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Global Input React

Global Input Message is released under the MIT license.

This React module allows you to introduce a mobile interoperability into React applications on smart devices like smart TVs, set-top boxes, game consoles, and devices in IoT, so that users can use their mobiles to operate on them. It allows you to define mobile interfaces and receive mobile events from within your device applications, while keeping the mobile app as a general and universal mobile app that works across all types of device applications with different business logic: meaning that there is no need to switch to different mobile app for operating on different devices and no need to develop different mobile apps for different business or device applications. It also allows you to enrich your device applications with a set of mobile functionalities like one-click login, one-click sign-up, mobile encryption, mobile secure storage to name a few. The communication between a mobile app and a device application is secured using end-to-end encryption process that is often initiated through scanning an encrypted QR Code.

This module is particularly useful in the current new normal established by the COVID-19 pandemic, where businesses require visiting customers to communicate accurately with customer representatives while enforcing the rules of wearing masks and social distancing. Thanks to this library, you will be able to establish an instant and secure communication right within the business software you are using, allowing your customers to collaborate effectively, securely and safely. For example, you may provide one-click subscriptions through user mobiles by leveraging the mobile secure storage provided by the mobile app. Alternative, you do not even have to collect users' personal data thanks to the ability to request data on-demand from the mobile app at the point of service, freeing yourself from the pains of privacy regulations. You may also choose to allow your customers to encrypt their own data using their mobiles, giving users full control over the security and privacy of their personal data.

🔌 Setup

npm install global-input-react

📚 Usage

import {useGlobalInputApp,ConnectQR} from  'global-input-react';

Then, useGlobalInputApp() function (which is a React hook) can be called with a parameter, defining a mobile user interface. For example, the following code displays a login screen on the user's mobile screen when connected to your application:

const  usernameField = {
  id:  'username',
  label:  'Username',

const  passwordField = {
  label:  'Password'

const  loginButton = {
  id:  'login',
  label:  'Sign In',
  type:  'button'

const  mobile = useGlobalInputApp( {initData : {
   form: {
      title:  'Sign In',
      fields: [usernameField,passwordField,loginButton]

The initData contains a form with a set of fields: usernameField,passwordField, and loginButton.

The object returned by useGlobalInputApp() function is stored into the mobile variable. It contains a set of data items and functions for receiving or sending data to the connected mobile app. To begin with, you can place the following code into the rendering part of your code:

<ConnectQR mobile={mobile}/>

It displays an encrypted QR Code for mobile apps to scan to connect to your application. It contains the content of mobile.connectionCode, which holds an encrypted string value. When decrypted, it provides information on how to connect to your application, including a one-time-use encryption key for initiating an end-to-end encryption process between your application and a mobile app.

When connected to your application, the mobile app displays a form specified in initData. Also, when the user interacts with elements in the form, your application can receive mobile input events through mobile.field variable, with identifying the element that the user has interacted with, and with mobile.field.value holding the value that the user has entered. Actually, you can simply pass your callback function into the mobile.setOnchange() function to receive those mobile input events instead of implementing the logic for monitoring the changes in the mobile.field variable:

mobile.setOnchange( ( {field} ) => {
    const {id, value} = field;
	switch(id) {

In the above code, You can implement the setUsername() and setPassword() functions to store the user entries, and the login() function to call an authentication mechanism:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');

You can use mobile.sendValue() to send values to the connected mobile app. It accepts two parameters: the first parameter is for providing the id of the target element in the form, and the second parameter is for providing value to be sent:

<input onChange = { (event) => {
} value={username} type="text"/>

<input onChange={ (event) => {
} value={username} type="password"/>

Using this approach, you can turn a simple password-based authentication into a one-click mobile authentication or implement a password-less authentication or add an extra security layer to the existing authentication mechanism without affecting the usability of your application.

When mobile.sendInitData() function is called with a InitData parameter, the connected mobile app will switch to the user interface specified:

const infoField = {
   type:  "info",
   value:  "Test Completed"
const login = (username,password) => {
  mobile.sendInitData( {
    form: {
	   title:  "Welcome " + username,
	   fields: [infoField]

Another way is to place another instance of useGlobalInputApp in a React component, then render the component when you need to replace mobile user interface.

When mobile=useGlobalInputApp(...) is invoked for the first time, the module will start to initialize itself. In this phase, mobile.isLoading is set to true, and <ConnectQR mobile={mobile}/> displays a loading symbol. After the initialization is completed, if the application is ready to accept connection, mobile.isReady is set to true, and <ConnectQR mobile={mobile}/> displays an encrypted QR Code. When a mobile app has connected to your application, mobile.isConnected is set to true, and <ConnectQR mobile={mobile}/> displays nothing. Those variables are useful if you would like to control what to display during different phases:

{mobile.isConnected && (<>
<h1>Mobile Connected</h1>
<div>Please operate on your mobile to provide your credential!</div>

For an element in a form, type attribute defines how to process/display the data contained in it. For example, if it is set to button, the mobile app display a Button:

const  loginButton = {
  id:  'login',
  label:  'Sign In',
  type:  'button'

The default value of the type attribute is "text". In this case, it display either a text input or a textarea, depending on the value of nLines, which represents how many number of lines is visible:

const  contentField = {
   id:  'content',
   label:  'Content',
   type:  "text",
   value:"This is a content in the text box"

If the value attribute is set, it will be sent along with the form to pre-populate the the field when being displayed on the mobile screen.

🔐 Mobile Encryption

If you set the value of type of element in a form to "encrypt", the connected mobile app encrypts the value of the element and send back the result to your application:

const  encryptField = {
   id:  'content',
   label:  'Content',
   type:  "encrypt",
   value: contentToEncrypt

In a similar way, setting type to "decrypt" will lead to decryption:

const  decryptField = {
    id:  'content',
    label:  'Content',
    type:  "decrypt",
    value: contentToDecrypt

🛠 Customizing Form Elements & Styled Values.

The value attribute in an element can also be an object containing some styling information:

const infoField = {
    id:   "title",
    type: "info",
    value: {
      type: "text",
      content: "This is a Text",
      style: {
        fontSize: 18,
        marginTop: 20,

You can display a multi-line text using an array for content:

const informationField = {
   id: "informationText",
   type: "info",
   value: {
      type: "view",
      style: {
                borderColor: "#rgba(72,128,237,0.5)",
                backgroundColor: "#rgba(72,128,237,0.5)",
                borderWidth: 1,
                marginTop: 5,
                minWidth: "100%",
                minHeight: 80,
            content: [{
                type: "text",
                content: title,
                style: {
                    fontSize: 18,
                    color: "white"
            }, {
                type: "text",
                content: message,
                style: {
                  fontSize: 14,
                  color: "white"

Finally, the examples in the website, and tests in the test project contain more information about various use cases that you can implement in your Typescript/JavaScript applications.

📲 On Mobile App Side

Although you can use Global Input App to operate on your applications, You can certainly use this module to enable your own mobile app to have the ability to operate on various device applications that are powered with this module, assuming your mobile app is implemented using one of the JavaScript-based frameworks like React Native.

As discussed previously, in order to connect to a device application, your mobile app needs to obtain the value of connectionCode through scanning a QR Code. Then, you can pass it to the connect() function to connect to your device application as its second parameter:

const  mobileConnector = createMessageConnector();
const {initData} = await  mobileConnector.connect( {
   onInput:(inputMessage) => {
}, connectionCode);

In the above code, initData contains a form provided by the connected device application, while onInput() function is called whenever a message is received from the device application.

You can also send messages to the device application, responding to the events generated when the user interacts with form elements:

const sendUsername = (username) => {
   mobileConnector.sendValue(initData.form.fields[0].id, username);

There are two input parameters required for calling mobileConnector.sendValue() function: the first one identifies the target element that the value is being sent to, while the second parameter holds the value needs to be sent across.

👏 How to Contribute

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

🖼 Examples

📄 License

Global Input Message is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.