This document contains more information on some modules of Containers.
# #require "containers";;
Although OCaml provides polymorphic hash tables (('a,'b) Hashtbl.t
using the polymorphic equality (=)
and hash Hashtbl.hash
, it is often
safer and more efficient to use Hashtbl.Make
(or the extended CCHashtbl.Make
with custom equality and hash functions.
provides combinators for writing hash functions:
# module H = CCHash;;
module H = CCHash
# let hash1 : (int * bool) list H.t = H.(list (pair int bool));;
val hash1 : (int * bool) list H.t = <fun>
# hash1 [1, true; 2, false; 3, true];;
- : int = 636041136
# hash1 CCList.(1 -- 1000 |> map (fun i->i, i mod 2 = 0));;
- : int = 845685523
# hash1 CCList.(1 -- 1001 |> map (fun i->i, i mod 2 = 0));;
- : int = 381026697
The polymorphic hash function is still present, as CCHash.poly
The functions CCHash.list_comm
and CCHash.array_comm
allow to hash
lists and arrays while ignoring the order of elements: all permutations
of the input will have the same hash.
The module CCParse
defines basic parser combinators on strings.
Adapting angstrom's tutorial example
gives the following snippet.
Note that backtracking is explicit in CCParse
, hence
the use of try_
to allow it in some places.
Explicit memoization with memo
and fix_memo
is also possible.
open CCParse.Infix
module P = CCParse
let parens p = P.try_ (P.char '(') *> p <* P.char ')'
let add = P.char '+' *> P.return (+)
let sub = P.char '-' *> P.return (-)
let mul = P.char '*' *> P.return ( * )
let div = P.char '/' *> P.return ( / )
let integer =
P.chars1_if (function '0'..'9'->true|_->false) >|= int_of_string
let chainl1 e op =
P.fix (fun r ->
e >>= fun x -> P.try_ (op <*> P.return x <*> r) <|> P.return x)
let expr : int P.t =
P.fix (fun expr ->
let factor = parens expr <|> integer in
let term = chainl1 factor (mul <|> div) in
chainl1 term (add <|> sub))
Now we can parse strings using expr
# P.parse_string expr "4*1+2";; (* Ok 6 *)
- : int P.or_error = Result.Ok 6
# P.parse_string expr "4*(1+2)";; (* Ok 12 *)
- : int P.or_error = Result.Ok 12