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Reimplemented normalize in SparseMatrix, some TODOs missing
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GollokG committed Nov 28, 2024
1 parent 215b25e commit 680e56b
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Showing 4 changed files with 45 additions and 59 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -355,4 +355,7 @@ module ArrayMatrix: AbstractMatrix =
map2i_with f m' v;

let swap_rows m j k =
failwith "TODO"

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/cdomains/affineEquality/
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Expand Up @@ -71,4 +71,6 @@ sig

val copy: t -> t

val swap_rows: t -> int -> int -> t

97 changes: 38 additions & 59 deletions src/cdomains/affineEquality/sparseImplementation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,75 +184,54 @@ module ListMatrix: AbstractMatrix =
failwith "deprecated"

let normalize_with m = Timing.wrap "normalize_with" normalize_with m

let sub_rows (minu : V.t) (subt : V.t) : V.t =
V.map2_preserve_zero (-:) minu subt

let div_row (row : V.t) (pivot : A.t) : V.t =
V.map_preserve_zero (fun a -> a /: pivot) row

let swap_rows m j k =
List.mapi (fun i row -> if i = j then List.nth m k else if i = k then List.nth m k else row) m

let normalize (m : t) : t Option.t =
let entries = m in
let col_count = num_cols m in
let swap_rows (m : t) (r1_idx : int) (r2_idx : int) : t =
failwith "TODO"
List.mapi (fun i row ->
if i = r1_idx then List.nth m r2_idx
else if i = r2_idx then List.nth m r1_idx
else row
) entries*)
let rec sub_rows (minu : V.t) (subt : V.t) : (int * A.t) list =
failwith "TODO"
match minu, subt with
| ((xidx, xv)::xs, (yidx,yv)::ys) -> (
match xidx - yidx with
| d when d = 0 && xv <> yv -> (xidx, xv -: yv)::(sub_rows xs ys)
| d when d < 0 -> (xidx, xv)::(sub_rows xs ((yidx, yv)::ys))
| d when d > 0 -> (yidx, -: yv)::(sub_rows ((xidx, xv)::xs) ys)
| _ -> sub_rows xs ys ) (* remove row when is (0, 0) *)
| ([], (yidx, yv)::ys) -> (yidx, -: yv)::(sub_rows [] ys)
| ((xidx, xv)::xs, []) -> (xidx, xv)::(sub_rows xs [])
| ([],[]) -> []
let div_row (row : V.t) (pivot : A.t) : V.t =
failwith "TODO"
(* (fun (idx, value) -> (idx, value /: pivot)) row
let dec_mat_2D (m : t) : t =

let dec_mat_2D (m : t) (row_idx : int) (col_idx : int) : t =
let rec find_pivot_in_col (m : t) (row_idx : int) (col_idx : int) : (int * A.t) Option.t =
failwith "TODO"
match m with
| ((idx, value)::_)::xs -> if idx = col_idx then Some (row_idx, value) else find_pivot_in_col xs (row_idx + 1) col_idx
| ([])::xs -> find_pivot_in_col xs (row_idx + 1) col_idx
| [] -> None
(* let rec find_pivot m col_idx row_idx =
if col_idx >= col_count then None else
match find_pivot_in_col m col_idx row_idx with
| Some (row_idx, value) -> Some (row_idx, value)
| None -> find_pivot m (col_idx + 1) row_idx
in *)
(* Function for finding a pivot in an extracted part of the matrix (row_idx and col_idx indicate which part of the original matrix) *)
let rec find_pivot (m : t) (row_idx : int) (col_idx : int) : (int * int * A.t) Option.t =
if col_idx >= col_count then None else
let get_first_non_zero v = (* Returns (col_idx, value) of first non-zero row*)
let v' = V.to_sparse_list v in
match v' with
| [] -> None
| (idx, value)::_ -> Some (idx, value)
(* Finding pivot by extracting the minimum column index of the first non zero value of each row*)
let (piv_row, piv_col, piv_val) = List.fold_lefti (fun (cur_row, cur_col, cur_val) i row ->
let row_first_non_zero = get_first_non_zero row in
match row_first_non_zero with
| None -> (cur_row, cur_col, cur_val)
| Some (col_idx, value) -> if col_idx < cur_col then (i, col_idx, value) else (cur_row, cur_col, cur_val)
) (num_rows m, num_cols m, m (* Initializing with max, so num_cols m indicates that pivot is not found *)
if piv_col = (num_cols m) then None else Some (piv_row, piv_col, piv_val)
let rec main_loop (m : t) (m' : t) (row_idx : int) (col_idx : int) : t =
failwith "TODO"
if col_idx = (col_count - 1) (* In this case the whole bottom of the matrix starting from row_index is Zero, so it is normalized *)
then m
if col_idx = (col_count - 1) then m (* In this case the whole bottom of the matrix starting from row_index is Zero, so it is normalized *)
match find_pivot_in_col m' row_idx col_idx with
| None -> main_loop m m' row_idx (col_idx + 1)
| Some (piv_row_idx, piv_val) -> (
match find_pivot m' row_idx col_idx with
| None -> m (* No pivot found means already normalized*)
| Some (piv_row_idx, piv_col_idx, piv_val) -> (
let m = if piv_row_idx <> row_idx then swap_rows m row_idx piv_row_idx else m in
let normalized_m = List.mapi (fun idx row -> if idx = row_idx then div_row row piv_val else row) m in
let piv_row = (List.nth normalized_m row_idx) in
let subtracted_m = List.mapi (fun idx row -> if idx <> row_idx then sub_rows row piv_row else row) normalized_m in
let m' = dec_mat_2D m in
main_loop subtracted_m m' (row_idx + 1) (col_idx + 1)
let m' = dec_mat_2D m (row_idx + 1) (piv_col_idx + 1) in
main_loop subtracted_m m' (row_idx + 1) (piv_col_idx + 1)) (* We start at piv_col_idx + 1 because every other col before that is zero at the bottom*)
let m' = main_loop m m 0 0 in
Some m'
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/cdomains/affineEquality/
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ sig
val insert_val_at: int -> num -> t -> t

val map_preserve_zero: (num -> num) -> t -> t

val map2_preserve_zero: (num -> num -> num) -> t -> t -> t

val apply_with_c: (num -> num -> num) -> num -> t -> t

val apply_with_c_with: (num -> num -> num) -> num -> t -> unit
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