From 30b038d8cac0b8cd5dd4761c87f3f298760dd33a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Noah Dietz Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 13:24:20 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] fix(all): release protobuf dep bump (#9586) BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(accessapproval):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(accesscontextmanager):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(advisorynotifications):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(ai):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(alloydb):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(analytics):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(apigateway):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(apigeeconnect):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(apigeeregistry):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(apikeys):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(appengine):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(area120):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(artifactregistry):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(asset):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(assuredworkloads):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(auth):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(auth/oauth2adapt):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(automl):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(baremetalsolution):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(batch):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(beyondcorp):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(bigquery):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(bigtable):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(billing):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(binaryauthorization):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(certificatemanager):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(channel):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(cloudbuild):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(clouddms):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(cloudprofiler):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(cloudquotas):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(cloudtasks):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(commerce):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(compute):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(confidentialcomputing):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(config):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(contactcenterinsights):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(container):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(containeranalysis):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(datacatalog):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(dataflow):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(dataform):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(datafusion):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(datalabeling):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(dataplex):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(dataproc):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(dataqna):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(datastore):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(datastream):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(deploy):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(dlp):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(documentai):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(domains):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(edgecontainer):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(edgenetwork):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(errorreporting):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(essentialcontacts):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(eventarc):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(filestore):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(firestore):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(functions):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(gkebackup):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(gkeconnect):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(gkehub):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(gkemulticloud):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(grafeas):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(gsuiteaddons):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(iam):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(iap):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(ids):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(iot):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(kms):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(language):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(lifesciences):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(logging):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(longrunning):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(managedidentities):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(maps):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(mediatranslation):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(memcache):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(metastore):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(migrationcenter):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(monitoring):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(netapp):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(networkconnectivity):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(networksecurity):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(notebooks):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(optimization):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(orchestration):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(orgpolicy):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(osconfig):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(oslogin):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(parallelstore):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(phishingprotection):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(policysimulator):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(policytroubleshooter):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(privatecatalog):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(profiler):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(pubsub):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(pubsublite):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(rapidmigrationassessment):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(recaptchaenterprise):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(recommendationengine):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(recommender):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(redis):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(resourcemanager):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(resourcesettings):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(retail):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(run):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(scheduler):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(secretmanager):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(securesourcemanager):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(security):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(securitycentermanagement):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(securityposture):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(servicecontrol):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(servicedirectory):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(servicehealth):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(servicemanagement):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(serviceusage):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(shell):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(shopping):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(spanner/test/opentelemetry/test):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(speech):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(storage):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(storageinsights):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(storagetransfer):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(support):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(talent):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(telcoautomation):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(texttospeech):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(tpu):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(trace):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(translate):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(vertexai):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(video):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(videointelligence):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(vision):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(visionai):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(vmmigration):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(vmwareengine):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(vpcaccess):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(webrisk):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(websecurityscanner):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(workflows):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT BEGIN_NESTED_COMMIT fix(workstations):update protobuf dep to v1.33.0 END_NESTED_COMMIT --- accessapproval/ | 1 + accesscontextmanager/ | 1 + advisorynotifications/ | 1 + ai/ | 1 + alloydb/ | 1 + analytics/ | 1 + apigateway/ | 1 + apigeeconnect/ | 1 + apigeeregistry/ | 1 + apikeys/ | 1 + appengine/ | 1 + area120/ | 1 + artifactregistry/ | 1 + asset/ | 1 + assuredworkloads/ | 1 + auth/ | 1 + auth/oauth2adapt/ | 1 + automl/ | 1 + baremetalsolution/ | 1 + batch/ | 1 + beyondcorp/ | 1 + bigquery/ | 1 + bigtable/ | 1 + billing/ | 1 + binaryauthorization/ | 1 + certificatemanager/ | 1 + channel/ | 1 + cloudbuild/ | 1 + clouddms/ | 1 + cloudprofiler/ | 1 + cloudquotas/ | 1 + cloudtasks/ | 1 + commerce/ | 1 + compute/ | 1 + confidentialcomputing/ | 1 + config/ | 1 + contactcenterinsights/ | 1 + container/ | 1 + containeranalysis/ | 1 + datacatalog/ | 1 + dataflow/ | 1 + dataform/ | 1 + datafusion/ | 1 + datalabeling/ | 1 + dataplex/ | 1 + dataproc/ | 1 + dataqna/ | 1 + datastore/ | 1 + datastream/ | 1 + deploy/ | 1 + dlp/ | 1 + documentai/ | 1 + domains/ | 1 + edgecontainer/ | 1 + edgenetwork/ | 1 + errorreporting/ | 1 + essentialcontacts/ | 1 + eventarc/ | 1 + filestore/ | 1 + firestore/ | 1 + functions/ | 1 + gkebackup/ | 1 + gkeconnect/ | 1 + gkehub/ | 1 + gkemulticloud/ | 1 + grafeas/ | 1 + gsuiteaddons/ | 1 + iam/ | 1 + iap/ | 1 + ids/ | 1 + iot/ | 1 + kms/ | 1 + language/ | 1 + lifesciences/ | 1 + logging/ | 1 + longrunning/ | 1 + managedidentities/ | 1 + maps/ | 1 + mediatranslation/ | 1 + memcache/ | 1 + metastore/ | 1 + migrationcenter/ | 1 + monitoring/ | 1 + netapp/ | 1 + networkconnectivity/ | 1 + networksecurity/ | 1 + notebooks/ | 1 + optimization/ | 1 + orchestration/ | 1 + orgpolicy/ | 1 + osconfig/ | 1 + oslogin/ | 1 + parallelstore/ | 1 + phishingprotection/ | 1 + policysimulator/ | 1 + policytroubleshooter/ | 1 + privatecatalog/ | 1 + profiler/ | 1 + pubsub/ | 1 + pubsublite/ | 1 + rapidmigrationassessment/ | 1 + recaptchaenterprise/ | 1 + recommendationengine/ | 1 + recommender/ | 1 + redis/ | 1 + resourcemanager/ | 1 + resourcesettings/ | 1 + retail/ | 1 + run/ | 1 + scheduler/ | 1 + secretmanager/ | 1 + securesourcemanager/ | 1 + security/ | 1 + securitycentermanagement/ | 1 + securityposture/ | 1 + servicecontrol/ | 1 + servicedirectory/ | 1 + servicehealth/ | 1 + servicemanagement/ | 1 + serviceusage/ | 1 + shell/ | 1 + shopping/ | 1 + speech/ | 1 + storage/ | 1 + storageinsights/ | 1 + storagetransfer/ | 1 + support/ | 1 + talent/ | 1 + telcoautomation/ | 1 + texttospeech/ | 1 + tpu/ | 1 + trace/ | 1 + translate/ | 1 + vertexai/ | 1 + video/ | 1 + videointelligence/ | 1 + vision/ | 1 + visionai/ | 1 + vmmigration/ | 1 + vmwareengine/ | 1 + vpcaccess/ | 1 + webrisk/ | 1 + websecurityscanner/ | 1 + workflows/ | 1 + workstations/ | 1 + 145 files changed, 145 insertions(+) diff --git a/accessapproval/ b/accessapproval/ index 8b4bf1804d33..d58f130b1320 100644 --- a/accessapproval/ +++ b/accessapproval/ @@ -114,3 +114,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out accessapproval as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/accesscontextmanager/ b/accesscontextmanager/ index 0de810d3d114..82a31aa84ade 100644 --- a/accesscontextmanager/ +++ b/accesscontextmanager/ @@ -114,3 +114,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(accesscontextmanager): start generating clients + diff --git a/advisorynotifications/ b/advisorynotifications/ index 46201940bf0a..87d851ef62a4 100644 --- a/advisorynotifications/ +++ b/advisorynotifications/ @@ -93,3 +93,4 @@ * **advisorynotifications:** Start generating apiv1 ([#7502]( ([6c2b06c]( ## Changes + diff --git a/ai/ b/ai/ index 140bda6f90c7..b2d0c2e04400 100644 --- a/ai/ +++ b/ai/ @@ -66,3 +66,4 @@ * **ai/generativelanguage:** Start generating apiv1beta2 ([#8229]( ([837f325]( ## Changes + diff --git a/alloydb/ b/alloydb/ index 22d22218c77d..88607fdba846 100644 --- a/alloydb/ +++ b/alloydb/ @@ -148,3 +148,4 @@ * **alloydb:** Start generating apiv1, apiv1beta, apiv1alpha ([#7503]( ([25e8426]( ## Changes + diff --git a/analytics/ b/analytics/ index 41c537333c4f..7323f0a2b62a 100644 --- a/analytics/ +++ b/analytics/ @@ -250,3 +250,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out analytics as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/apigateway/ b/apigateway/ index e57096162699..16c2e951448a 100644 --- a/apigateway/ +++ b/apigateway/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out apigateway as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/apigeeconnect/ b/apigeeconnect/ index c0c92e3719b9..e48c4f7ae543 100644 --- a/apigeeconnect/ +++ b/apigeeconnect/ @@ -92,3 +92,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out apigeeconnect as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/apigeeregistry/ b/apigeeregistry/ index 693fd68f85d5..cc8d2fb923e8 100644 --- a/apigeeregistry/ +++ b/apigeeregistry/ @@ -104,3 +104,4 @@ ### Features * **apigeeregistry:** start generating apiv1 ([#6463]( ([55385cb]( + diff --git a/apikeys/ b/apikeys/ index cf5e890ca7af..324bff6ea3fb 100644 --- a/apikeys/ +++ b/apikeys/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ ### Features * **apikeys:** start generating apiv2 ([#6524]( ([8b140fa]( + diff --git a/appengine/ b/appengine/ index e926bba1eede..d33d2508cdd9 100644 --- a/appengine/ +++ b/appengine/ @@ -120,3 +120,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out appengine as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/area120/ b/area120/ index d5522b6d2c0a..dc23a18865fc 100644 --- a/area120/ +++ b/area120/ @@ -103,3 +103,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out area120 as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/artifactregistry/ b/artifactregistry/ index f99d2d42af19..50bc1c1b7165 100644 --- a/artifactregistry/ +++ b/artifactregistry/ @@ -191,3 +191,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out artifactregistry as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/asset/ b/asset/ index fa0232e45ce5..a059eb70e7a9 100644 --- a/asset/ +++ b/asset/ @@ -221,3 +221,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out asset as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/assuredworkloads/ b/assuredworkloads/ index b9883bfec5fd..7e8f317d38b2 100644 --- a/assuredworkloads/ +++ b/assuredworkloads/ @@ -174,3 +174,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out assuredworkloads as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/auth/ b/auth/ index fe2d0f57d05a..99caff97344b 100644 --- a/auth/ +++ b/auth/ @@ -31,3 +31,4 @@ * **auth/oauth2adapt:** Update to v0.17.0 ([174da47]( * **auth:** Update to v0.17.0 ([174da47]( + diff --git a/auth/oauth2adapt/ b/auth/oauth2adapt/ index 4f0eeb71f15e..2d6971d4ed3e 100644 --- a/auth/oauth2adapt/ +++ b/auth/oauth2adapt/ @@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ ### Bug Fixes * **auth/oauth2adapt:** Update to v0.17.0 ([174da47]( + diff --git a/automl/ b/automl/ index 78ed30c95534..07e4eb2be57d 100644 --- a/automl/ +++ b/automl/ @@ -156,3 +156,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out automl as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/baremetalsolution/ b/baremetalsolution/ index a49e1874c3bb..8256c590be91 100644 --- a/baremetalsolution/ +++ b/baremetalsolution/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ ### Features * **baremetalsolution:** start generating apiv2 ([#6147]( ([5dcbf2f]( + diff --git a/batch/ b/batch/ index 3bc139099e5c..9fbf8a71bea7 100644 --- a/batch/ +++ b/batch/ @@ -214,3 +214,4 @@ ### Features * **batch:** start generating apiv1 ([#6145]( ([41525fa]( + diff --git a/beyondcorp/ b/beyondcorp/ index aef3426df86a..740d2914e2f8 100644 --- a/beyondcorp/ +++ b/beyondcorp/ @@ -109,3 +109,4 @@ * **beyondcorp/appgateways:** start generating apiv1 ([7066fed]( * **beyondcorp/clientconnectorservices:** start generating apiv1 ([7066fed]( * **beyondcorp/clientgateways:** start generating apiv1 ([7066fed]( + diff --git a/bigquery/ b/bigquery/ index 63b1ff49d84c..4a01c91e0f84 100644 --- a/bigquery/ +++ b/bigquery/ @@ -867,3 +867,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out bigquery as its own module. See: + diff --git a/bigtable/ b/bigtable/ index bcf350587c91..970d11e0caa1 100644 --- a/bigtable/ +++ b/bigtable/ @@ -261,3 +261,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out bigtable as its own module. See: + diff --git a/billing/ b/billing/ index 98e8f0ba99af..e0f5f2d03537 100644 --- a/billing/ +++ b/billing/ @@ -221,3 +221,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out billing as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/binaryauthorization/ b/binaryauthorization/ index a5c01a67f654..736a5cd13bee 100644 --- a/binaryauthorization/ +++ b/binaryauthorization/ @@ -152,3 +152,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out binaryauthorization as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/certificatemanager/ b/certificatemanager/ index 0c7cbee67208..e005e4411057 100644 --- a/certificatemanager/ +++ b/certificatemanager/ @@ -216,3 +216,4 @@ * **certificatemanager:** release 0.1.0 ([#5743]( ([24a817a]( * ****certificatemanager**:** release v0.1.0 ([#5758]( ([809f4ba]( + diff --git a/channel/ b/channel/ index 65659480880e..424cbe183037 100644 --- a/channel/ +++ b/channel/ @@ -190,3 +190,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out channel as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/cloudbuild/ b/cloudbuild/ index 4f964b917f97..7df5fec80ce2 100644 --- a/cloudbuild/ +++ b/cloudbuild/ @@ -175,3 +175,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out cloudbuild as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/clouddms/ b/clouddms/ index 166a09a2cf1f..8151f5879b32 100644 --- a/clouddms/ +++ b/clouddms/ @@ -100,3 +100,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out clouddms as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/cloudprofiler/ b/cloudprofiler/ index fd15ad7edd52..d857f4a90eb7 100644 --- a/cloudprofiler/ +++ b/cloudprofiler/ @@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ * **cloudprofiler:** New clients ([#9016]( ([8fefcce]( ## Changes + diff --git a/cloudquotas/ b/cloudquotas/ index 22eb71e9b33f..9ad68cd4cca1 100644 --- a/cloudquotas/ +++ b/cloudquotas/ @@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ * **cloudquotas:** New clients ([#9222]( ([57e2d7b]( ## Changes + diff --git a/cloudtasks/ b/cloudtasks/ index bf7b84595df5..da8a4e4a7daa 100644 --- a/cloudtasks/ +++ b/cloudtasks/ @@ -148,3 +148,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out cloudtasks as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/commerce/ b/commerce/ index 63e76c092ba5..de6583a0600e 100644 --- a/commerce/ +++ b/commerce/ @@ -37,3 +37,4 @@ * **commerce:** Start generating apiv1 ([#8322]( ([db4f48b]( ## Changes + diff --git a/compute/ b/compute/ index 74a3ae30da51..4c6f3aae6b89 100644 --- a/compute/ +++ b/compute/ @@ -296,3 +296,4 @@ Compute metadata has been moved to its own module. This is the first tag to carve out compute as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/confidentialcomputing/ b/confidentialcomputing/ index cf6c68caddff..4d2732f734e7 100644 --- a/confidentialcomputing/ +++ b/confidentialcomputing/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ ### Features * **confidentialcomputing:** Start generating apiv1alpha1 ([#7846]( ([d0a5d6e]( + diff --git a/config/ b/config/ index 59e75e515d63..0b8dc765eab0 100644 --- a/config/ +++ b/config/ @@ -50,3 +50,4 @@ * **config:** New clients ([#8493]( ([9874485]( ## Changes + diff --git a/contactcenterinsights/ b/contactcenterinsights/ index 96bb1e5aea76..2f1b47cea530 100644 --- a/contactcenterinsights/ +++ b/contactcenterinsights/ @@ -192,3 +192,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(contactcenterinsights): start generating clients + diff --git a/container/ b/container/ index d35c9ef4a014..af20b768aeb4 100644 --- a/container/ +++ b/container/ @@ -346,3 +346,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out container as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/containeranalysis/ b/containeranalysis/ index b536b0ec190d..9bf39f09ded9 100644 --- a/containeranalysis/ +++ b/containeranalysis/ @@ -137,3 +137,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out containeranalysis as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/datacatalog/ b/datacatalog/ index 5e57932cd358..5a98e2ef3749 100644 --- a/datacatalog/ +++ b/datacatalog/ @@ -260,3 +260,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out datacatalog as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/dataflow/ b/dataflow/ index 2d413ecef206..6cb7d26ffc26 100644 --- a/dataflow/ +++ b/dataflow/ @@ -109,3 +109,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out dataflow as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/dataform/ b/dataform/ index dc45c6566f65..56d4b2716e3e 100644 --- a/dataform/ +++ b/dataform/ @@ -105,3 +105,4 @@ * **dataform:** remove unused filter field from alpha2 version of API before release ([8a1ad06]( * **dataform:** start generating apiv1alpha2 ([#6299]( ([1c434c6]( + diff --git a/datafusion/ b/datafusion/ index 4b60a1b3065c..7e757acf7c3d 100644 --- a/datafusion/ +++ b/datafusion/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out datafusion as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/datalabeling/ b/datalabeling/ index 87fb4f4851c1..17c2a448f85f 100644 --- a/datalabeling/ +++ b/datalabeling/ @@ -102,3 +102,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out datalabeling as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/dataplex/ b/dataplex/ index d9c949843179..1eda2bd6b4f1 100644 --- a/dataplex/ +++ b/dataplex/ @@ -223,3 +223,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(dataplex): start generating clients + diff --git a/dataproc/ b/dataproc/ index b0596116e617..3827af9ea7bc 100644 --- a/dataproc/ +++ b/dataproc/ @@ -189,3 +189,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out dataproc as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/dataqna/ b/dataqna/ index 60fc766b93d6..dad5da02375a 100644 --- a/dataqna/ +++ b/dataqna/ @@ -95,3 +95,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out dataqna as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/datastore/ b/datastore/ index c974603ec8b7..2d1b644c7ac6 100644 --- a/datastore/ +++ b/datastore/ @@ -182,3 +182,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out datastore as its own module. See: + diff --git a/datastream/ b/datastream/ index 3b31ae977c69..05e3ee281093 100644 --- a/datastream/ +++ b/datastream/ @@ -165,3 +165,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out datastream as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/deploy/ b/deploy/ index 27b3ede77dff..2115bbf8dfe7 100644 --- a/deploy/ +++ b/deploy/ @@ -191,3 +191,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(deploy): start generating clients + diff --git a/dlp/ b/dlp/ index d89a95316afe..b5d582b4c77f 100644 --- a/dlp/ +++ b/dlp/ @@ -142,3 +142,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out dlp as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/documentai/ b/documentai/ index d13ad19672f6..b68ff4a7692c 100644 --- a/documentai/ +++ b/documentai/ @@ -413,3 +413,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out documentai as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/domains/ b/domains/ index 4d36e83e64b0..cba39a3683c4 100644 --- a/domains/ +++ b/domains/ @@ -102,3 +102,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out domains as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/edgecontainer/ b/edgecontainer/ index a18e21eaec0b..acb591a448cf 100644 --- a/edgecontainer/ +++ b/edgecontainer/ @@ -86,3 +86,4 @@ * **edgecontainer:** Start generating apiv1 ([#6694]( ([6bc9b69]( ## Changes + diff --git a/edgenetwork/ b/edgenetwork/ index 92145f9bebd0..8484d9bbacc2 100644 --- a/edgenetwork/ +++ b/edgenetwork/ @@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ * **edgenetwork:** New client(s) ([#8996]( ([8e63c70]( ## Changes + diff --git a/errorreporting/ b/errorreporting/ index 83d90c61e77d..1c5ec928567c 100644 --- a/errorreporting/ +++ b/errorreporting/ @@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out errorreporting as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/essentialcontacts/ b/essentialcontacts/ index 516d9c2db3fd..91936768141a 100644 --- a/essentialcontacts/ +++ b/essentialcontacts/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out essentialcontacts as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/eventarc/ b/eventarc/ index 7a282eedf552..96d94120fbc9 100644 --- a/eventarc/ +++ b/eventarc/ @@ -142,3 +142,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out eventarc as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/filestore/ b/filestore/ index 6e1c5111305c..f54cdf5e5701 100644 --- a/filestore/ +++ b/filestore/ @@ -109,3 +109,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(filestore): start generating clients + diff --git a/firestore/ b/firestore/ index 5ac89e2934bb..1f9c31008766 100644 --- a/firestore/ +++ b/firestore/ @@ -192,3 +192,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out firestore as its own module. See: + diff --git a/functions/ b/functions/ index 03beed552658..603318dafea9 100644 --- a/functions/ +++ b/functions/ @@ -178,3 +178,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out functions as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/gkebackup/ b/gkebackup/ index 674063b27526..1b2b0f32c9be 100644 --- a/gkebackup/ +++ b/gkebackup/ @@ -111,3 +111,4 @@ ### Features * **gkebackup:** start generating apiv1 ([#6031]( ([4816e84]( + diff --git a/gkeconnect/ b/gkeconnect/ index eebadbbce51c..275bf9007ca1 100644 --- a/gkeconnect/ +++ b/gkeconnect/ @@ -95,3 +95,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out gkeconnect as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/gkehub/ b/gkehub/ index 7a44e669b352..639c8380337d 100644 --- a/gkehub/ +++ b/gkehub/ @@ -138,3 +138,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out gkehub as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/gkemulticloud/ b/gkemulticloud/ index ff33610dcd74..d5d1486b2ac7 100644 --- a/gkemulticloud/ +++ b/gkemulticloud/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ ### Features * **gkemulticloud:** start generating apiv1 ([#6036]( ([dc2b168]( + diff --git a/grafeas/ b/grafeas/ index 261f9827d50a..3871c2ddeaa3 100644 --- a/grafeas/ +++ b/grafeas/ @@ -53,3 +53,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out grafeas as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/gsuiteaddons/ b/gsuiteaddons/ index d94b200b6936..95c19b5a83f1 100644 --- a/gsuiteaddons/ +++ b/gsuiteaddons/ @@ -92,3 +92,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out gsuiteaddons as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/iam/ b/iam/ index 43a179384869..25e9daf19a01 100644 --- a/iam/ +++ b/iam/ @@ -159,3 +159,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out iam as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/iap/ b/iap/ index cf1ca8a7ac2b..55589c84da7b 100644 --- a/iap/ +++ b/iap/ @@ -140,3 +140,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out iap as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/ids/ b/ids/ index 6760afaa2330..d5ed44537a53 100644 --- a/ids/ +++ b/ids/ @@ -100,3 +100,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(ids): start generating clients + diff --git a/iot/ b/iot/ index 43061c1d220f..737aaad2adac 100644 --- a/iot/ +++ b/iot/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out iot as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/kms/ b/kms/ index 2848697eb1cd..8886ced9b95a 100644 --- a/kms/ +++ b/kms/ @@ -196,3 +196,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out kms as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/language/ b/language/ index e558ed3f6314..d120328677bc 100644 --- a/language/ +++ b/language/ @@ -143,3 +143,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out language as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/lifesciences/ b/lifesciences/ index e243e4552b28..0f0d01db0cdd 100644 --- a/lifesciences/ +++ b/lifesciences/ @@ -102,3 +102,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out lifesciences as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/logging/ b/logging/ index 55e8b86be32b..328dbcc53038 100644 --- a/logging/ +++ b/logging/ @@ -154,3 +154,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out logging as its own module. See: + diff --git a/longrunning/ b/longrunning/ index 9a9da556aef9..c41b8c5a1456 100644 --- a/longrunning/ +++ b/longrunning/ @@ -73,3 +73,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 Initial release. + diff --git a/managedidentities/ b/managedidentities/ index 1fde9de301dc..1db76cddbb92 100644 --- a/managedidentities/ +++ b/managedidentities/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out managedidentities as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/maps/ b/maps/ index 5683f64153f8..27ab91862ac9 100644 --- a/maps/ +++ b/maps/ @@ -206,3 +206,4 @@ * **maps/addressvalidation:** Start generating apiv1 ([#7012]( ([3e88250]( * **maps/routing:** Start generating apiv2 ([#7056]( ([1b7993d]( + diff --git a/mediatranslation/ b/mediatranslation/ index b0769f688e1c..65d47b678799 100644 --- a/mediatranslation/ +++ b/mediatranslation/ @@ -95,3 +95,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out mediatranslation as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/memcache/ b/memcache/ index b1909ee0b313..bd686dae5137 100644 --- a/memcache/ +++ b/memcache/ @@ -120,3 +120,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out memcache as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/metastore/ b/metastore/ index e6a6e69c29fd..58b735f05e25 100644 --- a/metastore/ +++ b/metastore/ @@ -156,3 +156,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out metastore as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/migrationcenter/ b/migrationcenter/ index 63f92403f780..2e9cbad30d6e 100644 --- a/migrationcenter/ +++ b/migrationcenter/ @@ -43,3 +43,4 @@ * **migrationcenter:** Migration Center API ([fa91b47]( ## Changes + diff --git a/monitoring/ b/monitoring/ index f877df1dcf93..dbc5baae16fd 100644 --- a/monitoring/ +++ b/monitoring/ @@ -199,3 +199,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out monitoring as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/netapp/ b/netapp/ index 104fea6d03d7..ef77b2eafb57 100644 --- a/netapp/ +++ b/netapp/ @@ -50,3 +50,4 @@ * **netapp:** Start generating apiv1 ([#8353]( ([f609b3c]( ## Changes + diff --git a/networkconnectivity/ b/networkconnectivity/ index beba330fdd94..3bdf70afd674 100644 --- a/networkconnectivity/ +++ b/networkconnectivity/ @@ -158,3 +158,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out networkconnectivity as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/networksecurity/ b/networksecurity/ index 75244fd175f9..ed6c8edc5b91 100644 --- a/networksecurity/ +++ b/networksecurity/ @@ -108,3 +108,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(networksecurity): start generating clients + diff --git a/notebooks/ b/notebooks/ index 6213ed48b923..67b6e023a5ad 100644 --- a/notebooks/ +++ b/notebooks/ @@ -167,3 +167,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out notebooks as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/optimization/ b/optimization/ index 0308b25ae2cb..14d49c5d625d 100644 --- a/optimization/ +++ b/optimization/ @@ -133,3 +133,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(optimization): start generating clients + diff --git a/orchestration/ b/orchestration/ index 81a066d5de9d..f88922b0a44e 100644 --- a/orchestration/ +++ b/orchestration/ @@ -116,3 +116,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(orchestration): start generating clients + diff --git a/orgpolicy/ b/orgpolicy/ index fe82a18f8b0a..96ed7c622be7 100644 --- a/orgpolicy/ +++ b/orgpolicy/ @@ -141,3 +141,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out orgpolicy as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/osconfig/ b/osconfig/ index 35f765e763b9..38321717eb52 100644 --- a/osconfig/ +++ b/osconfig/ @@ -151,3 +151,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out osconfig as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/oslogin/ b/oslogin/ index a668f52deafa..90c4228f25fb 100644 --- a/oslogin/ +++ b/oslogin/ @@ -142,3 +142,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out oslogin as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/parallelstore/ b/parallelstore/ index 8546c2376651..047d95091c30 100644 --- a/parallelstore/ +++ b/parallelstore/ @@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ * **parallelstore:** New client(s) ([#9434]( ([3410b19]( ## Changes + diff --git a/phishingprotection/ b/phishingprotection/ index 0f1c033e56ae..13b90cf2c64e 100644 --- a/phishingprotection/ +++ b/phishingprotection/ @@ -95,3 +95,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out phishingprotection as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/policysimulator/ b/policysimulator/ index 1938a354e4ce..0b0fd7f952e2 100644 --- a/policysimulator/ +++ b/policysimulator/ @@ -43,3 +43,4 @@ * **policysimulator:** Start generating apiv1 ([#8340]( ([a41e5ec]( ## Changes + diff --git a/policytroubleshooter/ b/policytroubleshooter/ index f4b498aeb238..24c70a4ffa99 100644 --- a/policytroubleshooter/ +++ b/policytroubleshooter/ @@ -122,3 +122,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out policytroubleshooter as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/privatecatalog/ b/privatecatalog/ index 255b6859ad5c..74de302bf20c 100644 --- a/privatecatalog/ +++ b/privatecatalog/ @@ -102,3 +102,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out privatecatalog as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/profiler/ b/profiler/ index 6a0095d4fc23..64fedb88b7ae 100644 --- a/profiler/ +++ b/profiler/ @@ -61,3 +61,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out profiler as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/pubsub/ b/pubsub/ index d0d8d685dc5d..53d1d0c3d6e5 100644 --- a/pubsub/ +++ b/pubsub/ @@ -577,3 +577,4 @@ Small fix to a package name. This is the first tag to carve out pubsub as its own module. See: + diff --git a/pubsublite/ b/pubsublite/ index a61c6bfc2cf8..be67b70ebee6 100644 --- a/pubsublite/ +++ b/pubsublite/ @@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ pubsublite/internal/wire implementation: This is the first tag to carve out pubsublite as its own module. See: + diff --git a/rapidmigrationassessment/ b/rapidmigrationassessment/ index 244ac50eb478..da204ca01a9f 100644 --- a/rapidmigrationassessment/ +++ b/rapidmigrationassessment/ @@ -71,3 +71,4 @@ * **rapidmigrationassessment:** Add API summary ([ebae64d]( ## Changes + diff --git a/recaptchaenterprise/ b/recaptchaenterprise/ index 99a945169d84..65c5a40dc479 100644 --- a/recaptchaenterprise/ +++ b/recaptchaenterprise/ @@ -204,3 +204,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out recaptchaenterprise as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/recommendationengine/ b/recommendationengine/ index ce4a80c18231..c911f6a76413 100644 --- a/recommendationengine/ +++ b/recommendationengine/ @@ -107,3 +107,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out recommendationengine as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/recommender/ b/recommender/ index abe8edd1b846..c763b49c5fd1 100644 --- a/recommender/ +++ b/recommender/ @@ -136,3 +136,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out recommender as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/ index 84f03c35b3be..8e033e593040 100644 --- a/redis/ +++ b/redis/ @@ -158,3 +158,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out redis as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/resourcemanager/ b/resourcemanager/ index f6241a0e96c3..236aa7a61c4f 100644 --- a/resourcemanager/ +++ b/resourcemanager/ @@ -128,3 +128,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out resourcemanager as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/resourcesettings/ b/resourcesettings/ index 537f420cafc9..db7a91e28a0b 100644 --- a/resourcesettings/ +++ b/resourcesettings/ @@ -92,3 +92,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out resourcesettings as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/retail/ b/retail/ index 071429f9bf1e..4319d7727ae0 100644 --- a/retail/ +++ b/retail/ @@ -168,3 +168,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out retail as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/run/ b/run/ index 666c5615c715..591967deafcd 100644 --- a/run/ +++ b/run/ @@ -184,3 +184,4 @@ ### Features * **run:** start generating apiv2 ([#5825]( ([2602a20]( + diff --git a/scheduler/ b/scheduler/ index ea04ec9c3804..026a64ff713c 100644 --- a/scheduler/ +++ b/scheduler/ @@ -127,3 +127,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out scheduler as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/secretmanager/ b/secretmanager/ index 8239b6cdae6f..f514a76342ba 100644 --- a/secretmanager/ +++ b/secretmanager/ @@ -127,3 +127,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out secretmanager as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/securesourcemanager/ b/securesourcemanager/ index 165ca071dac1..4e9b8c4bd688 100644 --- a/securesourcemanager/ +++ b/securesourcemanager/ @@ -29,3 +29,4 @@ * **securesourcemanager:** New clients ([#8738]( ([b02ab73]( ## Changes + diff --git a/security/ b/security/ index a1213210e07d..2754aad1e312 100644 --- a/security/ +++ b/security/ @@ -183,3 +183,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out security as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/securitycentermanagement/ b/securitycentermanagement/ index c22e45fc8ede..ad82ed27e7b1 100644 --- a/securitycentermanagement/ +++ b/securitycentermanagement/ @@ -44,3 +44,4 @@ * **securitycentermanagement:** Security Center Management API ([#9068]( ([5132d0f]( ## Changes + diff --git a/securityposture/ b/securityposture/ index dd1e943649d2..56c28c003efb 100644 --- a/securityposture/ +++ b/securityposture/ @@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ * **securityposture:** New clients ([#9289]( ([4a756bc]( ## Changes + diff --git a/servicecontrol/ b/servicecontrol/ index c1cfae58c24d..234c6f06d951 100644 --- a/servicecontrol/ +++ b/servicecontrol/ @@ -159,3 +159,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out servicecontrol as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/servicedirectory/ b/servicedirectory/ index 1239f9496690..e745856687c7 100644 --- a/servicedirectory/ +++ b/servicedirectory/ @@ -127,3 +127,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out servicedirectory as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/servicehealth/ b/servicehealth/ index 4e90e27ac51c..64580aef5143 100644 --- a/servicehealth/ +++ b/servicehealth/ @@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ * **servicehealth:** New clients ([#9245]( ([2868a43]( ## Changes + diff --git a/servicemanagement/ b/servicemanagement/ index 7b9b226d2cca..17201b934ec1 100644 --- a/servicemanagement/ +++ b/servicemanagement/ @@ -127,3 +127,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out servicemanagement as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/serviceusage/ b/serviceusage/ index c9292eed5727..c927ee37b981 100644 --- a/serviceusage/ +++ b/serviceusage/ @@ -106,3 +106,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out serviceusage as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/shell/ b/shell/ index 6d6c964753ac..d95b19e22f45 100644 --- a/shell/ +++ b/shell/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out shell as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/shopping/ b/shopping/ index 94fb9ecd72d4..691ceef4ab3c 100644 --- a/shopping/ +++ b/shopping/ @@ -51,3 +51,4 @@ * **shopping:** New clients ([#8699]( ([0e43b40]( ## Changes + diff --git a/speech/ b/speech/ index ed8d4068bf21..81979db37de7 100644 --- a/speech/ +++ b/speech/ @@ -263,3 +263,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out speech as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/storage/ b/storage/ index 9cb6f8f17c8a..61792c719c01 100644 --- a/storage/ +++ b/storage/ @@ -517,3 +517,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out storage as its own module. See: + diff --git a/storageinsights/ b/storageinsights/ index 28d4cab19555..0c744be354c9 100644 --- a/storageinsights/ +++ b/storageinsights/ @@ -72,3 +72,4 @@ * **storageinsights:** Start generating apiv1 ([#7862]( ([07a5ac1]( ## Changes + diff --git a/storagetransfer/ b/storagetransfer/ index 68abf795782c..46b1926480c6 100644 --- a/storagetransfer/ +++ b/storagetransfer/ @@ -120,3 +120,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out storagetransfer as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/support/ b/support/ index 59f0cffadf9e..61908c0d1b3a 100644 --- a/support/ +++ b/support/ @@ -66,3 +66,4 @@ * **support:** Start generating apiv2 ([#7879]( ([e882c64]( ## Changes + diff --git a/talent/ b/talent/ index 62a9327ccc29..96d030126799 100644 --- a/talent/ +++ b/talent/ @@ -190,3 +190,4 @@ This is the first tag to carve out talent as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/telcoautomation/ b/telcoautomation/ index 18fc591ef6c4..f9898e9c4da1 100644 --- a/telcoautomation/ +++ b/telcoautomation/ @@ -34,3 +34,4 @@ * **telcoautomation:** Add telcoautomation API description ([#9019]( ([03f9190]( ## Changes + diff --git a/texttospeech/ b/texttospeech/ index 7c2b0019794a..5ba09e6da52f 100644 --- a/texttospeech/ +++ b/texttospeech/ @@ -106,3 +106,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out texttospeech as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/tpu/ b/tpu/ index f3ed79f415bf..e5459d52bb82 100644 --- a/tpu/ +++ b/tpu/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out tpu as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/trace/ b/trace/ index 9a5de9ad97cc..d01428bf4227 100644 --- a/trace/ +++ b/trace/ @@ -146,3 +146,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out trace as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/translate/ b/translate/ index f9467b18f7b5..6d6307ce572d 100644 --- a/translate/ +++ b/translate/ @@ -135,3 +135,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out translate as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/vertexai/ b/vertexai/ index 1f170a7cf242..4ad079ec9a19 100644 --- a/vertexai/ +++ b/vertexai/ @@ -100,3 +100,4 @@ ### Features * **vertexai:** Vertex AI for go ([#9095]( ([b3b293a]( + diff --git a/video/ b/video/ index 6e5692a16732..18f0cc757c36 100644 --- a/video/ +++ b/video/ @@ -208,3 +208,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out video as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/videointelligence/ b/videointelligence/ index 88ecaae0ac48..01602c2795a5 100644 --- a/videointelligence/ +++ b/videointelligence/ @@ -127,3 +127,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out videointelligence as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/vision/ b/vision/ index 8afbb12423d4..76d26941818c 100644 --- a/vision/ +++ b/vision/ @@ -142,3 +142,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out vision as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/visionai/ b/visionai/ index 7fadbbc6ca18..8c48b5726a79 100644 --- a/visionai/ +++ b/visionai/ @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ * **visionai:** New clients ([#9333]( ([4315cdf]( ## Changes + diff --git a/vmmigration/ b/vmmigration/ index 3d9ff944b9f5..5920bdfbaed1 100644 --- a/vmmigration/ +++ b/vmmigration/ @@ -121,3 +121,4 @@ ## v0.1.0 - feat(vmmigration): start generating clients + diff --git a/vmwareengine/ b/vmwareengine/ index 42877538b0ad..6aab9a3eb841 100644 --- a/vmwareengine/ +++ b/vmwareengine/ @@ -101,3 +101,4 @@ * **vmwareengine:** Start generating apiv1 ([#7093]( ([9cb00af]( ## Changes + diff --git a/vpcaccess/ b/vpcaccess/ index c2eb06b672de..0023eeb3ec2f 100644 --- a/vpcaccess/ +++ b/vpcaccess/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out vpcaccess as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/webrisk/ b/webrisk/ index a522c8080796..f479b6e6a0f6 100644 --- a/webrisk/ +++ b/webrisk/ @@ -115,3 +115,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out webrisk as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/websecurityscanner/ b/websecurityscanner/ index e47e06823dbc..e73fa3997d71 100644 --- a/websecurityscanner/ +++ b/websecurityscanner/ @@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out websecurityscanner as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/workflows/ b/workflows/ index edebe7e4ef6d..fa86df1e9233 100644 --- a/workflows/ +++ b/workflows/ @@ -144,3 +144,4 @@ Stabilize GA surface. This is the first tag to carve out workflows as its own module. See [Add a module to a multi-module repository]( + diff --git a/workstations/ b/workstations/ index 50eb13ad1999..570169948a44 100644 --- a/workstations/ +++ b/workstations/ @@ -80,3 +80,4 @@ * **workstations:** Start generating apiv1beta ([#7599]( ([e3d6afe]( ## Changes +