title | shortTitle | intro | versions | type | topics | |||
Customizing the table layout |
Customizing tables |
You can use the table layout to build a spreadsheet using your project's items, {% data variables.product.company_short %} metadata, and your custom fields. |
tutorial |
{% data reusables.projects.about-table-layout %}
For more information about changing a view to use the table layout, see "AUTOTITLE."
You can show or hide a specific field.
{% data reusables.projects.customize.show-hide-field %}
You can also hide individual fields using the field headers.
- Next to the field you want to hide, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="Status column options" %}.
- Click {% octicon "eye-closed" aria-hidden="true" %} Hide field.
You can group items by a custom field value. {% data reusables.projects.customize.update-status %}
{% data reusables.projects.customize.group-fields %}
{% ifversion projects-v2-slice-panel %}
{% data reusables.projects.customize.slice-panel %}
{% endif %}
You can change the order of fields.
You can change the order of rows.
Click the number at the start of the row.
While continuing to click, drag the row to the required location.
You can sort items by a field value.
{% ifversion projects-v2-consistent-sorting %}{% else %}
When a table is sorted, you cannot manually reorder rows.
{% endif %}
{% data reusables.projects.customize.sort %}
{% ifversion projects-v2-numeric-summary %}
{% data reusables.projects.customize.sum %}
{% endif %}