Buienalarm custom_component for Home-Assistant
- platform: buienalarm
timeframe: 15
name: buienalarm
- temperature
- precipitation
- precipitation_forecast_average
- precipitation_forecast_total
- next_rain_forecast
Your sensors default name will be sensor.buienalarm_{monitored_condition}
You can provide a timeframe: Minutes to look ahead for precipitation forecast (min: 5 / max: 120) - Default value: 60
values for next_rain_forecast can be:
- Unknown: No rain forecast within timeframe
- 0: It is currently raining
- N: Rain is forecasted within N minutes
The buienalarm_next_rain_forecast
sensor returns a date/time of the next rain forecast. To get the time-in-minutes to the next rain forecast a template sensor can be used. Add this template sensor to your configuration:
- sensor:
- name: "Buienalarm Next rain forecast (min)"
unit_of_measurement: "min"
state: >
{% if as_timestamp(states('sensor.buienalarm_next_rain_forecast')) %}
{{ ( ( as_timestamp(states('sensor.buienalarm_next_rain_forecast')) - as_timestamp(now()) ) / 60 ) | round }}
{% else %}
{{ states('nonexistent') }}
{% endif %}