# Requirements In order to build Closure Stylesheets from source, you need to have the following tools installed: * [Git](http://git-scm.com/) * [Apache Maven](http://maven.apache.org/) # Steps Once you have all of the above tools available from the command line, you can build Closure Stylesheets with the following commands: ``` git clone https://github.com/google/closure-stylesheets/ cd closure-stylesheets mvn compile assembly:single ``` This will produce a runnable jar file at `target/closure-stylesheets-21060712-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar`. It is also a good idea to run all of the tests with the following command: ``` mvn test ``` All tests should pass. # Eclipse **Note: The Eclipse instructions are out of date since the switch to Maven.** Closure Stylesheets has `.project` and `.classpath` files that contain the appropriate metadata to seamlessly import the source tree as a Java project in [Eclipse](http://www.eclipse.org/). Note that the Eclipse project depends on the `build/genfiles/java` directory, which is not available unless `ant jar` has been run. You can either run this from the command line, or you can right-click on the project's `build.xml` file within Eclipse and choose **Run As** > **Ant Build** to generate the appropriate files. You will likely need to refresh your project after running Ant so that Eclipse notices the newly created directory.