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Travis CI User edited this page Sep 24, 2018 · 1 revision

setParentBackground(event, element) ⇒ void

Sets the parent element's background to a combination of linear-gradients that comply with the borders of the transformed element. This can be used for example if the background of the element is partially transparent and should let through a background inside of the element but not outside.

Kind: global function

  • finish example. How to dom elements in Node.js could be done with jsdom. What about MutationObserver? There are some polyfills. on that way it wouldn't only be for the test but also for the whole system. should be done after the transfromation classes and stuff are splitted to own repository.
Param Type Description
event event event that caused the transformation
element TransformableElement element that was transformed


import TC from './TransformationController.js';
  typeof TC // is equal to "function"