value)
void cb_global_int3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKINT val);
void cb_global_float3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKFLOAT val);
void cb_global_string3(t_CKINT cb_id, const char* val);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalInt( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloat( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKFLOAT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalString( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, const char*) );

// B. arrays
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// fn(T array[], int size)
void cb_global_int_array1(t_CKINT array[], t_CKUINT n);
void cb_global_float_array1(t_CKFLOAT array[], t_CKUINT n);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalIntArray( const char * name, void (*callback)(t_CKINT[], t_CKUINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloatArray( const char * name, void (*callback)(t_CKFLOAT[], t_CKUINT) );

// fn(string name, T array[], int size)
void cb_global_int_array2(const char* name, t_CKINT array[], t_CKUINT n);
void cb_global_float_array2(const char* name, t_CKFLOAT array[], t_CKUINT n);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalIntArray( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKINT[], t_CKUINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloatArray( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKFLOAT[], t_CKUINT) );

// fn(int cb_id, T array[], int size)
void cb_global_int_array3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKINT array[], t_CKUINT n);
void cb_global_float_array3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKFLOAT array[], t_CKUINT n);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalIntArray( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKINT[], t_CKUINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloatArray( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKFLOAT[], t_CKUINT) );

// C. array values
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// fn(T value)
void cb_global_int_array_value1(t_CKINT value);
void cb_global_float_array_value1(t_CKFLOAT value);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalIntArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKUINT index, void (*callback)(t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloatArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKUINT index, void (*callback)(t_CKFLOAT) );

// fn(string name, T value)
void cb_global_int_array_value2(const char* name, t_CKINT value);
void cb_global_float_array_value2(const char* name, t_CKFLOAT value);
// use by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalIntArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKUINT index, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloatArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKUINT index, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKFLOAT) );

// fn(int cb_id, T value)
void cb_global_int_array_value3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKINT value);
void cb_global_float_array_value3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKFLOAT value);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalIntArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, t_CKUINT index, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalFloatArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, t_CKUINT index, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKFLOAT) );

// D. array values of associated arrays
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// fn(T value)
void cb_global_assoc_int_array_value1(t_CKINT val);
void cb_global_assoc_float_array_value1(t_CKFLOAT val);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalAssociativeIntArrayValue( const char * name, const char * key, void (*callback)(t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalAssociativeFloatArrayValue( const char * name, const char * key, void (*callback)(t_CKFLOAT) );

// fn(string name, T value)
void cb_global_assoc_int_array_value2(const char* name, t_CKINT val);
void cb_global_assoc_float_array_value2(const char* name, t_CKFLOAT val);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalAssociativeIntArrayValue( const char * name, const char * key, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalAssociativeFloatArrayValue( const char * name, const char * key, void (*callback)(const char*, t_CKFLOAT) );

// fn(int cb_id, T value)
void cb_global_assoc_int_array_value3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKINT val);
void cb_global_assoc_float_array_value3(t_CKINT cb_id, t_CKFLOAT val);
// used by
t_CKBOOL getGlobalAssociativeIntArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, const char * key, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKINT) );
t_CKBOOL getGlobalAssociativeFloatArrayValue( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, const char * key, void (*callback)(t_CKINT, t_CKFLOAT) );

Global Event Callbacks

Can be used for chuck code to trigger callback functions in the external. Prelim example provided.

Better examples needed. How to use the following functions creatively

t_CKBOOL signalGlobalEvent( const char * name );
t_CKBOOL broadcastGlobalEvent( const char * name );
t_CKBOOL listenForGlobalEvent( const char * name, void (*callback)(void), t_CKBOOL listen_forever );
t_CKBOOL listenForGlobalEvent( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*), t_CKBOOL listen_forever );
t_CKBOOL listenForGlobalEvent( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, void (*callback)(t_CKINT), t_CKBOOL listen_forever );
t_CKBOOL stopListeningForGlobalEvent( const char * name, void (*callback)(void) );
t_CKBOOL stopListeningForGlobalEvent( const char * name, void (*callback)(const char*) );
t_CKBOOL stopListeningForGlobalEvent( const char * name, t_CKINT callbackID, void (*callback)(t_CKINT) );

Global Sample Data

t_CKBOOL getGlobalUGenSamples( const char * name, SAMPLE* buffer, int numFrames );

Windows Support


Console level flags

    NDEBUG for debug, _DEBUG for release




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