This custom component leverages the PurpleAir API to pull in air quality reports from sensors in your area. You will need to register for a free API key!
This release has been tested on 2024.12.5. There is no guarantee of
backwards compatibility. The next major version of this component will
require a newer version of Home Assistant. I generally require the
previous month's .0
version when I work on this component.
{% if not installed %}
At the time of writing the process of registering and obtaining an API read key is a manual process. Registration includes emailing and requesting a key and providing your first name and last name. It's painless, but it does take a couple days, which is why the component supports both legacy v0 and the new v1 API endpoints to allow you to upgrade the component and migrate once you have your key.
{% endif %}
{% set inst_ver = version_installed.replace("v", "").replace(".","") | int %} {% set next_ver = version_available.replace("v", "").replace(".","") | int %}
{% if inst_ver < 322 %}{# > #}
Quick fix to address deprecations in HA 2025.1.
{% endif %}
{% if inst_ver < 321 %}{# > #}
Quick fix to clear up problems during device creation/update in Home Assistant 2023.8.
{% endif %}
{% if inst_ver < 320 %}{# > #}
Fix reported warning "using native unit of measurement 'AQI' which is not a valid unit for the device class ('aqi')".
{% endif %}
{% if inst_ver < 320 and next_ver >= 320 %}{# > #}
You will receive a new (mostly silent) warning log indicating the statistics for the sensors are no longer valid since it has switched from 'AQI' to None. This is an easy fix, you can go to the [developer tools/statistics][dev-stats] page and click the "Fix Me" link on the AQI sensors at the top of the list and select the option describing "Update the unit of the historic statistic values from 'AQI' to '', without converting.". This only needs to be done once per AQI sensor provided by this add-on. Alternatively you can select the "clear statistics" option to wipe historical data and start over.
{% endif %}
{% if inst_ver < 311 %}{# > #}
Fixes an issue when adding sensors.
- Contributed by Michael Borohovski (@borski1). Thanks Michael!
README updates contributed by Erick Hitter (@ethitter). Thanks Erick!
{% endif %}
{% if inst_ver < 310 %}{# > #}
Update EPA correction algorithm to 2021 data with a revised normal formula and a new formula for PM2.5 concentrations > 343. See toolsresourceswebinar_purpleairsmoke_210519b.pdf for the full details of the formula.
- Contributed by Daniel Myers (@danielsmyers)
- Calculated AQI should never go "NaN" as it is now clamped to 0 and has a proper check for 0 vs None. Contribured by Daniel Myers (@danielsmyers)
Thanks for the contributions, Daniel! {% endif %}