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Event Sourcing and CQRS with Lagom

Table of Contents


The goal of this project was to implement an application based on Lagom [1], which is an open source microservice framework for Java an Scala that highly encourages the use of Event Sourcing [2] and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) [3].

The implemented application is a clone of Sebastian Daschner's Scalable, event-driven coffee shop [4], which demonstrates how Event Sourcing and CQRS can be implemented with JavaEE. The choice to re-implement the coffee shop application was made because it offered an opportunity to directly compare some of the differences between the Lagom and JavaEE approaches to Event Sourcing and CQRS.

Architecture of the Application

The application consists of three microservices that are running the coffee shop:

  • The Orders microservice, through which coffee orders can be placed and the status of existing orders can be checked.
  • The Beans microservice, through which coffee beans can be stored. The service also checks whether beans that are required to produce the coffee for placed orders are available and fetches them from storage.
  • The Barista microservice, which is responsible for the brewing and delivery of the coffee that is requested in accepted orders.

Publicly available functionalities of the services can be accessed through a JSON based REST API, which contains the following endpoints:

  • Orders:
    • Path: POST /orders
      Description: Place a new order
      Request body:
        "beanOrigin" : String,
        "cofffeeType" : ["ESPRESSO" | "POUR_OVER" | "FRENCH_PRESS"]
    • Path: GET /orders/{id}
      Description: Get an existing order
      Repsonse body:
        "orderId" :  UUID,
        "beanOrigin" : String,
        "coffeeType" :  ["ESPRESSO" | "POUR_OVER" | "FRENCH_PRESS"],
        "orderStatus" : ["PLACED" | "ACCEPTED" | "STARTED" | "FINISHED" | "DELIVERED" | "CANCELLED"],
  • Beans:
    • Path: POST /beans
      Description: Put beans into storage
      Request body:
        "beanOrigin" : String,
        "amount" : Integer
    • Path: GET /beans
      Description: Get the currently stored beans
      Response body:
          "beanOrigin" : String,
          "amount" : Integer

The Barista microservice doesn't have any REST endpoints. All of its communication is done through an Apache Kafka based communication mechanism which the microservices are using for internal communication between each other.

Shown below is the processing flow for a POST /orders request, which shows more clearly what the responsibilities of the three microservices are and when communication between them takes place:

Processing flow for an order request

The processing that is necessary for the remaining API endpoints is rather unspectacular in comparison, since no communication between the microservices is needed for them. Because of this, only the POST /orders endpoint will be described in more detail.

Implementation of the Application

Microservices in Lagom are always split into an API module that describes the service and an implementation module that implements it. For the orders microservice, the interface that describes the services looks as follows:

public interface OrdersService extends Service {
  String ORDERS_TOPIC = "orders";

  default Descriptor descriptor() {
    return named("orders")
        pathCall("/orders/:id", this::getOrder),
        namedCall("/orders", this::orderCoffee)
      .withTopics(topic(ORDERS_TOPIC, this::ordersTopic));

  ServiceCall<NotUsed, Optional<OrderResponse>> getOrder(UUID id);

  ServiceCall<OrderCoffeeRequest, Done> orderCoffee();

  Topic<OrdersEvent> ordersTopic();

As we can see, pathCall and namedCall are used to map the API endpoints /orders/:id and /orders to specific methods with ServiceCall return types, which define the request and response types of each endpoint. The only difference between pathCall and namedCall is that pathCall can have parameters while namedCall can not. The HTTP verb that is used for each endpoint is automatically determined from the request and response types of the mapped ServiceCall (GET by default, POST if a request type is present), but can also be set manually by using restCall instead.

Using withTopics, the service also defines a Kafka topic, which, as mentioned in the architecture section of this documentation, is used for internal communication between the different microservices. The events that are published to this topic by the orders service are OrdersEvents that represent state changes of each of the underlying orders, for example OrderPlaced, OrderAccepted etc.

Processing a POST /orders Request

When a request is sent to the /orders endpoint, the implementation of the mapped method is called. For orderCoffee, this implementation looks like the following:

public class OrdersServiceImpl implements OrdersService {
  private final PersistentEntityRegistry registry;

  public OrdersServiceImpl(PersistentEntityRegistry registry, ...) {
    this.registry = registry;


  public ServiceCall<OrderCoffeeRequest, Done> orderCoffee() {
    return request -> {
      UUID orderId = request.getOrderId();

      Order order = new Order(

      PlaceOrder command = new PlaceOrder(order);

      return this.registry
        .refFor(OrderEntity.class, orderId.toString())

With this.registry.refFor(...).ask(command), the orders service tells the write-/command-side (=> CQRS) of the corresponding order entity that the PlaceOrder command should be executed.

What should happen in response to such a command is defined in the OrderEntity class. For an order entity that doesn't exist yet, as is the case for every newly placed order, the relevant parts of the implementation are the following:

public class OrderEntity extends PersistentEntity<OrderCommand, OrdersEvent, Optional<OrderState>> {

  public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<Optional<OrderState>> snapshotState) {
    Optional<OrderState> state = snapshotState.flatMap(Function.identity());

    if (!state.isPresent()) {
      return notCreated();
    } else {

  private Behavior notCreated() {
    BehaviorBuilder builder = newBehaviorBuilder(Optional.empty());

    // Command Handlers:
      (cmd, ctx) -> ctx.thenPersist(
        new OrderPlaced(cmd.getOrder())));

    // Event Handlers:
    builder.setEventHandlerChangingBehavior(OrderPlaced.class, event ->
      placed(new OrderState(event.getOrder(), PLACED)));



Since we have asked the entity to process a PlaceOrder command, the corresponding command handler will be executed. In this case, all the handler does is to persist an OrderPlaced event (=> Event Sourcing) with information about the new order.

Updating the Write-Side

Just below the command handler, the event handler for the OrderPlaced event ensures that the write-side state of the order is updated with the order information from the new event. Since the order is then no longer in a "notCreated" state, its accepted commands and event handlers change to the following:

public class OrderEntity extends PersistentEntity<OrderCommand, OrdersEvent, Optional<OrderState>> {

  public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<Optional<OrderState>> snapshotState) {
    Optional<OrderState> state = snapshotState.flatMap(Function.identity());

    if (state.isPresent()) {
      switch (state.get().getStatus()) {
        case PLACED:
          return placed(state.get());
    } else {

  private Behavior placed(OrderState state) {
    BehaviorBuilder builder = newBehaviorBuilder(Optional.of(state));

    // Command Handlers:
    builder.setReadOnlyCommandHandler(PlaceOrder.class, this::alreadyDone);

      (cmd, ctx) -> ctx.thenPersist(
        new OrderAccepted(cmd.getOrderId())));

      (cmd, ctx) -> ctx.thenPersist(
        new OrderCancelled(cmd.getOrderId(), cmd.getReason())));

    // Event Handlers:
    builder.setEventHandlerChangingBehavior(OrderAccepted.class, event ->

    builder.setEventHandlerChangingBehavior(OrderCancelled.class, event ->


  private void alreadyDone(Object command, ReadOnlyCommandContext<Done> ctx) {

As we can see from this piece of code, the entity will now no longer persist additional OrderPlaced events for further PlaceOrder commands, but will instead answer all OrderPlaced commands for the same order with a Done response.

However, the entity will now accept and persist events for AcceptOrder and CancelOrder commands, if any of these do occur in the future (if the entity were to receive commands for which no handler is registered, it would simply return an error response).

Updating the Read-Side

By default, Lagom uses an Apache Cassandra database [5] for the read-side of entities. To ensure the read-side is eventually consistent with the write-side, a ReadSideProcessor is used that listens to OrderEvents that were triggered by the write-side and updates the database accordingly:

public class OrdersEventProcessor extends ReadSideProcessor<OrdersEvent> {
  private final CassandraSession session;
  private final CassandraReadSide readSide;

  // "INSERT INTO orders(orderId, coffeeType, beanOrigin, orderStatus) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
  private PreparedStatement insertOrderStatement;

  public OrdersEventProcessor(CassandraSession session, CassandraReadSide readSide) {
    this.session = session;
    this.readSide = readSide;

  public ReadSideHandler<OrdersEvent> buildHandler() {
    return this.readSide.<OrdersEvent>builder("orders_offset")
      .setEventHandler(OrderPlaced.class, this::processOrderPlaced)

  private CompletionStage<Done> createTables() {
    return this.session.executeCreateTable(
      "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders(" +
        "orderId UUID," +
        "coffeeType TEXT," +
        "beanOrigin TEXT," +
        "orderStatus TEXT," +
        "PRIMARY KEY (orderId)" +

  private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processOrderPlaced(OrderPlaced event) {
    Order order = event.getOrder();

    return completedStatements(this.insertOrderStatement.bind(

Note that there's no need to store the read-side information of an entity in a single table or in a normalized format. If a different schema is better suited for the queries that are executed on the read-side, then it is highly encouraged to use such a read-optimized schema for the read-side, since performance of write operations isn't relevant for the read-side anyway.

Communicating Events to Other Microservice

To publish order events to a Kafka topic, the orders service implements the following method:

public class OrdersServiceImpl implements OrdersService {
  private final PersistentEntityRegistry registry;

  public Topic<OrdersEvent> ordersTopic() {
    return TopicProducer.singleStreamWithOffset(
      offset -> this.registry.eventStream(OrdersEvent.TAG, offset)

Other services can subscribe to this topic in their own implementation classes. For example, to have the beans service check whether enough beans are stored to fulfill placed orders, it subscribes to the published order events like this:

public class BeansServiceImpl implements BeansService {

  public BeansServiceImpl(OrdersService ordersService, ...) {
        Flow.<OrdersEvent>create().mapAsync(1, this::handleOrdersEvent)

  private CompletionStage<Done> handleOrdersEvent(OrdersEvent event) {
    if (event instanceof OrderPlaced) {
      return handleOrderPlaced((OrderPlaced) event);
    } else {
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Done.getInstance());

  private CompletionStage<Done> handleOrderPlaced(OrderPlaced event) {
    Order order = event.getOrder();

    ReserveBeans command = new ReserveBeans(

    return this.registry
      .refFor(BeansEntity.class, command.getBeanOrigin())

If the bean reservation is successful, i.e. enough beans are in storage to fulfill the order, the beans service will persist a corresponding BeansReserved event in response to the ReserveBeans command and publish this event to a Kafka topic of its own. Since the orders service also subscribes to the events that the beans service publishes, it will then know that the beans are available and trigger further order processing steps, ending with the successful delivery of the order (since the remaining processing flow only reuses the concepts that were already shown, it won't be described in more detail here).

If, on the other hand, the beans service finds that the beans storage doesn't contain the needed beans, it will persist and publish a BeansNotAvailable event, thereby causing the orders service to cancel the order.

Running the Application

To run the application, simply execute the following Maven command in the scalable-coffee-shop directory:

mvn lagom:runAll

Lagom will then automatically start the implemented microservices, a service registry and an API gateway as well as a Kafka and Cassandra instance.

The API gateway runs at and the services that are registered with the service registry can be checked at, which returns a JSON response like to the one shown below, listing the names of the services and ports on which they are running:


Requests to the API endpoints that were described in the architecture section of this documentation can then be sent to either the API gateway or directly to the corresponding microservices.

Although the application is pretty much fully-implemented, I was, unfortunately, not able to get it to work correctly. While it does start up successfully and requests can be sent to the API endpoints, there appears to be some sort of error with the Kafka based communication between microservices, leading to errors like the following whenever any such communication is attempted:

16:31:20.004 [warn] org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser [] - Error registering AppInfo mbean kafka.consumer:type=app-info,id=beans-2

Since the Kafka consumers are handled by Lagom, there doesn't seem to be a way to really fix this issue as a user of the framework, or if does I didn't find it (results are the same with Maven and sbt, both on Windows and macOS).

An issues in Lagom's GitHub repository describes the same problem [6]. However, the issue is from 2016 and was, supposedly, fixed shortly after it was opened (though with a "Fixes #issue-id?" message, which is perhaps not as confidence-inducing as it could be).

Discussion of the Results

As with most of the projects that I implemented during this semester, the Lagom implementation of the scalable coffee shop was also off to a rather rocky start initially. This was mostly due to the fact that it was really difficult for me to understand how the Event Sourcing and CQRS concepts that I had read about could be implemented with Lagom. While Lagom does provide two example projects that are supposed to demonstrate this, both of them are using so many different and sometimes rather advanced features of Lagom that I just couldn't manage to distinguish the essentials from everything else. By reading the documentation on the Lagom website, I slowly managed to piece together a big picture overview of the most important components. However, I really do think that this process could have been made much easier if Lagom did provide a tutorial and example for an application that is more advanced than their "hello world" template (which doesn't even have a read-side) and less advanced than the "Cirper" and "Online Auction" applications.

Once the initial hurdles were taken and I had a basic understanding of the general program flow, Lagom really started to grow on me. Although the framework does force some architectural decisions onto you (separation of API and implementation modules, read- and write-side in different classes, cross-microservice communication through a message broker, explicitly defined commands and events, ...), these decisions seem to be well thought-through, usually nudging you towards a clear and well-defined architecture, and never felt too limiting. As soon as you've understood the basics, the forced uniformity also makes it rather easy to understand other Lagom projects (e.g. the two example projects that I had trouble with at first). While this doesn't matter all that much if you're working alone on a single project like I was, it would could be quite beneficial when you're working in a team of developers that is responsible for a larger number of projects and microservices. That you're getting additional features such as a service registry, an an API gateway, a circuit breaker and easily configurable sharding out of the box only adds to the charm.

Although I didn't manage to get rid of the Kafka errors, I don't really want to hold this against Lagom. Given that there are no other recent reports of the problem, I can't help but think that it is, at least partially, my fault, rather just some Lagom bug, and even if it is a bug, it might very well be fixed in a future release. Either way, Lagom will definitely be one of the options that I'll look at again if I ever have to implement any microservices in the future.