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What is it?

In 2017 a category-5 hurricane, Maria, hit Puerto Rico and wreaked havoc on the island's infrastructure. Communication and power were disabled for an extended period of time causing lasting effects long after the hurricane passed. Many of these issues could have been prevented if civilians had access to a basic network where they could send short messages to emergency services and local governments.

The ClusterDuck Protocol was created by Project OWL to be an easy to use mobile mesh network that can be accessed by people without the need to have specific hardware or pre-downloaded software (such as a mobile app). Since its creation, the vision for the ClusterDuck Protocol has grown beyond only servicing people in need after a hurricane towards additional use cases around earthquakes, wildfires, cellular congestion (large events), sensor networks, and more. Project OWL open-sourced this project so that the ClusterDuck Protocol could reach the communities that need it as fast as possible and continue to explore new directions.

How does it work?

The network is made up of multiple nodes called "Ducks". There are 3 core roles in a ClusterDuck network: DuckLink, MamaDuck, and PapaDuck. DuckLinks serve as edge nodes that only transmit data. These function as remote sensors or as additional access points to a Captive Portal. MamaDucks inherit the same functionality of the DuckLinks, but also receive messages. MamaDucks repeat messages from DuckLinks and other MamaDucks until the message reaches a PapaDuck. PapaDucks are the endpoint of the network where all of the data is collected and can be stored or pushed up to the cloud. (free tier cloud platform coming soon)


Captive Portal

The Captive Portal is an important feature in the ClusterDuck Protocol network. The Captive Portal allows devices such as smartphones and laptops to access the network without the need to download additional software as it takes advantage a system that is native to smartphones such as Android and iPhone devices and laptops.

This is beneficial after events such as earthquakes or hurricanes where traditional communication infrastructure is crippled. Users are able to connect to the WiFi access point of a DuckLink or MamaDuck which will in turn relay their message onward.


NEW DetectorDuck

When setting up a network it can be difficult to figure out where to place Duck devices in the field. A DetectorDuck can be used to easily make sure that Ducks are able to maintain connectivity when deploying ad hoc. It works by broadcasing a ping every 3 seconds and takes the RSSI value of the pong of the nearest Duck device. Based on the RSSI value, the attached RGB LED will change color between Blue (no devices in range), Green (great connection), Purple (good connection), and Red (fair connection).


Check out the ClusterDuck Protocol website for more information and to learn about projects built upon this codebase. You can reach out directly on our Slack Workspace for any questions!

To use the ClusterDuck Protocol follow the How To Build a Duck installation guide.

Quick Start

Open new sketch in Arduino IDE or create a new project with PlatformIO and include the ClusterDuck library

#include "ClusterDuck.h"

Create ClusterDuck object

ClusterDuck duck;

Initializes the ClusterDuck class object

In setup()


Initializes the baud rate for serial printing and messaging. You can adust to your desired baud rate.

  • int baudRate -- Default is 115200

Set device ID and captive portal form length.

duck.setDeviceId(String deviceId, const int formLength);
  • String deviceId -- input the device ID used to identify your registered device on the web -- do not leave null or an empty string
  • const int formLength -- (optional) define the number of captive portal form fields -- Default is 10 to match our default captive portal template

Setup DuckLink


duck.setupMamaDuck can also be used here to setup a MamaDuck, however you cannot use both in the same sketch.

In loop()

Add corresponding Duck run code. Must be of the same device type as used in setup(). (e.g. if duck.setupMamaDuck() is used in setup() use duck.runMamaDuck())


Your sketch should look something like this:

#include "ClusterDuck.h"
ClusterDuck duck;

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
    duck.setDeviceId("Z", 10);

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Now compile and upload to your device. If using a Heltec LoRa ESP32 board you should see a Duck Online message on the LED screen. You can now open your phone or laptop's Wi-Fi preferences and connect to the SOS DuckLink Network!

If you don't see the captive portal screen, you can force it by accessing which will ensure that the captive portal intercepts the HTTP request.


setDeviceId(String deviceId)

  • Set device ID that will be used to prevent DDoS (Duck Denial of Service or Duck DoS). Do not leave deviceId null or as an empty string. Use in setup().

void begin(int baudRate)

  • Initialize baud rate for serial. Use in setup().

void setupDisplay(String deviceType)

  • Initializes LED screen on Heltec LoRa ESP32 and configures it to show status, device ID, and the device type. Use in setup().

void setupLoRa(long BAND, int SS, int RST, int DI0, int DI1, int TxPower)

  • Initializes LoRa radio. Default setting is Heltec LoRa ESP32 pins (SS = 18, RST = 14, DI0 = 26, DI1 = 25). TxPower corresponds to the the transmit power of the radio (max value: 20). Use in setup().

void setFlag(void)

  • On LoRa packet received set receivedFlag to true if enableInterrupt is false.

void setupWebServer(bool createCaptivePortal = false)

  • Initializes the websever and routes. Setting createCaptivePortal to true will make the captive portal automatically pop up on connection. If set to false, the captive portal can still be accessed by opening a browser and going to
  • / : HTTP_GET : Captive Portal.
  • /formSubmit : HTTP_POST : Collects data from all inputs that have a name tag in html, turns it into a single String with each element separated by a *. Then runs sendPayloadStandard(String msg).
  • /id : returns _deviceId.
  • /restart : HTTP_GET : Restarts Duck.
  • /mac : HTTP_GET : Returns device's mac address
  • /wifi : HTTP_GET : Portal to change wifi credentials
  • /changeSSID : HTTP_POST : Takes input values with name tags equal to ssid and pass. Uses these values to run setupInternet(String SSID, String PASSWORD)

void setupWifiAp(const char * AP)

  • Initializes WiFi access point with SSID = AP.

void setupDns()

  • Initializes DNS server.

void setupInternet(String SSID, String PASSWORD)

  • Connects device to WiFi using supplied credentails.

int handlePacket()

  • Takes received LoRa packet and puts data into transmission.

void processPortalRequest()

  • Handles incoming and active connections to the captive portal. Required for runing captive portal. Use in loop().

void setupDuckLink()

  • Template for setting up a DuckLink device. Use in setup()

void runDuckLink()

  • Template for running core functionality of a DuckLink. Use in loop().

void setupDetect()

  • Template for settuing up a DetectorDuck device. Use in setup().

void runDetect()

  • Template for running core functionality of a DetectorDuck. Use in loop().

void setupMamaDuck()

  • Template for setting up a MamaDuck device. Use in setup().

void runMamaDuck()

  • Template for running core functionality of a MamaDuck. Use in loop().

void sendPayloadMessage(String msg)

  • Packages msg into a LoRa packet and sends over LoRa. Will automatically set the current device's ID as the sender ID and create a UUID for the message.

void sendPayloadStandard(String msg, String senderId = "", String messageId = "", String path = "")

  • Similar to and might replace sendPayloadMessage(). senderId is the ID of the originator of the message. messageId is the UUID of the message. ms is the message payload to be sent. path is the recorded pathway of the message and is used as a check to prevent the device from sending multiple of the same message.

void couple(byte byteCode, String outgoing)

  • Writes data to LoRa packet. outgoing is the payload data to be sent. byteCode is paired with the outgoing so it can be used to identify data on an individual level. Reference setDeviceId() for byte codes. In addition it writes the outgoing length to the LoRa packet.

bool idInPath(String path)

  • Checks if the path contains deviceId. Returns bool.

String * getPacketData(int pSize)

  • Called to iterate through received LoRa packet and return data as an array of Strings.
  • Note: if using standard byte codes it will store senderId, messageId, payload, and path in a Packet object. This can be accessed using getLastPacket()

void restartDuck()

  • If using the ESP32 architecture, calling this function will reboot the device.

void reboot(void *)

  • Used to call restartDuck() when using a timer

void imAlive(void *)

  • Used to send a '1' over LoRa on a timer to signify the device is still on and functional.

String duckMac(boolean format)

  • Returns the MAC address of the device. Using true as an argument will return the MAC address formatted using ':'

String uuidCreator()

  • Returns as String of 8 random characters and numbers

String getDeviceId()

  • Returns the device ID

Packet getLastPacket()

  • Returns a Packet object containing senderId, messageId, payload, and path of last packet received.
  • Note: values are updated after running getPacketData()

volatile bool getFlag()

  • Returns value of receivedFlag.

volatile bool getInterrupt()

  • Returns value of enableInterrupt.

int getRSSI()

  • Returns RSSI for last packet received.

Sting getSSID()

  • Returns set SSID for wifi credentials.

Sting getPassword()

  • Returns set password for wifi credentials.

void flipFlag()

  • Flips value of bool receivedFlag.

void flipInterrupt()

  • Flips value of bool enableInterrupt.

void startReceive()

  • Starts LoRa receive mode.

void startTransmit()

  • Transmits package stored in transmission. Resets both packetIndex and transmission
  • TODO: if there is an error sending packet, the packet is deleted. Add functionalilty to retry, but not create infinite loop. Maybe use interrupt.

void ping()

  • Send a ping using byte code ping_B.

void setupLED()

  • Setup channel for RGB LED.

void setColor(int red, int green, int blue)

  • Set color of RGB LED, 0-256.


Please read for details on our Code of Conduct, and the process for submitting ClusterDuck Protocol improvements.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

