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Creating classes easily with the dataclasses module

Python Tuesday: Session 8

Date: 2020-09-29
Author: Gábor Nyers
summary:The Iterator protocol and its practical uses
licence:CC BY-NC 4.0

The dataclasses module introduced in Python 3.7. This relatively new addition to the Python Standard Library provides an easy and standardized way to create new classes to represent data types required for applications. This module is similar in purpose to the collections module's namedtuple class, but with much more capabilities.

  • Introduction
  • Simple use cases

The dataclasses module is a modern code-generator that is part of the Standard Library of Python 3.7 and above.

Side-step: Code generators (and why should you care?)

In general people use code generators to easily create larger pieces of program code based on specifications.

A comparison can be made between:

  • carefully hand-crafted code by an expert programmer, which is purpose-built, optimized, maintainable and perfectly fits the given use-case, versus
  • a "good enough" solution, where code is being generated automatically based on a few parameters. These components fit the typical use-case well most of the time and it can be maintained with reasonable effort by non-experts.

Good code generators have an added value because they allow beginner- or intermediate programmers to quickly create "good-enough" components.

Simplifies the creation of Python classes that can be created using a compact notation, yet observe current best-practices.

Typically classes are used for two purposes:

  • to keep different pieces of data together (data-holder)
  • classes to focus on "business-logic"

Example with dataclasses

Declare a new class:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class Contact:
...     fname: str
...     sname: str
...     email: str

Create a new instance:

>>> jdoe = Contact('John', 'Doe', 1980)

Show the new instance: (notice the nice __repr__() method?)

>>> jdoe
Contact(fname='John', sname='Doe', birthyear=1980)

Compare two instances that are equal:

>>> jdoe2 = Contact('John', 'Doe', 1980)
>>> jdoe == jdoe2

Compare two instances that are not equal:

>>> jdoe3 = Contact('John', 'Doe', 1983)
>>> jdoe == jdoe3

Example without dataclasses

The equivalent code for the above would be:

>>> class Contact:
...     def __init__(self, fname, sname, email):
...         self.fname = fname
...         self.sname = sname
... = email
...     def __repr__(self):
...         tmpl = "Contact(fname='{}', sname='{}', email='{}')"
...         return tmpl.format(self.fname,
...                            self.sname,
...     def __eq__(self, other):
...         if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
...             return NotImplemented
...         return (self.fname, self.sname, == \
...                (other.fname, other.sname,
  • lesser readability
  • lots of "boilerplate" code: code that is necessary and usually simple but repetitive
  • more opportunities for bugs to seep in

General purpose module intended for programmers of all skill-level who wish to spend less time on "boilerplate" code (i.e.: the usual instance methods that are required for most classes: __init__(), __repr__(), __eq__(), etc...

  • Python v3.6 (backport, run pip install dataclasses)
  • Python v3.7 native

The dataclasses module is using type annotations to provide type hints

  • collections.NamedTuple of the Python Standard Library: a tuple, that bundles different pieced together, and have attributes ("names") to refer to these
  • attrs 3rd party module: can be viewed as the inspiration for dataclasses

Create a class that has a few attributes with default values:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class Contact:
...     fname: str
...     sname: str = ''
...     email: str = ''

Create new instance and display it:

>>> jdoe = Contact('John')

>>> jdoe
Contact(fname='John', sname='', email='')
  • attribute fname is mandatory
  • attributes sname and email have a default value, hence optional

The following class:

  • may contain elements (subclassed from List), and
  • has an attribute (date_created) with default value that is not a static value (or is it?)
>>> from time import localtime
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> from typing import List

>>> @dataclass
... class Addressbook(List):
...     name: str
...     owner: Contact = None
...     date_created: localtime =  localtime()

Test it:

>>> ab = Addressbook('My Addressbook')

Let's add a few elements:

>>> janedoe = Contact('Jane', 'Doe', '')
>>> ab.extend([jdoe, janedoe])

>>> ab
Addressbook(name='MyAddressBook', owner=None, date_created=time.struct_time(tm_year=2020, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=25, tm_hour=13, tm_min=28, tm_sec=52, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=273, tm_isdst=1))

Verify that the attribute date_created is indeed dynamic:

Create a new Addressbook:

>>> ab2 = Addressbook('TestAB')
>>> ab2
Addressbook(name='TestAB', owner=None, date_created=time.struct_time(2020, 9, 26, 13, 49, 34, 997024))

Conclusion: the attribute date_created is the same for instances ab and ab2! Conclusion: the localtime() value is generated once at the time of the creation of the class, and not every time a new instance is created!

Improve the above example with a truly dynamic default value:

from time import localtime
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List

class Addressbook(List):
    name: str
    owner: Contact = None
    date_created: localtime = field(default_factory=localtime)


>>> ab = Addressbook('MyAddressBook')
 Addressbook(name='MyAddressBook', owner=None, date_created=time.struct_time(2020, 9, 26, 14, 0, 44, 427232))

>>> ab2 = Addressbook('TestAB')
>>> ab2
Addressbook(name='TestAB', owner=None, date_created=time.struct_time(2020, 9, 26, 14, 1, 2, 752333))


The timestamps of ab and ab2 are different!

Immutability is often a desired trait of an object in order to have certainty that the data will not be changed when the object is passed on to e.g. some function.


The current implementation of Contact can be changed:

>>> jdoe.fname = 'Jonny'
>>> jdoe
Contact(fname='Jonny', sname='Doe', email=''


Update the definition of the class Contact to be immutable:

>>>  @dataclass(frozen=True)
...  class Contact:
...      fname: str
...      sname: str = ''
...      email: str = ''


>>> jdoe
Contact(fname='John', sname='Doe', email='')

>>> jdoe.fname = 'Jonny'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 3, in __setattr__
dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'fname'


Using the @dataclass(frozen=True) decorator, the class is immutable!

In this example we'll see how dataclasses allow the sorting of objects.


In an earlier example we added two Contact instances to our Addressbook:

>>> ab
Addressbook(name='MyAddressBook', owner=None, date_created=time.struct_time(2020, 9, 26, 14, 0, 44, 427232))

Let's try to sort the address book:

>>> sorted(ab)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Contact' and 'Contact'

The above error message informs that Python does not "know" how to determine which of the instances of the Contact class is considered "larger" or "smaller".

Normally Python provides the following four "magic methods" for a class to implement:

  • __lt__(), used when comparing object, e.g.:

    jdoe < janedoe

    Python executes:

    Contact.__lt__(jdoe, janedoe)
  • __le__(), e.g.: jdoe <= janedoe

  • __gt__(), e.g.: jdoe > janedoe

  • __ge__(), e.g.: jdoe >= janedoe


Add the order=True argument to the decorator in order for dataclasses to implement the above "magic methods":

>>>  @dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
...  class Contact:
...      fname: str
...      sname: str = ''
...      email: str = ''


>>> ab
Addressbook(name='MyAddressBook', owner=None, date_created=time.struct_time(2020, 9, 26, 13, 49, 34, 997024))

>>> sorted(ab)
[Contact(fname='Jane', sname='Doe', email=''), Contact(fname='John', sname='Doe', email='')]


Using the @dataclass(order=True) decorator, the instances of a class can be "compared" amongst themselves.

IMPORTANT: The default comparison implemented by dataclass decorator relies on tuple comparison, that is:

  • take the data attributes of both the instances in the order that they have been declared, e.g.:

    Contact(fname='Jane', sname='Doe', email='')
    Contact(fname='John', sname='Doe', email='')
  • put them in a tuple, e.g.:

    ('Jane', 'Doe', '')
    ('John', 'Doe', '')
  • compare them:

    ('Jane', 'Doe', '') < ('John', 'Doe', '')

In the above example the attribute fname will effectively determine the sorting order.

In case other ordering is needed, the options are as follows:

  • change the order of the attributes in the class definition, e.g. swap the fname and sname attributes:

    >>>  @dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
    ...  class Contact:
    ...      sname: str
    ...      fname: str = ''
    ...      email: str = ''
  • or implement the __lt__() (etc...) methods as desired:

    >>>  @dataclass(frozen=True)
    ...  class Contact:
    ...      fname: str
    ...      sname: str = ''
    ...      email: str = ''
    ...      def __lt__(self, other):
    ...         if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
    ...             return NotImplemented
    ...          return self.sname < other.sname

    NOTE that in this case the order=True argument has no effect on the dataclass decorator's working.

The dataclasses module provides the functions asdict() and astuple, which may be used to convert a dataclass object into a dict or a tuple. Using these functions it is easy to:

  • "export" ("serialize") an object to a file, or
  • "import" ("de-serialize") the content of a file and re-create the object


Implement a function to export an Addressbook instance complete with its content in JSON format:

'{"name": "MyAddressBook",
  "owner": null,
  "date_created": [2020, 9, 25, 13, 28, 52, 1, 273, 1],
  "_contacts": [
     {"fname": "John", "sname": "Doe", "email": ""},
     {"fname": "Jane", "sname": "Doe", "email": ""}


The relatively simple Contact class works well with both asdict() and astuple(), the Addressbook class does not:

  • Contact is OK:

    Import the functions asdict() and astuple:

    >>> from dataclasses import asdict, astuple

    Object as dict:

    >>> asdict(jdoe)
    {'fname': 'John', 'sname': 'Doe', 'email': ''}

    Object as tuple:

    >>> astuple(janedoe)
    ('Jane', 'Doe', '')
  • Addressbook misses data:

    >>> asdict(ab)
    {'name': 'MyAddressBook', 'owner': None, 'date_created': time.struct_time(tm_year=2020, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=25, tm_hour=13, tm_min=28, tm_sec=52, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=273, tm_isdst=1)}
    >>> astuple(ab)
    ('MyAddressBook', None, time.struct_time(tm_year=2020, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=25, tm_hour=13, tm_min=28, tm_sec=52, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=273, tm_isdst=1))


We need to create a custom function to export the content of an Addressbook instance as well:

>>> import json
>>> from dataclasses import asdict, astuple

>>> def export_addressbook(ab):
...     d = asdict(ab)
...     d['_contacts'] = [ asdict(c) for c in ab ]
...     return json.dumps(d)

Question: Can I implement instance methods on dataclass classes:

Answer: Yes!

@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class Contact:
    fname: str
    sname: str = ''
    email: str = ''
    def name(self):
        return '{}, {}'.format(self.sname, self.fname)

jdoe = Contact(fname='John', sname='Doe', email='')


Doe, John

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