No, but without it users logging in will have to click past a verification warning.
Increasing the number and size of the workers will directly impact the speed and size of jobs StarThinker can process. Increase the workers deployed to the next size available. Ideally you are running at least medium workers for most enterprise jobs. Workers can be adjusted using the deploy script.
Yes, StarThinker can be executed on any machine supporting python. In the deploy script select the development menu.
Installing xCode and Command Line tools will resolve the 'cc' error on Mac OSX.
No, StarThinker is designed to execute within a virtual environment. The deploy scripts set this up first. No part of the install on your local machine requires the use of running the deploy script or any StarThinker scripts as sudo.
Be sure to copy the Google Cloud Project ID not the Name. The Project Id might include the organization name and a colon, or a dash and a number.
When setting up Google Cloud Client Credentials, be sure to edit the credentials and cofigure both the oAuth Consent Screen, as well as the callback URL on the client credentials edit screen.
Yes, all UI logs are writtent to Google Cloud StackDriver under the category StarThinker. Logs include the recipe and commands ran. Logs do not include PII such as credentials or task details which may contain PII. Command line logs are written to standard output and error.
Delete the starthinker_assets/, service.json, user.json, client_web.json, and client_installed.json.
Yes, however each StarThinker will need to run under a different user with distinct environmental variables.
No, The Google Cloud Console is tied to your user and cannot be shared. To share deployment settings launch starthinkers form a virtual machine shared with multiple users.
There may be an issue internally with that service. Wait a few hours and try again at a later time.
You may have to install developer tools, specifically Command Line Tools using the command:
xcode-select --install
The error may occur if the StarThinker Scopes do not match the oAuth Consent Screen.
Odds are your firewall settings are not up to date for the machine you're on. To enable ssh access to other machines, add the current machines IP to the firewall rules by running...
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-ssh --allow tcp:22
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