SampleCode_AcousticMobilePush_iOS_Swift is one of the sample iOS application that shows how to integrate Acoustic-Mobile-Push SDK with any iOS Application.
You need to have recent cocoapods version install on your Mac OS. Current version is 1.4.0. Please refer to cocoapods website for the details.
For SDK prerequisites and documentation, please refer to the SDK documentation here
Open Podfile in a text editor of your choice and note the following lines in the Podfile.
source ''
Also note the platform in the Podfile iOS 13.0
platform :ios, '13.0'
Note that use_frameworks is uncommented for xcframeworks.
In the respective targets for your project in the Podfile add the following line if you want to use AcousticMobilePush SDK's release version
pod 'AcousticMobilePush'
pod 'AcousticMobilePushNotification'
In the respective targets for your project in the Podfile add the following line if you want to use AcousticMobilePush SDK's debug version
pod 'AcousticMobilePushDebug'
pod 'AcousticMobilePushNotificationDebug'
You will notice that by default the sample application uses pod 'AcousticMobilePushDebug'
,pod 'AcousticMobilePushDebug'
and pod 'AcousticMobilePushNotificationDebug'
Note that you can use only one of
pod 'AcousticMobilePushDebug'
pod 'AcousticMobilePushNotificationDebug'
pod 'AcousticMobilePush'
pod 'AcousticMobilePushNotification'
Do not use both at the same time.
Now you need to install the pods by running one of the following commands.
pod install
or to update
pod update
Above pod command (install or update) should complete with no errors. If you do see errors run the same command with --verbose
option and share the error log with us.
Clone the sample app code from github location
git clone
Open terminal window and go to the sample app location
cd SampleCode_AcousticMobilePush_iOS_Swift
Run the following command
pod install
Then follow the instructions on build-mobile-app-messages-with-the-sample-app
License files can be read here