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349 lines (285 loc) · 16.4 KB

MT Metrics Eval V2

MTME is a simple toolkit to evaluate the performance of Machine Translation metrics on standard test sets such as those from the WMT Metrics Shared Tasks. It bundles data relevant to metric development and evaluation for a given test set and language pair, and lets you do the following:

  • Access source, reference, and MT output text, along with associated meta-info, for the WMT metrics tasks from 2019 on. This can be done via software, or by directly accessing the files in a linux directory structure, in a straightforward format.
  • Access human and automatic metric scores for the above data, and MQM ratings for some language pairs.
  • Reproduce the official results from the WMT metrics tasks. For WMT22 on, there are colabs to do this; other years require more work.
  • Compute various correlations and perform significance tests on correlation differences between two metrics.

These can be done on the command line using a python script, or from an API.


You need python 3.10 or later. To install:

git clone
cd mt-metrics-eval
pip install .

Downloading the data

This must be done before using the toolkit. You can either use the mtme script:

alias mtme='python3 -m mt_metrics_eval.mtme'
mtme --download  # Puts ~2G of data into $HOME/.mt-metrics-eval.

Or download directly, if you're only interested in the data:

mkdir $HOME/.mt-metrics-eval
cd $HOME/.mt-metrics-eval
tar xfz mt-metrics-eval-v2.tgz

Once data is downloaded, you can optionally test the install:

python3 -m unittest discover mt_metrics_eval "*"  # Takes ~70 seconds.

Running from the command line

Here are some examples of things you can do with the mtme script. They assume that the mtme alias above has been set up.

Get information about test sets:

mtme --list  # List available test sets.
mtme --list -t wmt22  # List language pairs for wmt22.
mtme --list -t wmt22 -l en-de  # List details for wmt22 en-de.

Get contents of test sets. Paste doc-id, source, standard reference, alternative reference to stdout:

mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de --echo doc,src,refA,refB

Outputs from all systems, sequentially, pasted with doc-ids, source, and reference:

mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de --echosys doc,src,refA

Human and metric scores for all systems, at all granularities:

mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de --scores > wmt22.en-de.tsv

Evaluate metric score files containing tab-separated system-name score entries. For system-level correlations, supply one score per system. For document-level or segment-level correlations, supply one score per document or segment, grouped by system, in the same order as text generated using --echo (the same order as the WMT test-set file). Granularity is determined automatically. Domain-level scores are currently not supported by this command.


mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de < $examples/BLEU-refA.sys.score
mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de < $examples/BLEU-refA.seg.score

Compare to WMT appraise gold scores instead of MQM gold scores:

mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de -g wmt-appraise < $examples/BLEU-refA.sys.score
mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de -g wmt-appraise < $examples/BLEU-refA.seg.score

Compute correlations for two metrics files, and perform tests to determine whether they are significantly different:

mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de -i $examples/BLEU-refA.sys.score -c $examples/COMET-22-refA.sys.score

Compare all known metrics under specified conditions. This corresponds to one of the "tasks" in the WMT22 metrics evaluation. The first output line contains all relevant parameter settings, and subsequent lines show metrics in descending order of performance, followed by the rank of their significance cluster, the value of the selected correlation statistic, and a vector of flags to indicate significant differences with lower-ranked metrics. These examples use k_block=5 for demo purposes; using k_block=100 will approximately match official results but can take minutes to hours to complete, depending on the task.

# System-level Pearson
mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de --matrix --k_block 5

# System-level paired-rank accuracy, pooling results across all MQM languages
mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de,zh-en,en-ru --matrix \
  --matrix_corr accuracy --k_block 5

# Segment-level item-wise averaged Kendall-Tau-Acc23 with optimal tie threshold
# using sampling rate of 1.0 (disabling significance testing for demo).
mtme -t wmt22 -l en-de --matrix --matrix_level seg --avg item \
  --matrix_corr KendallWithTiesOpt --matrix_perm_test pairs \
  --matrix_corr_args "{'variant':'acc23', 'sample_rate':1.0}" --k 0

API and Colabs

The colab notebook mt_metrics_eval.ipynb contains examples that show how to use the API to load and summarize data, and compare stored metrics (ones that participated in the metrics shared tasks) using different criteria. It also demonstrates how you can incorporate new metrics into these comparisons.

The notebooks wmt22_metrics.ipynb and wmt23_metrics.ipynb document how the official results for these tasks were generated. We will try to provide similar notebooks for future evaluations.

The notebook ties_matter.ipynb contains the code to reproduce the results from Ties Matter: Meta-Evaluating Modern Metrics with Pairwise Accuracy and Tie Calibration. It also contains examples for how to calculate the proposed pairwise accuracy with tie calibration.

MQM Ratings

MTME also supports representing MQM ratings. The ratings are stored as rating.Rating objects in the EvalSet. They can be accessed via the EvalSet.Ratings() function. Ratings() returns a dictionary that maps between the name of a set of ratings and the ratings themselves, one per segment. Each entry can either represent:

  • An individual rater's ratings, in which the key is the ID of the rater
  • A metric's ratings, in which the key is the ID of the system that predicted the rating
  • A combined set of ratings that come from different raters, in which the key is the name for this group of ratings. This could be used if there was a logical "round" of ratings from different raters, like a full round of ratings collected as part of a WMT evaluation.

The IDs of the raters who rated the segments can be accessed via EvalSet.RaterIdsPerSeg(). It returns a dict that is parallel to an entry in EvalSet.Ratings() that lists the individual rater IDs for each rating or None if there was no rating. For an individual rater's ratings or a metric's ratings, these are typically that rater's ID or the name of the metric. For a combined set of ratings, this will contain the per-segment rater IDs.

For each year of WMT for which ratings are included in MTME, there is a rating entry for each individual rater. If there was a logical grouping of ratings, like a round of ratings that were collected at the same time, those are also included. Here are the ratings that are currently available:

Dataset Language Pair Ratings
wmt20 en-de
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater6": The individual rater's ratings. Each segment was rated up to 3 times, and there is no clear definition of a round of ratings, so no combined set of ratings is included.
wmt20 zh-en
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater6": The individual rater's ratings. Each segment was rated up to 3 times, and there is no clear definition of a round of ratings, so no combined set of ratings is included. en-de
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater14": The individual rater's ratings
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-14 that were used in the WMT evaluation zh-en
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater9": The individual rater's ratings
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-9 that were used in the WMT evaluation
wmt21.tedtalks en-de
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater4": The individual rater's ratings
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-4 that were used in the WMT evaluation
wmt21.tedtalks zh-en
  • mqm.rater1-mqm.rater9: The individual rater's ratings
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-9 that were used in the WMT evaluation
wmt22 en-de
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater7": The individual rater's ratings (from all rounds; see below)
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-7 that were used in the WMT evaluation
  • "round2.mqm.merged": A second round of ratings collected from rater1-7 (these were not part of the WMT evaluation)
  • "round3.mqm.merged": A third round of ratings collected from rater1-7 (these were not part of the WMT evaluation)
wmt22 en-ru
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater4": The individual rater's ratings
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-4 that were used in the WMT evaluation
wmt22 zh-en
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater12": The individual rater's ratings
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-12 that were used in the WMT evaluation
wmt23 en-de
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater10": The individual rater's ratings
  • "mqm.merged": The combined ratings of rater1-10 that were used in the WMT evaluation
wmt23 zh-en
  • "mqm.rater1"-"mqm.rater8": The individual rater's ratings. A small subset of segments were rated by all of the raters, so there is no clear definition of a round of ratings, so no merged set of ratings is included.

Note that the ratings might differ slightly from the ratings that were released as part of the original WMT evaluations. The released data and the translations in MTME were sometimes different (e.g., punctuation was introduced or removed, whitespace inserted, etc.), which made it difficult to map the MQM ratings to character offsets in the MTME translations. We wrote scripts to fix the ratings so they would match the MTME versions, but this was sometimes lossy and not always possible, so some ratings might be different or even missing. This is less of a problem with more recent WMT years.

Conversion scripts

The converters module contains scripts to convert between different formats for ratings and scores.

For example, to convert MQM annotations from Google's tsv annotation format into scores:

git clone
python3 -m mt_metrics_eval.converters.score_mqm \
  --weights "major:5 minor:1 No-error:0 minor/Fluency/Punctuation:0.1" \
  < wmt-mqm-human-evaluation/generalMT2022/ende/mqm_generalMT2022_ende.tsv \
  > mqm.ende.seg.score

To convert MTME-format MQM annotations into standalone json files that bundle all relevant information:

python3 -m mt_metrics_eval.converters.evalset_ratings_to_standalone \
  --evalset_ratings_files  $HOME/.mt-metrics-eval/mt-metrics-eval-v2/wmt23/human-scores/en-de.mqm.merged.seg.rating \
  --language_pair en-de \
  --test_set wmt23 \
  --ratings_file en-de.mqm.standalone.jsonl

File organization and naming convention


There is one top-level directory for each test set (e.g. wmt22). Each top-level directory contains the following sub-directories (whose contents should be obvious from their names): documents, human-scores, metric-scores, references, sources, and system-outputs.

In general, a test-set contains data from many language pairs. Each combination of test-set and language pair (eg wmt22 + de-en) is called an EvalSet. This is the main unit of computation in the toolkit. Each EvalSet consists of a source text (divided into one or more documents, optionally with domain membership), reference translations, system outputs to be scored, human gold scores, and metric scores.

Meta information is encoded into directory and file names as specified below. The convention is intended to be straightforward, but there are a few subtleties:

  • Reference translations can be scored as system outputs. When this is the case, the reference files should be copied into the system-outputs directory with matching names. For example:
      references/de-en.refb.txt → system-outputs/de-en/refb.txt
  • Metrics can come in different variants according to which reference(s) they used. This information is encoded into their filenames. To facilitate parsing, reference names can't contain dashes or dots, as outlined below.
  • Metric files must contain scores for all files in the system output directory, except those that were used as references.
  • Human score files don’t have to contain entries for all systems, or even for all segments for a given system. Missing entries are marked with ‘None’ strings.


The filename format and content specification for each kind of file are described below. Paths are relative to the top-level directory corresponding to a test set, e.g. wmt20. SRC and TGT designate abbreviations for the source and target language, e.g. ‘en’. Blanks designate any amount of whitespace.

  • source text:
    • filename: sources/SRC-TGT.txt
    • per-line contents: text segment
  • document meta-info:
    • filename: documents/
    • per-line contents: DOMAIN DOCNAME
      • lines match those in the source file
      • documents are assumed to be contiguous blocks of segments
      • DOMAIN tags can be repurposed for categories other than domain, but each document must belong to only one category
  • references:
    • filename: references/SRC-TGT.NAME.txt
      • NAME is the name of this reference, e.g. refb. Names cannot be the reserved strings all or src, or contain . or - characters.
    • per-line contents: text segment
      • lines match those in the source file
  • system outputs:
    • filename: system-outputs/SRC-TGT/NAME.txt
      • NAME is the name of an MT system or reference
    • per-line contents: text segment
      • lines match those in the source file
  • human scores:
    • filename: human-scores/SRC-TGT.NAME.LEVEL.score
      • NAME describes the scoring method, e.g. mqm or wmt-z.
      • LEVEL indicates the granularity of the scores, one of sys, domain, doc, or seg.
    • per-line contents: [DOMAIN] SYSNAME SCORE
      • DOMAIN is present only if granularity is domain
      • SYSNAME must match a NAME in system outputs
      • SCORE may be None to indicate a missing score
      • System-level (sys) files contain exactly one score per system.
      • Domain-level (domain) files contain one score per domain and system.
      • Document-level (doc) files contain a block of scores for each system. Each block contains the scores for successive documents, in the same order they occur in the document info file.
      • Segment-level (seg) files contain a block of scores for each system. Each block contains the scores for all segments in the system output file, in order.
  • human MQM ratings:
    • filename: human-scores/SRC-TGT.RATING_NAME.seg.rating
      • RATING_NAME describes the name for the collection of ratings. This can be the name of an individual rater or a name like "mqm.merged", which means multiple rater's ratings have been merged into a single collection of ratings.
    • per-line contents: SYSNAME RATING [RATER_ID]
      • SYSNAME must match a NAME in system outputs
      • A JSON-serialized ratings.Rating object or "None" if there is no rating for the given segment.
      • RATER_ID (optional) marks which rater did the rating. If not provided, RATING_NAME is used.
  • metric scores:
    • filename metric-scores/SRC-TGT/NAME-REF.LEVEL.score
      • NAME is the metric’s base name.
      • REF describes the reference(s) used for this version of the metric, either:
        • A list of one or more names separated by ., eg refa or refa.refb.
        • The special string src to indicate that no reference was used.
        • The special string all to indicate that all references were used.
      • LEVEL indicates the granularity of the scores, one of sys, domain, doc, or seg.
    • per-line contents: [DOMAIN] SYSNAME SCORE
      • Format is identical to human scores, except that None entries aren't permitted.


Inspired by and loosely modeled on SacreBLEU.

This is not an official Google product.