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deployment script via Travis CI edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

mousemoveEventTransform([transformationFunction], [additionalFilter], [postFunction]) ⇒ void

Adds an mousemove eventListener for each DOM element that matches the criteria. Defines how the element should be transformed in case of a mousemove and what should happen afterwards

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
[transformationFunction] function (o, m)=>'none' returns a css transformation string. params: absolute transformation origin and mouse position, both in arrays. See {TransformationFunctions} for examples and predefined functions
[additionalFilter] string "'*'" css query that has to apply additionally to the one passed in the constructor
[postFunction] function (event, element)=>{} optional function that runs after the transformation is successfully handled internally. See {PostTransformFunctions} for examples and predefined functions.