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File metadata and controls

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Docker image for Shibboleth Identity Provider

This image is based on tomcat:8.5, Shibboleth IDP 3.3.2 and is customized according the AGID - SPID - Regole tecniche Identity Provider.


Building the image

To build the image:

docker build -t giafar/shibboleth-idp .

if you change the tag giafar/spid-idp please remember to modify the docker-compose.yml file as well.

From docker hub

To download the image from docker hub

docker pull giafar/spid-idp

Running the image

To run the image in interactive mode and expose the LDAP protocolo:

docker run -it --name spid-idp -p 443:443 giafar/spid-idp

or in detach mode

docker run -d --name spid-idp -p 443:443 giafar/spid-idp

To look at the logs in detached mode

docker container log --follow spid-idp

To get the ip adddress of a running container

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' spid-idp

Running the image with the LDAP backend

The image uses the giafar/openldap backend for user authentication and expects the directory service is located at

docker run -d --rm --name spid-ldap giafar/spid-ldap
docker run -d --rm --name spid-idp giafar/spid-idp

Shibboleth logs are not redirected to the standard docker log so if you wanna follow this kind of log

docker container exec -i spid-idp sh -c 'tail -f /opt/shibboleth-idp/logs/*'

To stop and cleanup everything

docker container stop spid-idp
docker container stop spid-ldap

Shibboleth IDP customization

The image claims to implement a basic AGID Identity Provider according this specs. Some distributions files, Shibboleth Configuration File Summary, have been modified and discussed in this document:

  1. Access Control Configuration: shibboleth/dist/conf/access-control.xml.dist;
  2. Attribute Filter Configuration: shibboleth/dist/conf/attribute-filter.xml.dist;
  3. Attribute Resolver: shibboleth/dist/conf/attribute-resolver.xml.dist;
  4. LDAP Properties: shibboleth/dist/conf/;
  5. Logging: shibboleth/dist/conf/logback.xml.dist;
  6. Metadata Filter Plugin: shibboleth/dist/conf/metadata-providers.xml.dist;
  7. Authentication Configuration: shibboleth/dist/conf/authn/general-authn.xml.dist;
  8. IPAddress Authn: shibboleth/dist/conf/authn/ipaddress-authn-config.xml.dist;
  9. MultiFActor Authn: shibboleth/dist/conf/authn/mfa-authn-config.xml.dist;
  10. Password Authn: shibboleth/dist/conf/authn/password-authn-config.xml;

Access Control Configuration

Just to allow access from network.

See Shibboleth Access Control Configuration

Shibboleth Attribute Filter Configuration


See Shibboleth Attribute Filter Configuration

Shibboleth Attribute Resolver


See Shibboleth Attribute Resolver

LDAP Properties


Shibboleth Logging


See Shibboleth Logging

Shibboleth Metadata Filter Plugin


See Shibboleth Metadata Filter Plugin

Shibboleth Authentication Configuration


See Shibboleth Authentication Configuration

Shibboleth IPAddress Authn


See Shibboleth IPAddress Authn

Shibboleth MultiFActor Authn


See Shibboleth MultiFActor Authn

Shibboleth Password Authn


See Shibboleth Password Authn

Tomcat customization

The tomcat installation exposes the Shibboleth IDP solution via http and https. The tomcat/conf directory is copied inside the /usr/local/tomcat docker image folder and deploy a new server.xml and a Catalina/localhost/idx.xml file which is responsable to deply del idp.war package


The new entry is

<Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol" maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true" >
    <UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" />
        <Certificate certificateKeyFile="/opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/" certificateFile="/opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/" type="RSA" />

a preconfigured X509 certificate and the related key are deployed during the docker image build.


Just deploy a new war

<Context docBase="/opt/shibboleth-idp/war/idp.war" unpackWAR="true" swallowOutput="true">
  <Manager pathname="" />