Ensure that the following packages are installed:
- For Qt5:
- For Qt6:
To generate a project makefile using CMake, create a build folder and then run CMake from it:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DQT_PACKAGE_NAME=Qt6 # or cmake .. -DQT_PACKAGE_NAME=Qt5
To compile the PianoBooster source code type:
make -j$(nproc)
The pianobooster binary executable is now in a new build subdirectory.
PianoBooster is designed to run in place so you can type build/pianobooster
to start running the program.
(Optional) If you wish to install PianoBooster as root type:
make install
There is no make uninstall command but the files that have been installed are listed in a file called install_manifest.txt
which can then be used to manually delete the installed files.
To build a debug version create a directory called "debug" and change to that dir and then type:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
Install the latest Xcode (from Apple Developer Connection, free registration required).
Install CMake and QT libraries via Homebrew:
$ brew install cmake qt5 ftgl pkg-config fluid-synth
To generate the project makefile first create a build
and then from that directory type:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(brew --prefix qt)"
To compile the PianoBooster source code type:
To copy the language translations into the build directory type:
make install-translations
To make a self contained application bundle use QT's macdeployqt tool (included in QT).
$(brew --prefix qt)/bin/macdeployqt build/pianobooster.app -dmg
To compile in Windows install the Open Source version of Qt and CMake.
When installing Qt select the option to download and install the MinGW compiler. Open the Qt Command Prompt and change to the "PianoBooster" source code directory and then create a build
directory and then from that directory type:
cmake.exe -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
Once this is completed type:
Or alternatively you can install QtCreator and then open the CMakeLists.txt
Using cmake
without any flags defaults to the recommended build options.
However the following build options below can be changed by using the -D
flag to cmake
WITH_INTERNAL_FLUIDSYNTH: build with an internal FluidSynth sound generator [Default:ON]
USE_BUNDLED_RTMIDI: Build with bundled rtmidi (for older distributions only) [Default: OFF]
USE_FTGL: Build with ftgl for notes localization [Default:ON]
USE_SYSTEM_FONT: Build with system font [Default: OFF]
USE_JACK: Build with Jack. The use of JACK is not required other than for BSD Unix. [Default: OFF]
DATA_DIR: Build with specified data directory; [Default:"share/games/pianobooster"]
NO_LANGS: Do not install languages; [Default: OFF]
NO_DOCS: Do not install documents [Default: OFF]
NO_LICENSE: Do not install license [Default: OFF].
NO_CHANGELOG: Do not install changelog [Default: OFF].
WITH_MAN: Install man page [Default: OFF].