Containing the tasks from Softuni's course DB Advanced:
- working with ORM EF Core
- database-first design
- code-first design
- relations between tables
- querying using LINQ
- mapping DTOs with Automapper
- export and import data from JSON
- export and import data from XML
- Defining Classes
- Encapsulation and Validation
- Inheritance
- OOP Introduction Exercise
- Intro to EF Core
- Code-first
- Entity relations
- Advanced relations
- Advanced querying
- Best practices and architecture
- Auto-mapping
- External format processing
- Workshop
- Exam preparation - Instagraph with annotations
- Exam preparation - Stations
The course includes working with MSSQL Server, T-SQL:
- creating tables and relations between them
- queries and nested queries
- built-in functions
- user-defined functions
- stored procedures
- transactions
- triggers