- Stopped collecting files to be copied to avoid certain bugs
- Added basic handlebars filters for easy navigation
- Creating setup command to generate default _config.yml
- Fixing copy command that was corrupting images
- Wrote github action to publish github package
- Write command created
- Copying files that are meant to be copied before running CSS
- Fixed sample files
- Tailwind command
- Writes to file abstracted
- Build command correctly writes temp files to disk
- Build command works with md and handlebars
- Partial typescript support
- Added the prebuild commandd
- Added the build command
- Added the extract command
- Added the copy command
- Rewriting commands to be more modular
- Dropped support for sass
- added a meta tag for responsive in default template
- using UTC for moment when parsing dates
- Reveresed 0.16.3
- Fixed error where pages data was duplicated
- Fixed error with including data and pages to for content
- Added direction to each with sort
- Adds a timestamp property to pages data
- Created a method eachWithSort for a handlebar helper
- Added formatDate helper to handlebars helpers
- adding filename to the data available for page
- Use frontmatter to customize layouts and includes (Issue #13)
- Not clearing destination folder by default when serving
- Reading files from the theme folder and including them in the build process
- Allowing users to have different themes, and include the correct files from the theme selected
- Fixed bug occuring to windows users when building/serving #97
- Using an utils file for logger
- Using config store to save configuration information for the module
- Suggesting users to download the latest version if available
- Removed unused dependencies
- Added code of conduct
- Replaced jscs with eslint
- Fixed bug that prevent init from working on windows
- Added build stats
- Watches files and builds during serve
- Allows to add additional data as json files, in the _data folder. The data can be used in the templates as {{data.'jsonFileName'}}
- Fix issue #59, every post has a correct url, even when it has categories
- Performance improvements in the build command
- Fixed bugs with prompts
- Increased test coverage
- Allows to chose a layout from the provided ones
- Added support for _stylus files
- Added a
flag for serve command
- Added the
command to make it easier adding new content
- Refactored the render file, for the build command
- Added performance fixes
#0.9.1 #0.9.0
Posts can be included in a folder _posts, they will be rendered using the layout
. -
There's a property named posts, that can be used to get a lists of posts to lists them.
The bootstrap layout, includes examples on how to use them.
@todo: - Prevent errors when templates don't exists. - Create helpers to allow nesting layout/template - Create new command
- Fixed typo in package.json
- Replaced the markdown engine with marked.
- Simple bug fixes
#0.8.0 Simple support for sass
- Using node-sass, it will look for main.scss files in a _sass folder. It will then output the compiled files into {dest}/sass/
@todo: allow to customize the source and destination of sass files.
#0.7.0 Added a migrate command
- Allows to migrate a jekyll site to gloria. Poorly, as described here.