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Nvim Config For Fullstack Rust using Neovide For Maximum Productivity on MACOS

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Fullstack Rust Productivity tool Using Neovide


You will need to install some dependencies

  • neovim
  • packer
  • Neovide
  • lua, luajit
  • python (optional , on mac its installed)
  • ruby (optional, on mac its installed)
  • rustc , cargo, rustup
  • MacOS (recommended), Linux , Windows

Setting up for your own Use

  1. Im assuming you already have neovim Installed on your system. Make sure you Install NEOVIM

  2. Rust Install it, if you dont now how click -> Rust with RustUp Install

  3. Install Packer

  4. Download and Install Neovide

  5. Set Up your Executable Path ,and Font use Nerd Fonts

edit vim_g.lua

vim.g.python3_host_prog = "/opt/homebrew/bin/python3"
vim.g.ruby_host_prog = "/usr/bin/ruby"
vim.g.python_host_prog = "/Users/uriah/.pyenv/shims/python"
vim.opt.guifont = "Hack Nerd Font Mono:12"
  1. Create .undodir folder in $HOME/.undodir

  2. Enabling Meta Key

Meta Key can be used in any OS, im mac its CMD_KEY, windows is WINDOW_KEY and Linux is SUPER_KEY

On Neovide , it is set globally with this key.

vim.g.neovide_input_use_logo= true
  1. Override Key Bindings
  • The example below , is using OPTION + JK on mac, you can edit it and put ALT + [jk], if you dont use it or its not binded on your system.
  • You can search for <D-ANY_KEY> to override your SUPER/META/CMD key bindings.


-- This is MACOS Specific Keybinding OPT+[jk]
-- Create your own in windows :) by replacing this
nnoremap("",[[ :m .+1<CR>==]])
nnoremap ("˚",[[ :m .-2<CR>==]])
inoremap("",[[<Esc>:m .+1<CR>==gi]])
inoremap("˚", [[<Esc>:m .-2<CR>==gi]])
vnoremap("",[[ :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv]])
vnoremap("˚", [[:m '<-2<CR>gv=gv]])
  1. Install Neovim Plugin with Packer run :PackerInstall or :PackerSync

  2. For Rust Formatting , Intellisense ,Test to work

you need to install rust fmt, clippy, rust-analyzer we assume you already have set up rustc, rustup and cargo

  1. For Debugger to Work you need to Download CODELLDB

  2. Update Path for CodeLLDB


-- Update this path
local extension_path = vim.env.HOME .. '/.vscode/extensions/vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.6.10/'
local codelldb_path = extension_path .. 'adapter/codelldb'
local liblldb_path = extension_path .. 'lldb/lib/liblldb.dylib' -- this is a  *.so file on windows/linux
local nnoremap = require("utils/nnoremap")
local custom_attach = require("keymaps/rust_tools")
  1. To make Rust Play works which is binded on CMD+C (ONLY FOR LINUX AND MAC USERS)
  • you need to update vim_g.lua
let g:rust_clip_command = 'xclip -selection clipboard'

Productivity First Keybindings


  • [r] - enabled only on Rust Projects
  • [g] - generals purpose key bindings

Rust Run/Test [r]

  • F1 = Rust Run

  • F2 = Rust Run Test Under Cursor (only for Cargo projects, defaults to running all test for single file .rs)

  • F3 = Rust Runnables

  • F4 = Undo Tree Toggle (Not Rust Related) [g]

  • F5 = Rust Debuggables (Rust Debugger)

  • F6 = Start Stand Alone Rust Server for Single File

  • F7 = Reload Rust Workspace

  • F8 = Toggle DAP REPL

  • F9 = Run ONLY IGNORED Test

  • CMD + C = Copy Rust File Content to Rust Playground

Debugger [r]

  • CMD + ` = toggle Debugger UI
  • CMD + F1 = Debug Continue
  • CMD + F2 = Debug Step Over
  • CMD + F3 = Debug Step Into
  • CMD + F4 = Debug Step Out
  • CMD + F5 = Close DAP
  • CMD + F8 = Close DAP REPL
  • CMD + X = Toggle Breakpoint

Pane Navigation [g]

  • CMD + [hjkl] - Quickly Navigate panes on normal

Move Up Down

  • OPT + [jk] - Move Line Up and Down in Insert mode [g]
  • CMD + [ = Move Item Down (useful for functions/variables/class) [r]
  • CMS +] = Move Item Up (can be class, fn, variables) [r]

Tabbing [g]

  • CMD + Q - Quit
  • CMD + W - Close Tab
  • CMD + [1-9] - Switch Buffer
  • CMD + B = Toggle Sidebar
  • CMD + N = Create New Tab
  • + [0-9] - Go to Tab 1-9

Common Save , Undo Redo [g]

  • CMD + S = Save and Autoformat
  • CMD + V = Paste
  • CMD + Z = Undo
  • CMD + Y = Redo

Intellisense, Diagnostic, LSP [g]

  • CMD + D = Hover Definition , Press Twice to go inside and navigate it
  • CMD + A = Trigger Code Actions
  • CMD + , = Previous Diagnotic
  • CMD + . = Next Diagnotic
  • CMD + I = Check Implementations
  • CMD + R = Rename/Refactor
  • CMD + T = View Treesitter

Quick File Navigation [g]

  • CMD + O = Workspace Symbols
  • CMD + E = View Recent Files
  • CMD + P = Search Files
  • CMD + M = View all your Vim Marks
  • CMD + F = Find Text on Steroids

Known Issue on Neovide


Nvim Config For Fullstack Rust using Neovide For Maximum Productivity on MACOS






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