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Bohdan edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 37 revisions

Here is a list of alternatives (but none satisfied my requirements) with quick review of pros and cons of them.

  1. github-changelog-generator (this repo) - simple list of closed issues

    • ✅ cross-platform (Windows, OSX, Linux)
    • ✅ Support for both issues & pull requests
    • ✅ Docker support
    • ✅ Oauth token support
    • ✅ Customizable (flexible filters and settings)
    • ✅ Supports GitHub / GitLab, TFS, BitBucket
    • Written in ruby
    • example
  2. github-changelog - generator based on JS

    • ❌ without any links and separation lists
    • example
  3. git-release-notes - another JS generator

    • ❌no examples provided
  4. GitReleaseNotes

    • ❌ only for Windows (written on C#)!
    • ❌ without oath token (you can't make more that 50 requests to server)
    • ❌ lack of configurations
    • example
  5. GitHubReleaseNotes - another generator on C#

    • ❌ Windows only
    • ❌ mandatory strict rules for naming tags and milestones
    • ❌ lack of configurations
  6. generator-release - looks very similar to mine, but:

    • ❌ without oath token (you can't make more that 50 requests to server)
    • ❌ no label-filtering, separate lists of different issues.
    • ❌lack of customisation abilities
    • ❌ buggy, missed some issues
    • example
  7. github-changes

    • ❌ no issues support, only pull requests
    • ❌ no label-filtering, separate lists of different issues.
    • example
  8. conventional-changelog

  9. conventional-github-releaser

  10. VCLog

    • ❌ a bit out of date, but plans to update soon
    • ❌ example?
  11. ins0/github-changelog-generator

  12. rvagg/changelog-maker

    • ❌ commit-based change log generator
    • example
  13. zephiransas/octocam

    • ❌ pull request only.
    • ✅ Generate CHANGELOG from range of merge date.
  14. thejefe/gplan

  15. tf/pr_log

    • ✅intended for handwritten changelogs
    • ❌pull requests only
    • ✅uses GitHub milestones
  16. jasminsehic/pullrequestreleasenotes

    • Generates semantic release notes in markdown from merged commit pull request title and its labels
    • ✅Supports GitHub, GitLab, TFS, BitBucket
    • Can optionally publish markdown to Atlassian Confluence and Slack
  17. duraki/devist

    • specifically crafted (raw) readable format (what is it? links?)
    • out-of-the-box git & deployment integration
    • ruby gem/cli
    • example
  18. fossamagna/github-changelog-generator

    • Written in Javascript
    • Can be used with .ejs templates
    • No examples provided
  19. dvmonroe/release-notes

    • Written in ruby
    • Similar, but based on your git log/commit subject lines rather than GH api
  20. git-chglog/git-chglog

    • Written in Golang
    • Commit message and format
    • Changelog templates
  21. cswebworks/CS.Changelog

    • Written in C#/.Net standard/Core making it available on Windows, Unix and Mac
    • ✅ Gitflow-conventions based, independent of GH API (or any server)
    • Output to Json, Xml, Markdown and Html
    • Supports append, changes to modified change log are persisted
    • Supports human friendly release names, configurable change categories.
    • Configurable commit /issue tracker details linking
    • ❌ Quite alpha
    • example
  22. nextreleaseio/next-release

    • ✅ GitHub App based integration
    • ✅ Support for both issues & pull requests
    • Generates semantic release notes in markdown based on merged pull request / issue titles and their labels
    • ✅ Slack notification support
    • ✅ Optional export to MS Word
    • Past Release Note filtering & searching
    • example
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