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In the startup process emacs will read from init.el which will do some initial setup, tangle the source blocks in to generate and load config.el (which isn't tracked in git).

When viewing this in emacs, to learn about a function put the point over it and hit C-h f <ENTER>. To learn about a variable put the cursor over it and hit C-h v <ENTER>. Source-blocks can be folded by putting the point over them and hitting <TAB>.

Table of Contents

  1. notes
    1. org mode
      1. resources
      2. inserting source blocks
    2. literate programming
    3. dotenv files
    4. emacs package management
  2. configuration
    1. package installation
    2. intial
      1. misc. required packages
    3. macOS
    4. global keybindings
    5. buffer wrangling
    6. text-mode
    7. prog-mode
    8. org-mode
    9. ttl-mode
    10. projectile
    11. smart-parens-mode
    12. web-mode
    13. whitespace-mode
    14. dired-mode
    15. config for Ruby
      1. defunct
    16. config for Clojure
      1. cider-sms-all-tests
    17. config for emacs lisp
    18. config for scheme
    19. config for coffeescript
    20. purescript
      1. purescript-language-server integration
      2. pscide integration attempt
    21. language server protocol
    22. term-alert
    23. javascript
    24. haskell
      1. previously on…
    25. Scala
    26. elm
    27. java
      1. meghanada
      2. java lsp
    28. python
    29. json
    30. git
    31. RSS
    32. eshell
    33. Twilio sms
    34. utility functions
      1. org-mode spreadsheet helper functions
    35. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


org mode


org-contrib lists some more org mode funtionality that might be worth checking out.

inserting source blocks

In the older versions of org-mode you could type <s followed by TAB to insert a code block. Now you need to bring up a menu of templates to insert with C-c C-,

literate programming

This config file is really only scraping the surface. This blog post gets into some more org-mode literate programming that I haven't explored yet.

dotenv files

I think I must have had something like dotenv.el set up in the past (based on the env/ functions in the twilio helper functions) but I evidently didn't save it in my emacs config. so I need to figure that out again.

emacs package management

Now that I've gotten into nix I'd like to improve my package management for emacs. That dotenv.el repo contains an interesting usage of quelpa-use-package which in turn depends on quelpa. Instead of going down a rabbit hole on this right now I need to set aside time at some point to look into a better emacs package mgmt solution.


package installation

Bootstrap use-package since it'll be used from here on out.

(require 'use-package)

Make use-package default to intstalling the package if it doens't find it.

(require 'use-package-ensure)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)

Auto-update packages, delete the old versions, and don't spam a startup buffer with the results.

(use-package auto-package-update
  (setq auto-package-update-delete-old-versions t)
  (setq auto-package-update-hide-results t)


Use dark theme

(load-theme 'tango-dark)

Make org-mode the default file mode

(setq-default major-mode 'org-mode)

This will remove any trailing whitespace on save

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)

Let the yank command access the last thing copied to the system clipboard

(setq select-enable-clipboard t
      select-enable-primary t
      save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)

Let the apropos help search include non-interactive functions in its search

(setq apropos-do-all t)

Flash top and bottom bars of the screen as an alert

(setq visible-bell t)

Set the maximum length of a string printed by evaluating a function to unlimited. (I had to set this to fix some annoying behavior when evaluating elisp functions).

(setq eval-expression-print-length nil)

Use ido-mode for finding files and buffers. Enabling flex matching will make it a fuzzy search.

(ido-mode t)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)

Auto-saved files should be saved to '~/.emacs.d/auto-save/'. This obviously requires this directory to be in place.

(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms
      `((".*" ,(concat user-emacs-directory "auto-save/") t)))

set eww as the default browser to open links with

(setq browse-url-browser-function 'eww-browse-url)

remap goto-line M-g M-g to preview the line first

(use-package "goto-line-preview")
(global-set-key [remap goto-line] 'goto-line-preview)

display column numbers alongside line numbers

(setq column-number-mode t)

misc. required packages

packages to include but which there's not much to say about them and so they are just required in bulk here.

(use-package "use-package")
(use-package "dhall-mode")
(use-package "simple-httpd")
(use-package "yaml-mode")
(use-package "restart-emacs")
(use-package "sicp")
(use-package "request-deferred")
(use-package "undo-tree")
(use-package "cider")
(use-package "helm-ag")
(use-package "mustache-mode")
(use-package "groovy-mode")
(use-package "leerzeichen")   ; a better whitespace mode
(use-package "bug-hunter")
(use-package "sparql-mode")
(use-package "yaml-mode")
(use-package "markdown-mode")
(use-package "racket-mode")
(use-package "elm-mode")
(use-package "docker-tramp")
(use-package "helm-tramp")
(use-package "shen-mode")
(use-package "harvest")
(use-package "rspec-mode")
(use-package "haml-mode")
(use-package "rjsx-mode")
(use-package "web-mode")
(use-package "slime-volleyball")
(use-package "clj-refactor")
(use-package "rainbow-delimiters")
(use-package "enh-ruby-mode")
(use-package "smartparens")
(use-package "magit")
(use-package "helm")
(use-package "cider")
(use-package "undo-tree")
(use-package "request-deferred")
(use-package "sicp")
(use-package "restart-emacs")

Expired packages:

(use-package "column-marker")
(use-package "markdown-mode+")


for macbooks, use the command-key as meta, and the option-key as ctrl

(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
   (setq mac-option-modifier 'control)
   (setq mac-command-modifier 'meta))

(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
  (setq helm-grep-ag-command "ag --line-numbers -S --hidden --color --color-match '31;43' --nogroup %s %s %s")
  (setq helm-grep-ag-pipe-cmd-switches '("--color-match '31;43'")))

macos has a problem that where the $PATH for gui emacs doens't match the shell. with any luck this will fix that

(when (memq window-system '(mac ns x))
   (not (use-package "exec-path-from-shell"))

global keybindings

Use helm for function search

(use-package "helm")
(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'helm-M-x)

I missed Vi's "o" button which would jump to the next line without breaking the current line. So I wrote a function to do that and mapped it to C-o. The function is defined in the custom functions section.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-o") 'jump-to-newline)

Use hippie-expand instead of the default expand. It will rotate through many different expansion options. Can be a little much at times.

(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") 'hippie-expand)

Set M-SPC to cyle through spaces between characters (alternating between no space, one space, and however many spaces it is currently). This can be used as a quick way to delete extra whitespace

(global-set-key (kbd "M-SPC") 'cycle-spacing)

Sets M-m to jump to a char. Hitting the char mulitple times will keep moving point to the next. C-M-m jumps backwards.

(global-set-key (kbd "M-m") 'iy-go-to-char)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-m") 'iy-go-to-char-backward)

Use C-, to switch windows.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-,") 'other-window)

Use "helpful" menus instead of builtin help menus. These lines copied from

;; Lookup the current symbol at point. C-c C-d is a common keybinding
;; for this in lisp modes.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-d") #'helpful-at-point)

;; Look up *F*unctions (excludes macros).
;; By default, C-h F is bound to `Info-goto-emacs-command-node'. Helpful
;; already links to the manual, if a function is referenced there.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-h F") #'helpful-function)

;; Look up *C*ommands.
;; By default, C-h C is bound to describe `describe-coding-system'. I
;; don't find this very useful, but it's frequently useful to only
;; look at interactive functions.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-h C") #'helpful-command)

buffer wrangling

With the swap buffers package you can use M-x swap-buffers to move the current buffer to a new window.

(use-package "swap-buffers")

since I'm using C-, for switching windows, I'll use C-M-, for swapping them.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-,") 'swap-buffers)


Turn on auto-fill mode.

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)


prog mode is the super class of every programming language mode

don't allow indenting to insert tabs

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda () (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)))

require the linum-relative package which enables relative line numbers. I've disabled this out because use-package is erroring out.

(use-package linum-relative)

turn on absolute line numbers. (I'm still working out the kinks with relative-line numbers)

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda () (linum-mode)))

require a final \n character at the end of the file

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda ()
			    (setq require-final-newline t)))

Highlight characters in the 80th column in red. Shadows the font-face color set in the package.

(use-package "column-marker")
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda ()
			    (defface column-marker-1 '((t (:background "red")))
  "Face used for a column marker.  Usually a background color."
			    :group 'faces)
			    (column-marker-1 80)))

undo-tree mode makes it easier to navigate the undo history as a tree structure.

(use-package "undo-tree")
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'undo-tree-mode)


ensure that the C-, doesn't get over-written by org-mode

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-,") 'other-window)))

Set keys that were supposed to be already set in org-mode, but for some reason were not set for me by default.

(defun my-org-mode-config ()
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-M-j") 'org-insert-heading)
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-<RET>") 'org-insert-heading-respect-content))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'my-org-mode-config)

Specify which languages org-mode can execute (by C-c C-c'ing with the cursor over a code-block). Org-mode can execute many languages, but it only can execute emacs lisp by defualt, and the rest must be explicitly enabled. At the moment this only explicitly enables shell (bash) and ruby.

 '((shell . t)
   (ruby . t)))

Disable the warnings that prompt you when you're running elisp source-blocks within org-mode

(defun my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate (lang body)
  (not (string= lang "emacs-lisp")))  ; don't query for elisp evaluation
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate 'my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate)

undo-tree mode makes it easier to navigate the undo history as a tree structure.

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'undo-tree-mode)

Prettify headings and plain lists in Org mode.

(use-package "org-superstar")
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-superstar-mode 1)))


i'm not super happy with this mode. might look for an alternative. The indentation it aggressivly-forces is annoying.

(add-hook 'ttl-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(n3\\|ttl\\|trig\\)\\'" . ttl-mode))


install both projectile and its treemacs integration

(use-package "projectile")
(use-package "treemacs-projectile")

basic treemacs setup. from

(projectile-mode +1)
(define-key projectile-mode-map (kbd "C-c p") 'projectile-command-map)

to jump to any file in a project, use C-c p f


(use-package "smartparens")

The default slurping and barfing commands were being captured by my terminal before smart parens mode could get them. This remapping fixed that.

(defun my-smartparens-mode-config ()
  "map slurping and barfing (because the default C-M-<right>/<left> were being capture by the terminal)"
  (local-set-key (kbd "M-<right>") 'sp-backward-barf-sexp)
  (local-set-key (kbd "M-<left>") 'sp-backward-slurp-sexp)
  (local-set-key (kbd "M-<backspace>") 'backward-kill-word))

(add-hook 'smartparens-mode-hook 'my-smartparens-mode-config)

By default smartparens completes single-quotes with a matching single-quote. This is annoying because I only use smart-parens for lisps, and lisps use unpaired single-quotes to indicate data. So I want to disable that autocompletion.

(eval-after-load "smartparens" '(sp-pair "'" nil :actions :rem))

Also don't like it completing double-quotes

(eval-after-load "smartparens" '(sp-pair "\"" nil :actions :rem))

Also disable the auto-completion of `

(eval-after-load "smartparens" '(sp-pair "`" nil :actions :rem))

Use strict-mode.

(add-hook 'smartparens-mode-hook 'smartparens-strict-mode)


I prefer web-mode to whatever the default mode was for dealing with html.

Configure pairing and auto-closing.

(setq web-mode-enable-auto-closing t)
(setq web-mode-enable-auto-pairing t)
(setq web-mode-auto-close-style 2)
(setq web-mode-code-indent-offset 2)

Require web-mode. I've commented this out because use-package is erroring out

(use-package web-mode)

Set various file-types to invoke web-mode

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.phtml\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tpl\\.php\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[agj]sp\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.as[cp]x\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.erb\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mustache\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.djhtml\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jsx\\'" . web-mode))

The default indenting was too much for me, so I set it to 2 spaces.

(setq web-mode-attr-indent-offset 2)

set "jsx" as content type with .js and .jsx files

(setq web-mode-content-types-alist
  '(("jsx" . "\\.js[x]?\\'")))


For a while I thought I wanted to customize whitespace-mode and start using it for programming. But I quickly realized that all I really wanted to do was to automatically eliminate trailing whitespace.

This is about as far as I got into customizing whitespace-mode. I don't remember what it does, but I'm sure it's great.

(setq whitespace-style '(face trailing empty))


enable all-the-icons in dired mode… but only if we're in a graphical frame.

(use-package "all-the-icons")
(use-package "all-the-icons-dired")
 (lambda ()
   (if (display-graphic-p)
       (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'all-the-icons-dired-mode))))

config for Ruby

Require enh-ruby-mode.

(use-package "enh-ruby-mode")

Use enh-ruby-mode instead of ruby-mode. Among other things, it has better detection of syntax errors.

 '("\\(?:\\.rb\\|ru\\|rake\\|thor\\|jbuilder\\|gemspec\\|podspec\\|/\\(?:Gem\\|Rake\\|Cap\\|Thor\\|Vagrant\\|Guard\\|Pod\\)file\\)\\'" . enh-ruby-mode))
(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("ruby" . enh-ruby-mode))

Adds a function to be run with enh-ruby-mode which:

  • Sets "C-o" to jump to a new line

  • creates "M-x insert-pry" command which will insert "require 'pry'; binding.pry". (This will cause the ruby interpreter to start the pry repl in the context of this line).

    (defun my-enh-ruby-mode-config () (local-set-key (kbd "C-o") 'jump-to-newline) (fset 'insert-pry (lambda (&optional arg) "Keyboard macro." (interactive "p") (kmacro-exec-ring-item (quote ("require 'pry'; binding.pry" 0 "%d")) arg))))

    (add-hook 'enh-ruby-mode-hook 'my-enh-ruby-mode-config)


  1. ruby-electric-mode-setup

    this was all for geting ruby-electric mode working, but I don't do much ruby anymore and it no longer seems go be in melpa

    Adds a hook to start ruby electric mode. Ruby electric mode will auto-complete brackets, parens, and do-end blocks.

    (add-hook 'enh-ruby-mode-hook 'ruby-electric-mode)

    Overshadow the ruby-electric-curlies function defined in ruby-electric-mode. I added a slight modification to the function to put the cursor in between the curly braces, padded with a space on either side (like "{ X }").

    (defun ruby-electric-mode-config ()
     (defun ruby-electric-curlies (arg)
       (interactive "*P")
    	(insert "}")
    	(font-lock-fontify-region (line-beginning-position) (point)))
           ((ruby-electric-string-at-point-p) ;; %w{}, %r{}, etc.
    	(if region-beginning
    	    (forward-char 1)))
    	(cond (region-beginning
    		 (goto-char region-beginning)
    	       (forward-char 1)
    	       (indent-region region-beginning (line-end-position)))
    	       (insert " ")
    		 (ruby-indent-line t)))))
    	(if region-beginning
    	      (goto-char region-beginning)
    	      (insert " "))
    	  (insert " "))
    	(insert " ")
    	(and region-beginning
    	     (forward-char 1)))))
          (let ((start-position (1- (or region-beginning (point)))))
    	 ((char-equal ?\# (char-before start-position))
    	  (unless (save-excursion
    		    (goto-char (1- start-position))
    	    (insert "}")
    	    (or region-beginning
    		(backward-char 1))))
    	   (ruby-electric-command-char-expandable-punct-p ?\#)
    	     (goto-char start-position)
    	  (if region-beginning
    	      (goto-char region-beginning))
    	  (setq this-command 'self-insert-command))
    	    (goto-char start-position)
    	    (insert "#"))
    	  (insert "}")
    	  (or region-beginning
    	      (backward-char 1))))))
          (delete-char -1)

    Add a hook so that when ruby-electric-mode starts, the ruby-electric-curlies function will be overshadowed. Without doing this the packaged version of the function takes precedence.

    (add-hook 'ruby-electric-mode-hook 'ruby-electric-mode-config)
  2. rspec integration

    I haven't used rspec in a while, and if I was using it now this would have to be different because I'm on nixos. But even then I would probably just use something like entr to run my test suite.

    I this fix from is supposed to fix a bug where rspec runs in zshell and doesn't work. I'm not sure if it's actually helping me or not, as I haven't put much time into getting rspec running in emacs.

    (defadvice rspec-compile (around rspec-compile-around)
      "Use BASH shell for running the specs because of ZSH issues."
      (let ((shell-file-name "/bin/bash"))
    (ad-activate 'rspec-compile)

config for Clojure

start eldoc-mode in cider-mode. Eldoc shows doc strings in the mini-buffer.

(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook 'eldoc-mode)

Hook for rainbow-delimiters mode. Rainbow delimiters colors parens based on nesting level.

(use-package "rainbow-delimiters")
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)

Hook for show parens mode. Show parens mode will highlight the matching paren to the paren under the cursor

(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'show-paren-mode)

Hook for smartparens mode. Smartparens mode auto-completes parens, and adds commands that make working with paren-heavy languages easier.

(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'smartparens-mode)

Tell the nrepl (which cider-mode users) to log protocol messages

(setq nrepl-log-messages t)

Don't automatically open the cider repl in a new window.

(setq cider-repl-pop-to-buffer-on-connect nil)

use clojure-refactor package, and set it to use dot prefix notation in requirements

(use-package "clj-refactor")
(setq cljr-favor-prefix-notation nil)


Command to run all the tests in a cider session, and send the results as an sms message.

  1. requirements

    (use-package "dash")
    (use-package "cider")
  2. command

    Runs all tests in all namespaces connected to the current cider session. Sends an SMS notification to the number specified by gf/sms-notification. Contains a summary of results, and files with linenumbers where failures occured in the test suite.

    The lambda gets called repeatedly by the sub-process, but doesn't seem to have any useful data until results is present in response.

    Was written for a long-running test suite, so no command was written for running a single tests, or a single namespace. To instead run a single namespace, change "op" "test-all" to "op" "test". And change "ns" nil to "ns" <namespace>.

    (defun cider-sms-all-tests ()
      "Runs all namespaces in the current running nrepl session, and sends a text
      message with the results"
      (cider-nrepl-send-request `("op"      "test-all"
    			      "ns"      nil
    			      "tests"   nil
    			      "load?"   "true"
    			      "session" ,(cider-current-session))
    			    (lambda (response)
    			      (nrepl-dbind-response response (summary results)
    				(if results
    				      (let ((total (nrepl-dict-get summary "test"))
    					    (pass (nrepl-dict-get summary "pass"))
    					    (fail (nrepl-dict-get summary "fail"))
    					    (failure-details (gf/file-line-context results)))
  3. formatting

    Format the test results into a string for the SMS message.

    (defun gf/fmt-results-and-failures (total pass fail failure-details)
      "Join the test summary and failures"
       (cons (gf/fmt-results total pass fail)
    	 (list (gf/fmt-failures failure-details)))
    (defun gf/fmt-results (total pass fail)
      "Format test summary"
      (format "Cider Test Results: Total: %s, Passing: %s, Failing: %s" total pass fail))
    (defun gf/fmt-failures (file-line-contexts)
      "Format a list of failures as <file>:<line-number>"
       (cons "Failed At:"
    	 (-map (lambda (fl-ln-cxt)
    		 (format "%s:%s" (car fl-ln-cxt) (cadr fl-ln-cxt)))
  4. data accessors/constructors

    The nrepl-dict.el package provides a dict datatype that's returned by the cider nrepl client.

    (defun gf/file-line-context (results)
      "Walk down the results tree to get file, line, and context, of each failure"
      (-flatten-n 2 (nrepl-dict-map
    		 (lambda (ns vars)
    		    (lambda (_var tests)
    		      (let* ((problems (cider-test-non-passing tests))
    			     (count (length problems)))
    			(-map 'gf/problem->file-line-context problems)))
    (defun gf/problem->file-line-context (problem)
      "Build a list of `(file line context)'"
      (let ((file (nrepl-dict-get problem "file"))
    	(line (nrepl-dict-get problem "line"))
    	(context (nrepl-dict-get problem "context")))
        (list file line context)))

config for emacs lisp

Add hook for smartparens mode. (see clojure config for explanation)

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'smartparens-mode)

Add hook for show parens mode (see clojure config)

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'show-paren-mode)

Add hook for eldoc-mode (see clojure config)

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'eldoc-mode)

Add hook for rainbow delimiters mode (see clojure config)

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)

When in emacs-lisp-mode, this will check that a byte compiled version of the current .el file exists, and if it does, it will byte-compile. This is useful for keeping .el files from falling out of date behind their byte-compiled versions.

(defun byte-compile-current-buffer ()
  "`byte-compile' current buffer if it's emacs-lisp-mode and compiled file exists."
  (when (and (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
	     (file-exists-p (byte-compile-dest-file buffer-file-name)))
    (byte-compile-file buffer-file-name)))

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook
	  (lambda ()
	    (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'byte-compile-current-buffer nil 'make-it-local)))

config for scheme

Start rainbow-delimiters mode with scheme

(add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)

Start smartparens-mode with scheme.

(add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook 'smartparens-mode)

config for coffeescript

set coffee-mode to use a tab width of 2 spaces

(add-hook 'coffee-mode-hook (lambda () (setq coffee-tab-width 2)))


use purescript mode and configure the indentation mode.

(use-package purescript-mode)
(add-hook 'purescript-mode-hook 'turn-on-purescript-indentation)

replace all instances of "forall" with "∀", but only in purescript-mode buffers.

(add-hook 'purescript-mode-hook
    (add-hook 'before-save-hook
	      (lambda ()
		(replace-all-in-buffer "forall" "∀")
		(replace-all-in-buffer "->" "→")
		(replace-all-in-buffer "=>" "⇒")
		(replace-all-in-buffer "<-" "←")
		(replace-all-in-buffer "::" "∷"))
	      nil t)))

(defun replace-all-in-buffer (original new)
  "Replace all occurances of original with new."
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward original nil t)
	(replace-match new))))

purescript-language-server integration

hook the lsp mode into purescript

(add-hook 'purescript-mode-hook #'lsp)

the default cmd for starting the language server is purescript-language-server --stdio, but I'm using it by invoking yarn, inside a nix shell. So we need to override these variables, which were added in this PR:

The original values, as of the time of that PR are:

(defcustom lsp-purescript-server-executable
  "Arguments to pass to the server."
  :type 'string
  :risky t
  :group 'lsp-purescript)

(defcustom lsp-purescript-server-args
  "Arguments to pass to the server."
  :type '(repeat string)
  :risky t
  :group 'lsp-purescript)

(defun lsp-purescript--server-command ()
  "Generate LSP startup command for purescript-language-server."
  (cons lsp-purescript-server-executable

The full command we want to run is

nix-shell --run 'yarn purescript-language-server --stdio'

So we'll override the first two of the relevent variables

(setq lsp-purescript-server-executable "nix-shell")
(setq lsp-purescript-server-args '("--run" "'yarn purescript-language-server --stdio'"))

But that didn't work. It just immediately exits with no info. I don't know why.

So I can run this one instead one instead, which implies we're in a nix-shell.

(setq lsp-purescript-server-executable "yarn")
(setq lsp-purescript-server-args '("purescript-language-server" "--stdio"))

Note that this (obviously) requires the purescript-language-server package to be installed through yarn, plus it requires purescript. Both of the following should succeed (in the nix shell):

yarn purescript-language-server
purs ide # this is what the the above command wraps

pscide integration attempt

this method fails in this way: purescript-emacs/psc-ide-emacs#189

(use-package purescript-mode)
(use-package psc-ide)
(add-hook 'purescript-mode-hook
  (lambda ()

Apparently it's the result of json-encoding-pretty-print being set to true, but I'm still going to leave this off for now because the LSP-mode is working fine.

language server protocol

this is used by several different language modes

(use-package lsp-mode)

by default this uses Super in the prefix key, which I'm aleady using for xmonad

(setq lsp-keymap-prefix "C-c l")


These commands provide wrappers around the term-alert.el package, which allows for an alert to be sent after commands complete in term-mode.

(use-package "term-alert")

Define two notification commands. They are both expecting to be run in a terminal mode. term-alert-function should be a buffer local variable, so these set it each time they're called.

(defun sms-alert-on-cmd-completion ()
  (setq term-alert-function 'gf/sms-notify-term-alert)
  (term-alert-next-command-toggle 1))

(defun email-alert-on-cmd-completion ()
  (setq term-alert-function 'gf/email-notify-term-alert)
  (term-alert-next-command-toggle 1))

Functions to be wrapped in the above commands.

(defun gf/email-notify-term-alert ()
    (mail-to) (insert goose/email)      ; my email address
    (mail-subject) (insert "[EMACS] command completion")

(defun gf/sms-notify-term-alert ()
  (gf/sms-notification "Term command completed."))


set indentation to 2 spaces

(setq js-indent-level 2)

start flycheck in javascript

(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)

use smartparens mode

(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'smartparens-strict-mode)

use js2-mode instead of javascript mode

   `(,(rx ".js$") . js2-mode))


Since intero-mode has been end-of-lifed, i'm trying out dante-mode.

set it to run in haskell mode.

(use-package dante
:after haskell-mode
:commands 'dante-mode
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'dante-mode)
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook (lambda () (setq dante-tap-type-time 1))))

the variable being set in the previous block sets how long we delay before querying the type of what's under the point.

(describe-variable 'dante-tap-type-time)

Dante-mode can evaluate code in a commment block starting with -- >>>

-- >>> let x = 2 :: Int
-- >>> x + 2
-- 4

previously on…

I used to use inter-mode for haskell but it was end-of-lifed in favor of the haskell lsp mode. I never liked that haskell lsp mode. Dante comes the closest to having all the features of intero-mode.

(use-package "intero")


generic scala mode, not super useful.

(use-package "scala-mode")



  1. install elm mode
  2. (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-elm)
  3. look into ensure that elm-oracle is installed


tried out meghanada, but it was preventing saves and giving me other issues.


Experimenting with this mode.

The following are from

meghanada-mode interfaces with a meghanada server, similar to intero-mode for haskell (I'm assuming). but loading the java repos at work basically crashes emacs

(use-package "meghanada")

dependencies of meghanada. Specified here:

(use-package "cl-lib")
(use-package "yasnippet")
(use-package "company")
(use-package "flycheck")

the next code block does the following:

  • use meghanada in java-mode

  • enable flycheck

  • set indentation levels

  • set locations of java and maven

  • autoformat code on save

    (add-hook 'java-mode-hook (lambda () (meghanada-mode t) (flycheck-mode +1) (setq c-basic-offset 4) (setq meghanada-java-path "java") (setq meghanada-maven-path "mvn") ;; (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'meghanada-code-beautify-before-save) ))

java lsp

set up java lsp mode

(use-package "lsp-mode")
(use-package "company-lsp")
(use-package "lsp-ui")
(use-package "lsp-java")

(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'lsp)
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'company-mode)

i've basically given in to intellij for java at work.


use a whitespace mode with python and convert tabs to spaces on saving

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
	  (lambda ()
	    (setq leerzeichen-line-feed-glyph (make-glyph-code ?  'leerzeichen))
	    (leerzeichen-mode 't)
	    ;; (add-hook 'before-save-hook (lambda ( ) (tabify (point-min) (point-max) 't)) nil 'local)


pretty print json files

(setq json-encoding-pretty-print t)

(setq json-reformat:indent-width 2)


Set the magit bindings recommended in the magit tutorial

(use-package "magit")
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'magit-status)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-g") 'magit-dispatch-popup)

require package for manipulating github pull requests from within magit. This started causing magit-status to fail to be able to open the minibuffer, so I've disabled it for the time being.

(use-package "forge")


use elfeed for rss, and elfeed-org to organize rss feeds in an org file

(use-package "elfeed")
(use-package "elfeed-org")

Initialize elfeed-org. This hooks up elfeed-org to read the configuration when elfeed is started with M-x elfeed


Specify a number of files containing elfeed configuration. If not set then the location below is used. Note: The customize interface is also supported.

(setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "~/.emacs.d/"))


eshell can mess up some commands that are expecting piped input. Add them to this list if they don't work as expected with pipes.

(eval-after-load "esh-proc" '(add-to-list 'eshell-needs-pipe "entr"))

Twilio sms

I'd like to use this dotenv package, but I need to figure out quelpa first… maybe. Either way I'm not doing it right now.

(use-package dotenv
  :ensure nil
  (dotenv :repo "pkulev/dotenv.el"
	  :fetcher github :upgrade t))

Ensure that the json.el package is present, which the request.el library uses to parse json responses.

(use-package "json")

Ensure that the request-deferred.el package is present, which wraps request.el in a deferred function from deferred.el

(use-package "request-deferred")

Helper function used to generate the string expected by the authentication header in using http basic authenticaiton.

(defun gf/build-auth-hash (username password)
  (concat "Basic " (base64-encode-string (concat username ":" password) t)))

Core function that sends a request to the Twilio API. sid and token must be aquired from Twilio, and from-phone must be verified.

(defun gf/twilio-send-text (sid token from-phone to-phone msg)
    (request-deferred (concat "" sid "/Messages.json")
		      :parser 'json-read
		      :data `((To . ,to-phone)
			      (From . ,from-phone)
			      (Body . ,msg))
		      :headers `((authorization . ,(gf/build-auth-hash sid token))))
    (deferred:nextc it
      (lambda (raw-response)
	(let* ((response (request-response-data raw-response))
	       (status (request-response-symbol-status raw-response))
	       (oopsie (request-response-error-thrown raw-response))
	       (err-msg (cdr (assoc 'message response))))
	  (if oopsie (message "Twilio connection error: %S, %S" oopsie err-msg)
	    (message "Twilio SMS status: %S" status)))))
    (deferred:error it
      (lambda (err)
	(message "Request error: %S" err)))))

Command wrapping the gf/twilio-send-text function. Queries user in minibuffer for a phone number and message to send an SMS message.

(defun send-sms ()
  (let ((to-phone (read-from-minibuffer "Recipient's phone number: "))
	(msg (read-from-minibuffer "Text message: ")))
    (gf/twilio-send-text env/twilio-sid

Generic command for sending an sms message to env/my-phone

(defun gf/sms-notification (msg)
  (gf/twilio-send-text env/twilio-sid

utility functions

I wrote this because I missed Vi's "o" button which would create an empty line below the current one, and jump to it without breaking the current line. I may be duplicating some existing emacs command here.

(defun jump-to-newline ()
    "Move to the end of the current line, then create a newline.
\(Like \"o\" in Vi.\) I'm probably replicating a pre-existing command."
    (move-end-of-line nil)

org-mode spreadsheet helper functions

I wrote these functions to help with calculating my work hours and wages for a freelancing job. I needed these to help calculate values in spreadsheet cells.

Adds up the minutes in hh:mm formatted time string.

(defun to-minutes (time-string)
  "Accepts a string of format '(h)h:mm' and returns total minutes"
  (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]\\{2,\\}\\)" time-string)
  (let ((hours (string-to-number (match-string 1 time-string)))
	(minutes (string-to-number (match-string 2 time-string))))
    (if (> minutes 59)
	(error (concat (number-to-string minutes) " is not between 0 and 59"))
      (+ minutes (* hours 60)))))

Takes a float representing minutes, and returns an hh:mm formatted string.

(defun number-to-time (number)
  "Converts a float into formatted string (hh:mm)"
  (let ((hours (/ number 60))
	(minutes (% number 60)))
    (concat (format "%d" hours)
	    (format "%02d" minutes))))

Takes a list of times in the hh:mm format, and returns a sum in the same format

(defun sum-times (time-list)
  "Takes a list of times (hh:mm), and returns sum in the same format (hh:mm)"
  (number-to-time (apply '+ (mapcar 'to-minutes time-list))))

Takes a hh:mm formatted time string, converts it to total minutes, and then multiplies it by an hourly rate. Returns a string formatted like dollars but without the "$" (because org-mode cannot read from a spreadsheet cell starting with "$")

(defun time-to-wage (time dollars-per-hour)
  "Converts time (hh:mm) to wages."
  (let ((minutes (to-minutes time)))
    (let ((hours (/ minutes
      (format "%0.2f" (* hours dollars-per-hour)))))

Converts a float into dollar format ($0.00)

(defun number-to-dollars (float)
  "Formats float into dollar string"
  (format "$%0.2f" float))

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

These were the first elisp functions I wrote, while reading the built-in lisp tutorial. A friend of mine loves the table-flipping meme, but hates emacs. So I decided to write the table-flipping meme into emacs

I started with this basic table-flipping character. Passing an argument will specify how long to pause before flipping.

(defun flip-table (num)
  "Animates flipping a table."
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((start-point (point))
	(anticipation (or num 4)))
    (insert "(°-°) ┬─┬ ")
    (sit-for anticipation)
    (delete-region start-point (point))
    (insert "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ")))

flip-pɹoʍ︵$°□°$ My next function flips the last word before the cursor. A couple required functions are also included.

(defun flip-word (num)
  "Animates flipping the last word."
  (interactive "p")
    (let ((anticipation (or num 4)))
      (re-search-backward "\\(\\<\\w+\\>[.,!?]?\\)")
      (goto-char (match-end 0))
      (insert " (°-°)")
      (let ((post-face (point)))
	(sit-for anticipation)
	(replace-match (rotate-word (match-string-no-properties 0)))
	(delete-region (match-end 0) post-face))
      (insert "︵\\(°□°\\) ")))

(defun rotate-word (string)
  (let ((flipped))
    (dolist (ascii-dec (string-to-list string))
      (setq flipped (cons
		      (dec-to-upside-down-unicode ascii-dec))
    (concat flipped)))

;; used in rotate-word
(defun unicode-to-char (unicode)
  (string-to-number unicode 16))

;; used in rotate-word
(defun dec-to-upside-down-unicode (dec)
  (cond ((= dec 97) "0250")
	((= dec 98) "0071")
	((= dec 99) "0254")
	((= dec 100) "0070")
	((= dec 101) "01dd")
	((= dec 102) "025f")
	((= dec 103) "0253")
	((= dec 104) "0265")
	((= dec 105) "0131")
	((= dec 106) "027e")
	((= dec 107) "029e")
	((= dec 108) "006c")
	((= dec 109) "026f")
	((= dec 110) "0075")
	((= dec 111) "006f")
	((= dec 112) "0064")
	((= dec 113) "0062")
	((= dec 114) "0279")
	((= dec 115) "0073")
	((= dec 116) "0287")
	((= dec 117) "006e")
	((= dec 118) "028c")
	((= dec 119) "028d")
	((= dec 120) "0078")
	((= dec 121) "028e")
	((= dec 122) "007a")
	((= dec 65) "2200")
	((= dec 66) "10412")
	((= dec 67) "0186")
	((= dec 68) "15e1")
	((= dec 69) "018e")
	((= dec 70) "2132")
	((= dec 71) "2141")
	((= dec 72) "0048")
	((= dec 73) "0049")
	((= dec 74) "017f")
	((= dec 75) "029e")
	((= dec 76) "2142")
	((= dec 77) "0057")
	((= dec 78) "004e")
	((= dec 79) "004f")
	((= dec 80) "0500")
	((= dec 81) "038c")
	((= dec 82) "1d1a")
	((= dec 83) "0053")
	((= dec 84) "22a5")
	((= dec 85) "2229")
	((= dec 86) "039b")
	((= dec 87) "004d")
	((= dec 88) "0058")
	((= dec 89) "2144")
	((= dec 90) "005a")
	((= dec 48) "0030")
	((= dec 49) "21c2")
	((= dec 50) "218a")
	((= dec 51) "218b")
	((= dec 52) "3123")
	((= dec 53) "078e")
	((= dec 54) "0039")
	((= dec 55) "3125")
	((= dec 56) "0038")
	((= dec 57) "0036")
	((= dec 38) "214b")
	((= dec 45) "203e")
	((= dec 63) "00bf")
	((= dec 33) "00a1")
	((= dec 34) "201e")
	((= dec 39) "002c")
	((= dec 46) "02d9")
	((= dec 44) "0027")
	((= dec 59) "061b")
	(t nil)))


My emacs configuration files






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