This script allows for mass installation and management of nodes for the Subspace test network.
1. Log in to the system with root user privileges.
apt update -y && apt install git -y
3. Generate an SSL certificate without a password and copy it to remote servers.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/subspace -N ""
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/
4. Copy pub ssh-rsa to remote server
where -p
your ssh port and REMOTE_IP
your IP remote node
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ -p 9778 root@REMOTE_IP
5. Clone subspace script and cd your work dir
git clone
cd subspace
chmod +x
6. Change your ansible hosts.yml and(or) add your nodes
7. Change your vars for nodes and(or) create new var files
and other if need
nano ./ansible/group_vars/node1.yml
nano ./ansible/group_vars/node2.yml
or create new and change vars too. After that, don't forget to add a free node to the ./ansible/hosts.yml file.
cp ./ansible/group_vars/node2.yml ./ansible/group_vars/node3.yml
Ansible is not installed. Would you like to install it? (y/n):
9. Choose node(s) for run. If select 1
options - All actions will be performed for all nodes.
10. Select number action. Select option 2
for setup and upload docker compose file
11. After setup run docker compose
Choose node(s) for run. select 1
options or select other number for custom node
Select number action. Select option 3
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