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This file lists noteworthy changes between releases, for full list of changes, see git log and then ChangeLog.old.

Significant changes in 20120401

  • Fixed some twol rules w.r.t. new features that blocked compiling
  • Removed lots of dead code
  • Autogenerate lexicons from csv data all the time
  • Moved to git and googlecode -> chopped most of the documentation and such
  • Fixed scripts a bit, added man pages
  • Made very crude tests to have at least something back in.

Significant changes in 20110505

  • whole new finntreebank tagset for forthcoming finntreebank work
  • uppercasing is noted in the analysis level
  • the word boundaries of lexicalised compounds may be available for more cases (depending on the tagset)
  • whole new lemmatizer tagset is available
  • some dozens of new words added and fixed
  • combine corpus analysis script with apertium's preprocessors
  • causative derivation chain added
  • bbreviations, adpositions, prefixes and suffixes are no longer pos but subcat analyses

Significant changes since 20100401

  • Include deverbal nouns in compounding system
  • Start marking compound and strong morpheme boundaries
  • New lexical data handling systems
  • Implement generator from analyser
  • Subcategorize lots of classes for CG and apertium
  • Write documentation in booklet format
  • New URI and digit string guessers
  • New tagging style colorterm for interactive use
  • Include weighting scheme in default build
  • Demote SUFFIX from POS reading to SUBCAT

Significant changes since 20100111

  • Added marginal enclitics kA, kAs
  • Added LEMMA= structure
  • re-organized source code to modules
  • Added tagging schemes, weighting schemes and suggestion algorithms

Significant changes since 0.5

  • completely new morphology built on traditional lexc-twolc model
  • easier route to add new lexical data via simple CSV format
  • lots of new lexical data from Joukahainen project as well as extended from kotus-sanalista semi-automatically and by hand.
  • titlecasing filter for regular words
  • š filter for old orthography variants
  • compounding much less haphazard concoction
  • parts of speech classified and included
  • pronouns, interjections, numerals, proper nouns
  • much closer to real full fledged morphology
  • movement from SFST to HFST toolset with lots of new cool toys (SFST support is retained in HFST)
  • towards full-scale automatic test suite