This module holds the logic to process images. It is used by the Darkroom Application Server.
You may implement the Processor
interface to gain custom functionality while still keeping other Darkroom functionality.
type Processor interface {
Crop(img image.Image, width, height int, point CropPoint) image.Image
Decode(data []byte) (image.Image, string, error)
Encode(img image.Image, format string) ([]byte, error)
GrayScale(img image.Image) image.Image
Resize(img image.Image, width, height int) image.Image
Watermark(base []byte, overlay []byte, opacity uint8) ([]byte, error)
Flip(image image.Image, mode string) image.Image
Rotate(image image.Image, angle float64) image.Image
FixOrientation(image image.Image, orientation int) image.Image
Any struct
implementing the above interface can be used with Darkroom.
bp := NewBildProcessor()
srcImgData, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("test.png")
srcImg, _, _ := bp.Decode(srcImgData)
outputImg, err := bp.Resize(srcImg, 500, 500)
outputImgData, _ := bp.Encode(outputImg, "png")
_ = ioutil.WriteFile("output.png", outputImgData, 0644)