Releases: glpi-project/android-inventory-library
Releases · glpi-project/android-inventory-library
Bug Fixes
- battery: manage exceptions (c10e644)
- battery: update get information battery (231185c)
- bios: added support to get sn in android < 7 (#222) (00ae538)
- bios: manage exceptions (975945b)
- bluetooh: manage exceptions (7a41c39)
- build: clean uncommited changes (6617df6)
- camera: add lintOptions in gradle (e57827f)
- camera: manage exceptions (57d8aac)
- camera: remove character (97ba0f4)
- camera: validated size of the list (8f43920)
- category: changed capture log and gradle minSdk (843aeaf)
- category: logging error (a05b1c9)
- category: remove characters specials of the output XML (9ddf0a3)
- character: remove character & of the output (b0a50f3)
- ci: fix javadoc generation (810c7f5)
- core: fix permssion check (2dae360)
- core: fix permssion check (427addd)
- cpus: manage exceptions (6dcbf0b)
- date: convert timestamp in format date (6b5b3c5)
- deviceId: change output xml and json to deviceId (3183c00)
- deviceId: validated exception error (e546d04)
- drives: add information about external removable storage (6c43dc9)
- drives: manage exceptions (4cbde3b)
- envs: manage exceptions (3056820)
- file: add append false on filewriter (68427e6)
- gradle: remove gnag (12f6ed1)
- hardware: add last logged user information (47e1df3)
- hardware: manage exceptions (a6097d9)
- hardware: validate if no found user info (0b14647)
- imei: add handle exception to get imei (53e7ef4)
- input: update the input information (3917419)
- inputs: manage exceptions (43a1792)
- inventory: add get cache file path method (bec9a0d)
- inventory: check permission to prevent securityException (ac3b161)
- jvm: manage exceptions (2c82b33)
- kernel: remove error message from kernel version (030333e)
- kernel: remove error message on the kernel version return (41ecda6)
- location: manage exceptions (45f8f28)
- manifest: sets autofocus feature as optional (bf71b09)
- memory: change support to camera (68019d6)
- memory: manage exceptions (6437c0d)
- network: check mac address null value (#122) (5891d76)
- network: implement new method to collect the MAC Address (1b148a6)
- networks: manage exceptions (160c240)
- package: update conventional-github-releaser to version 2.0.0 (47af446)
- package: update conventional-github-releaser to version 3.0.0 (59a6587)
- phonestatus: manage exceptions (997cdec)
- security: uprgade https-proxy-agent to latest (f3ff967)
- security: uprgade yarn.lock (06ea327)
- Sensor: return unknow instead empty the type function (378cc8d)
- sensors: manage exceptions (8aa543c)
- simcard: if the state is SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN then not show simcard (1cee246)
- simcards: get state condition changed (17ec693)
- simcards: manage exceptions (01ac5a0)
- software: manage exceptions (120d18b)
- software: remove size limitation (d9f8735)
- software: update file size and add information (1123de9)
- software: update tag from software to softwares (661cdfb)
- store: add a public storage path (23b50f5)
- test: check if the test is running on emulator for bluetooth (cfb9832)
- test: check if the test is running on emulator for Cpus (2177121)
- test: improve function to detect if is running on emulator (cd75870)
- travis: improve travis script (e73595b)
- travis: remove file (1e3a0a1)
- usb: manage exceptions (92e5042)
- utils: return empty string instead null (6f9e772)
- validate: equal commit message (254ff1d)
- videos: manage exceptions (d97352a)
- xml: replace special characters and allow CDATA (d0ff22b)
- yarn: update yarn.lock (fe8af3a)
- camera: added read list with the same name to JSON (d505ae9)
- categories: change modifier member to get categories (dce9f0e)
- cpu: cpu name changes (#219) (7f996ca)
- filog: change name class FILog to FlyveLog (c9607e7)
- filog: handle exception error to the battery (6807476)
- filog: handle exception error to the bios (7446242)
- filog: handle exception error to the bluetooth ([c13f173](https://github...