nmap --script rtsp-url-brute -p 554 <ip>
nmap -sV --script=sniffer-detect <target>
dns-blacklist Check if host is blacklisted by DNS servers
dns-zeustracker Check if host is a part of Zeus botnet
http-config-backup Search form CMS config backups
http-wordpress-enum Enumerate WordPress plugins check-latest - check if pluigns are up to date root - base path of root installation
mysql-empty-password Check for anonymous MySQL login
mysql-users List SQL users on host
address-info Extract information about IPv6 address
krb5-enum-users Enumerate Kerberos usernames
- .realm - domain name
- userdb - usernames file
traceroute-geolocation Perform geolocation (requires --traceroute flag)
- .kmlfile - name of the KML file to write to
fingerprint-strings Print readable banner strings from unknown services
- n - number of characters to print
ftp-bounce Check if server allows bounce scanning
hddtemp-info Retrieve information from hddtemp service
ipidseq Classify host's IP ID sequence
- probeport - destination port to probe
modbus-discover Enumerate SCADA slaves and get information about deFanavice and firmware
- aggressive - enumerate all slaves (not only first sid)
path-mtu Check the maximum length of non-fragmented packets
qscan Probe ports to obtain round-trip time value and search forn anomalies
- numclosed - max number of closed ports to probe (default: 1, negaive to disable the limit)
- numopen - maximum number of opened ports to probe (default: 8)
- numtrips - number of RTTs to get
- delay - average delay between packets (default: 200ms)
reverse-index Show which host runs particular serice
- mode - [horizontal|vertical]
- names - index by service names rather than ports
smb-os-discovery Pull host info (OS, workgroup etc.)
sniffer-detect Check if target has network card in promiscous mode
targets-sniffer Sniff the network for hosts and add them to scanning queue
- iface - interface used for sniffing
- timeout - listening time (default: 10s)
- newtargets - add found targets to scan queue
unusual-port Report deviations if service is running on uncommon port
xmlrpc-methods List available XMLRPC methods
snmp-[interfaces|netstat] Extract info from SNMP service
ldap-search Perform queries against LDAP protocol
- ldap.username, ldap.password - credentials to use
- ldap.qfilter - quick filter to use [all|ad_dcs|users|computers|custom]
- ldap.attrib - comma-separated LDAP attributes to pull, enclosed with curly brackets Set this to ms-Mcs-AdmPwd to extract cleartext passwords from LAPS
- ldap.savesearch - file prefix to save gathered data to, constructed as .csv