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deployment script via Travis CI edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 4 revisions





currently equal to {updateCornerPoints}


sets the internal corner points to the points of the actual DOM element


transforms internal edge points according to a transformation in css syntax

surroundingBackground(col1, [size], [col2], [margin])string

generates background that surrounds the transformed element


transforms internal corner points using a 2d (3x3 homogenous) matrix z coordinate remains unchanged.


transforms internal corner points using a 3d (4x4 homogenous) matrix


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: perspective(d)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotate(a)' does

internalRotate3d(x, y, z, a)void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotate3d(x, y, z, a)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotateX(a)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotateY(a)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotateZ(a)' does

internalScale(x, [y])void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scale(x, y)' does

internalScale3d(x, y, z)void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scale3d(x, y, z)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scaleX(s)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scaleY(s)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scaleZ(s)' does

internalSkew(x, [y])void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: skew(x, y)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: skewX(a)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: skewY(a)' does

internalTranslate(x, [y])void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translate(x, y)' does

internalTranslate3d(x, y, z)void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translate3d(x, y, z)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translateX(t)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translateY(t)' does


transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translateZ(t)' does

transform(css, [alsoTransformInternal])void

runs a css transformation

cornerPointXs ⇒ Array.<number>

Kind: global variable
Returns: Array.<number> - cartesian x values of all corner points

cornerPointYs ⇒ Array.<number>

Kind: global variable
Returns: Array.<number> - cartesian y values of all corner points

cornerPointZs ⇒ Array.<number>

Kind: global variable
Returns: Array.<number> - cartesian z values of all corner points

cornerPointXYs ⇒ Array.<Array.<number>>

Kind: global variable
Returns: Array.<Array.<number>> - cartesian x and y values of all corner points

XY ⇒ Array.<Array.<number>>

Kind: global variable
Returns: Array.<Array.<number>> - cartesian x- and y-coordinates of corner points

initialTransform ⇒ string

Kind: global variable
Returns: string - initial CSS transformation as matrix/matrix3d or 'none' (cached).

absoluteTransformOriginApprox ⇒ Array.<number>

Kind: global variable
Returns: Array.<number> - Absolute coordinates of the transformation origin of the DOM element

  • returns center of element ATM. change it to the origin. it's not necessary to redo the whole function! only a change of the last few lines.

update() ⇒ void

currently equal to {updateCornerPoints}

Kind: global function

  • where is this used, why is this necessary, what does this override?

updateCornerPoints() ⇒ void

sets the internal corner points to the points of the actual DOM element

Kind: global function

internalTransform(css) ⇒ void

transforms internal edge points according to a transformation in css syntax

Kind: global function

  • Function only supports matrices. Add other types.
Param Type Description
css string CSS value. Only one function at a time is allowed. See for syntax.

surroundingBackground(col1, [size], [col2], [margin]) ⇒ string

generates background that surrounds the transformed element

Kind: global function
Returns: string - CSS background that can be applied or appended to a parent element

  • I don't like the ' + Math.PI' in the loop because there is no plausible reason for that for the reader. Some minor refactoring on this would be nice.
  • still some issues with high translate values (test case: directly applied 'perspective(1000px) rotateZ(182deg) rotateY(60deg) translateX(200px) translateY(-300px)' on a 450x450 div (equal size background)) probable reason: css-gradient doesn't support negative numbers
Param Type Default Description
col1 string "black" css color name or code for the surrounding color.
[size] Array.<number> this._size Width and height of the bg element. Normally and thus when no value is given, equal to the size of the foreground dom element.
[col2] string "'transparent'" CSS color name or code for the color behind the transformed element. Due to the way CSS linear-gradients work, this value should always be transparent or equal to col1, but with a lower opacity. Everything else could result in a broken background.
[margin] number 0 Additional pixels to the surrounding to prevent flickering lines of col2. Set to 0 by default but in most cases more is recommended.

internalMatrix(M) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points using a 2d (3x3 homogenous) matrix z coordinate remains unchanged.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
M Array.<number> 3x3 homogenous transformation matrix

internalMatrix3d(M) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points using a 3d (4x4 homogenous) matrix

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
M Array.<number> 4x4 homogenous transformation matrix

internalPerspective(d) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: perspective(d)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
d Number Distance from the user to the z=0 plane. If it is 0 or a negative value, no perspective transform is applied. In px.

internalRotate(a) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotate(a)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
a Number Angle of the rotation. A positive angle denotes a clockwise rotation, a negative angle a counter-clockwise one. In deg.

internalRotate3d(x, y, z, a) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotate3d(x, y, z, a)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
x Number x-coordinate of the vector denoting the axis of rotation which could between 0 and 1.
y Number y-coordinate of the vector denoting the axis of rotation which could between 0 and 1.
z Number z-coordinate of the vector denoting the axis of rotation which could between 0 and 1.
a Number angle of the rotation. A positive angle denotes a clockwise rotation, a negative angle a counter-clockwise one. In deg.

internalRotateX(a) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotateX(a)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
a Number Angle of the rotation. A positive angle denotes a clockwise rotation, a negative angle a counter-clockwise one. In deg.

internalRotateY(a) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotateY(a)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
a Number Angle of the rotation. A positive angle denotes a clockwise rotation, a negative angle a counter-clockwise one. In deg.

internalRotateZ(a) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: rotateZ(a)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
a Number Angle of the rotation. A positive angle denotes a clockwise rotation, a negative angle a counter-clockwise one. In deg.

internalScale(x, [y]) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scale(x, y)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
x Number abscissa of the scaling vector
[y] Number x Ordinate of the scaling vector. If not defined, its default value is x, resulting in a uniform scaling that preserves the element's aspect ratio.

internalScale3d(x, y, z) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scale3d(x, y, z)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
x Number abscissa of the scaling vector
y Number ordinate of the scaling vector
z Number z-component of the scaling vector

internalScaleX(s) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scaleX(s)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
s Number scaling factor to apply on the abscissa of each point of the element

internalScaleY(s) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scaleY(s)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
s Number scaling factor to apply on the ordinate of each point of the element

internalScaleZ(s) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: scaleZ(s)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
s Number scaling factor to apply on the z-coordinate of each point of the element

internalSkew(x, [y]) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: skew(x, y)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
x Number Angle to use to distort the element along the abscissa. In deg.
[y] Number 0 Angle to use to distort the element along the ordinate. If not defined, its default value is 0, resulting in a purely horizontal skewing. In deg.

internalSkewX(a) ⇒ Point4d

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: skewX(a)' does

Kind: global function
Returns: Point4d - changed Point4d

Param Type Description
a Number Angle to use to distort the element along the abscissa. In deg.

internalSkewY(a) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: skewY(a)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
a Number Angle to use to distort the element along the ordinate. In deg.

internalTranslate(x, [y]) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translate(x, y)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
x Number Abscissa of the translating vector. In px.
[y] Number 0 Ordinate of the translating vector. If unspecified, its default value is 0. For example, translate(2) is equivalent to translate(2, 0). In px.

internalTranslate3d(x, y, z) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translate3d(x, y, z)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
x Number Abscissa of the translating vector. In px.
y Number Ordinate of the translating vector. In px.
z Number z-component of the translating vector. In px.

internalTranslateX(t) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translateX(t)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
t Number Abscissa of the translating vector. In px.

internalTranslateY(t) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translateY(t)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
t Number Ordinate of the translating vector. In px.

internalTranslateZ(t) ⇒ void

transforms internal corner points like CSS 'transform: translateZ(t)' does

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
t Number z-component of the translating vector. A positive value moves the element towards the viewer, and a negative value further away.

transform(css, [alsoTransformInternal]) ⇒ void

runs a css transformation

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
css string css value for the transformation
[alsoTransformInternal] boolean true defines if the internal information should be transformed too. Set to true by default, but call should be called with false if element is managed with TransformationController
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