- If you mess up but have the ingredients you can try to cook it again. (skipping alreadyDone)
- optimize performance (auto-reduce effects if runing with low FPS)
- set colors for dialog boxes based on speakers
- find a name
- handle ticks separately from frames (skip frames instead of slowing down)
reduce running speed - cooking individual ingredients
- text progressbar for cooking
- level loading
- save/load progress
- new game
- recipes
- feedback (★ = ★)
- menu button
- recipe text content caching
- play area boundaries
- add status - score display, recipe+stars, total points
- common way to update the contents of recipe, description, status divs
- head pats for Cerberos
About page - add a highlight to action buttons before they are used
- Goblin should remind to attach the recipe
- steps x2
- cooking
- different sound for petting
- [/]
dialog x3 -
level load -
level win - seasoning
- steps sound should be quieter
- virtual gamepad for mobile
- menu
- welcome screen
- level transition effect
- wall
- cutting board
- add notice
- add login
- tip?
- "thank you" message for tip
- infinite pans, pots
- extended last 3 seconds
- total meals started
- total meals finished
- total time cooked
- total pans and pots used
- total seasoning used
- total stars collected
- total pats for Cerberos
- fire fungi
- some vegetables
- black pepper
garlic - green chili
red habanero
- "in front of you" checks the grabbed object and its children as well
- jagged/buggy edges of transformed divs (Chrome only)
- "d" div has background color
- stats are off when in transit (see code)
- cache the sprites in getSprite()
- rename css classes, ids, etc.
- remove newlines from minimized html
- use integers instead of strings for object types
- remove css comments
- AdvZIP
- [/] pack sprite sheet more densly
- replace all unicode characters with html entities
- set Google Closure Compiler to use single quotes (already set?!)
- remove unused dialogs
- remove console.log() calls
- trash icon in sprites is unused
- reduce sprites.png palette
- remove chute sprite
- remove additional delay handling in dialog
- remove quotes from some attributes (i.e. onclick)
- Google Closure Compiler does not rename ".position", ".name", ".description", ".status"
- some transition from the welcome screen
- Find a name for Goblin
- green dialog box for Goblin
- Goblin should walk around
- proper move and slide
- GameObject is interactable?
- proper 3rd axis handling (z-height?)
- stacking z-height handling
- sort the contents of dishes properly
fix border around dialog profile picture - better font
- progressbar for cooking
- disable text selection
- recursive highlight so the meat also blinks
- better gamepad dead zone handling (i.e. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/11/gamepad-api-in-web-games/#applying-a-dead-zone )
- cursor always arrow
- blinky "Press Start"? :)
- _floorHeight, _floorWidth, _padX, _padY, _zoom -> const
- _names -> data
- separate shadows from objects?
- dynamic shirt, pants colors
- rearrange description box, separate boxes for "in front of", "drop target", etc.
- easter egg for trying to leave the play area
- easter egg for cooking stuffs too long (turn into coal)