This library facilitates reading, writing and processing of sensor events and raw GNSS measurements encoded according to the Google's GNSS Logger application format.
- Provides a reasonable level of abstraction on the aforementioned format
- Defines the usual
accessor methods - Fields are mapped to the most appropriate primitive type
- No need to wait for updates to consume new values of existing fields
- Defines the usual
- Supplies a highly configurable and super efficient parser
- Avoid reading records that will not be processed by setting configuration only for the relevant ones
- For each record, avoid converting values that will not be processed by selecting only the relevant fields
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.giulioscattolin:google-gnss-logger:1.0.0-alpha.8'
The demo directory contains a CLI application which reports simple statistics for a given file. You are encouraged to play with the code to familiarize yourself with the API. Feel free to improve the formatting, generate more data, fix any bugs you may encounter. Pull requests are always welcome!
./gradlew analyzeGnssLoggerFile --args <path>
This will compile and run the application each time it is invoked.
GoogleRawGnssMeasurementCount = 218414
Constellation Carrier [Hz] Count Avg.Cn0DbHz
GLONASS 1,6037E9 1319 23,03
GLONASS 1,6003E9 4243 36,28
GLONASS 1,6048E9 2162 29,91
GLONASS 1,6014E9 4128 27,69
GLONASS 1,5981E9 1654 29,82
GALILEO E1 35816 29,68
BEIDOU B1I 36268 31,34
GLONASS 1,6009E9 1798 30,80
GLONASS 1,6042E9 4260 31,07
GLONASS 1,602E9 4260 32,82
IRNSS L5 13803 27,92
GPS L1 34655 31,99
BEIDOU B2a 19386 31,04
GALILEO E5a 35425 31,02
GLONASS 1,6031E9 1819 29,46
GLONASS 1,5998E9 348 27,34
GPS L5 17070 32,17