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gpii-infra GCP

This directory manages GPII infrastructure in Google Cloud Project (GCP). It is organized as an exekube project and is very loosely based on the exekube demo-apps-project

Getting started

Start here if you are a GPII developer who wants to create a personal GPII Cloud for development or testing.

Install packages

  1. Install Ruby ==2.4.3.
    • There's nothing particularly special about this version. We could relax the constraint in Gemfile, but a single version for everyone is fine for now.
    • I like rvm for managing and versioning Ruby environments.
    • If you're using a package manager, you may need to install "ruby-devel" as well.
  2. Install rake ==12.3.0, probably via gem install rake -v 12.3.0.
  3. Install Docker, and be sure that the docker-compose application is available from the command line.

Get an account

Ask the Ops team to set up an account and train you. (The training doc is here if you're curious.)

Configure browser to use RtF user

Users who already had an RtF email address/Google account usually have performed these steps already.

  • Sign in to your RtF Google Account using your preferred browser.
    • If you already have another Google Account configured in your preferred browser (e.g. a personal Gmail account), go to the User dropdown on the top-right -> Add account
  • Ops will provide the email address and password.
  • Google may prompt you for a code from an MFA token.
    • I think this might happen if an admin creates your account, logs into it to test something, and the account's MFA "grace period" expires.
    • If this happens, ask an Ops team member to generate Backup Codes for your account and give them to you. You will need these to log in, and to configure MFA (see below).
  • Google will prompt you for a phone number to verify your account. You must pass this step before you can set up MFA.
    • If you cannot (or do not wish to) provide Google a phone number, an Ops team member can use their own phone number to verify the account. After MFA is configured (see below), the Ops team member can remove their phone number from the user's account.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on your account

  • From Google 2-Step Verification, click Get Started and follow the prompts.
    • I like Duo, but any tool from Amazon's list should be fine. See also Google's documentation.
    • If you don't have access to a separate device for MFA (e.g. a smartphone, tablet, or hardware device such as a Yubikey), it is acceptable (though not recommended -- especially for administrators) to run an MFA tool on your development machine. A few of us use Authy for this.

One-time Stackdriver Workspace setup

  1. Go to Stackdriver Monitoring Overview, you will be redirected to Project Setup page if needed.
  2. Select "Create a new Workspace". Click "Continue".
  3. Make sure that you see your project id under "Google Cloud Platform project". Click "Create workspace".
  4. Make sure that only your project is selected under "Add Google Cloud Platform projects to monitor". Click "Continue".
  5. Click "Skip AWS Setup".
  6. Click "Continue".
  7. Select desired reports frequency under "Get Reports by Email". Click "Continue".
  8. Finished initial collection! Click "Launch Monitoring".

Creating an environment

  1. Clone this repo (or update to the tip of gpii-ops/master).
  2. cd gpii-infra/gcp/live/dev
  3. rake
    • The first time you deploy a GPII Cloud (or after you run rake clobber), you will be prompted to authenticate twice. Follow the instructions in the prompts.
    • If your browser is configured with multiple Google accounts (e.g. a personal Gmail account as well as an RtF Gmail account), make sure to choose the right one when authenticating.
  4. Once rake finishes, GPII Cloud endpoints should be available at https://<service>.<your cluster name>
  5. Lots of information about your GPII Cloud is available through the Google Cloud Console. Some common links:
  6. To see a list of other commands you can try: rake -T
  7. If something didn't work, see Troubleshooting / FAQ.

Interacting with an environment

  1. rake display_cluster_info shows some helpful links.
  2. rake display_cluster_state shows debugging info about the current state of the cluster. This output can be useful when asking for help.
  3. rake display_universal_image_info shows currently deployed gpii/universal image SHA and link to GitHub commit that triggered the build.
  4. rake sh opens an interactive shell inside a container on the local host that is configured to communicate with your cluster (e.g. via kubectl commands).
  5. rake plain_sh is like rake sh, but not all configuration is performed. This can be helpful for debugging (e.g. when rake sh does not work) and with interactive commands.
  6. To curl a single couchdb instance: kubectl exec --namespace gpii couchdb-couchdb-0 -c couchdb -- curl -s http://$TF_VAR_secret_couchdb_admin_username:$TF_VAR_secret_couchdb_admin_password@
    • To talk to any instance in the couchdb cluster (i.e. the way that components inside the Kubernetes cluster do), use the URL for the Service: http://$TF_VAR_secret_couchdb_admin_username:$TF_VAR_secret_couchdb_admin_password@couchdb-svc-couchdb.gpii.svc.cluster.local:5984/

Tearing down an environment

  1. cd gpii-infra/gcp/live/dev
  2. rake destroy
    • This is the important one since it shuts down the expensive bits (VMs in the Kubernetes cluster, mostly)
  3. (Optional) Use rake destroy_hard in case you want to destroy not only infra resources, but also secrets, secrets encryption key and TF state data, so new environment would start from scratch and regenerate all of the above.
  4. (Optional) rake clean
    • This command is optional, but is recommended after rake destroy. It removes temporary and cache files that can cause trouble after an unfinished deployment.
  5. (Optional) rake clobber
    • This command is also optional, but cleans up more files than rake clean. It will leave the local command-line environment without generated data, including authentication (so you will need to authenticate again after running rake clobber).

Less common options when creating an environment

  1. dev environments use the environment variable $USER. $USER in your command-line environment must match your RtF account. If you have any doubts, ask the ops team.

  2. Infrastructure developers may wish to clone the gpii-ops fork of exekube.

    • The gpii-infra clone and the exekube clone should be siblings in the same directory (there are some references to ../exekube). This is useful for testing the Terraform modules allocated in the exekube's project. If you want to have those modules in your exekube container uncomment the proper line in the docker-compose.yml file before running any command.
  3. By default you'll use the RtF Organization and Billing Account.

    • You can use a different Organization or Billing Account, e.g. from a GCP Free Trial Account, with export ORGANIZATION_ID=111111111111 and/or export BILLING_ID=222222-222222-222222.
  4. By default your K8s cluster and related resources will be deployed into us-central1.

  5. The Google Cloud Console includes Google Cloud Shell which is an interactive terminal embedded in the GCP dashboard. To use it, click on the icon at the top right of the Console, next to the magnifier icon.

    • Once the shell opens in your browser, execute the following to manage the Kubernetes cluster using the embedded kubectl command:
    1. gcloud container clusters get-credentials k8s-cluster --zone YOUR_INFRA_REGION
    2. kubectl -n gpii get pods

    It's a Debian GNU/Linux so all the apt commands are also available.

    You can also upload/download files using such functionality that you will find in the top right menu of the interactive shell.

Less common options when tearing down an environment

  1. rake destroy_infra
    • This command works only partially; see GPII-3332.
    • Exekube recommends leaving these resources up since they are cheap
  2. There's no automation for destroying the Project and starting over. I usually use the GCP Dashboard.

Contacting the Ops team

Want help with your cluster? Is production down, or is there some other kind of operational emergency? See

What are all these environments?

An "environment" describes a (more-or-less) self-contained cluster of machines running the GPII and its supporting infrastructure (e.g. monitoring, alerting, backups, etc.). There are a few types of environments, each with different purposes.


These are ephemeral environments, generally used by developers working on the gpii-infra codebase or on cloud-based GPII components. CI creates some ephemeral environments (dev-gitlab-runner, dev-doe) for integration testing.

Service Level Objective

  • No guarantee of service for development environments.
  • Ops team does not receive alerts about problems.
  • Ops team assists developers with operation and debugging when convenient for the team (i.e. do not use emergency or out-of-hours contact methods unless there are extraordinary circumstances).


This is a shared, long-lived environment for staging / pre-production. It aims to emulate prd, the production environment, as closely as possible.

Deploying to stg verifies that the gpii-infra code that worked to create a dev-$USER environment from scratch also works to update a pre-existing environment. This is important since we generally don't want to destroy and re-create the production environment from scratch.

Because stg emulates production, it will (in the future) allow us to run realistic end-to-end tests before deploying to prd. This fact also makes stg the proper environment to test some recovering procedures that the ops team must perform periodically.

Service Level Objective

  • No guarantee of service for development environments (stg is a development environment).
  • Ops team receives alerts about problems, and addresses them when convenient for the team (i.e. we won't wake up an on-call engineer, but we will investigate during business hours)
  • Ops team makes an effort to keep stg stable and available for ad-hoc testing, but may disrupt the environment at any time for our own testing.
  • Ops team will perform a restoration of the persistence layer every first monday of the month at 13:00EDT as part of the backup testing process needed for the FERPA compliance, so expect an outage of about 30 min at that time of the services in stg.


This is the production environment which supports actual users of the GPII.

Deploying to prd requires a manual action. This enables automated testing (CI) and a consistent deployment process (CD) while providing finer control over when changes are made to production (e.g. on a holiday weekend when no engineers are around).

Service Level Objective

  • Ops team treats availability of production as highest priority.
  • Ops team receives alerts about problems, and addresses them as soon as possible.
    • Today we do not have automated 24x7 on-call support. However, a human observing a serious, customer-affecting problem in prd should contact someone on the Ops team, no matter the time or day.
  • Ops team communicates both planned and unplanned downtime to stakeholders via the outage@RtF mailing list (see Downtime procedures.

Troubleshooting / FAQ

Running manually in non-dev environments (stg, prd)


I want to test my local changes to GPII components in my cluster

  1. Build a local Docker image containing your changes.
  2. Push your image to Docker Hub under your user account (e.g. docker build -t mrtyler/universal . && docker push mrtyler/universal).
  3. Edit gpii-infra/shared/versions.yml.
    • Find your component and edit the upstream.repository field to point to your Docker Hub user account.
      • E.g., gpii/universal -> mrtyler/universal
    • Find your component and edit the upstream.tag field to latest.
      • E.g., 20190522142238-4a52f56 -> latest
  4. Clone in the same directory as your gpii-infra clone.
    • The gpii-version-updater clone and the gpii-infra clone should be siblings in the same directory (there are some references to ../gpii-infra).
  5. cd gpii-version-updater
  6. Follow the steps at gpii-version-updater: Installing on host (or gpii-version-updater: Running in a container.
  7. rake sync
    • You must run this command each time the Docker image or the upstream.* values in versions.yml change.
  8. cd ../gpii-infra/gcp/live/dev && rake

I want to deploy a new version of universal to production

  1. Find the docker-gpii-universal-master MultiJob that was built for the version you want to deploy (typically the container image will contain the short version of the associated commit hash).
  2. Find the docker-gpii-universal-master-release Job and look for CALCULATED_TAG, e.g. CALCULATED_TAG=20190522142238-4a52f56.
  3. Edit gpii-infra/shared/versions.yml.
    • Find your component and edit the upstream.tag field to the CALCULATED_TAG you found.
      • E.g., 201901021213-aaaaaaa -> 20190522142238-4a52f56
  4. Calculate the correct sha for the new container image using the gpii-version-updater package:
    1. Clone in the same directory as your gpii-infra clone.
      • The gpii-version-updater clone and the gpii-infra clone should be siblings in the same directory (there are some references to ../gpii-infra).
    2. cd gpii-version-updater
    3. Follow the steps at gpii-version-updater: Installing on host (or gpii-version-updater: Running in a container.
    4. rake sync
  5. Deploy the updated container version to your dev cloud, i.e:
    1. cd gcp/live/dev
    2. rake
  6. Test the new container, including performance tests, automated acceptance tests, and manual QA using a Morphic client. See the testing documentation for details.CI
  7. Create a pull request against gpii-infra containing the container tag changes you made to versions.yml. Although it's not harmful to also include the updated sha values, it's best to omit those from the pull.
  8. Be prepared to coordinate deployment with the Ops team.
    • When is a good time for you and the Ops team to deploy this change?
    • Does the deployment require any special handling?
    • How will you verify that your change is working correctly in production?
    • What is the rollback plan if things don't go well?

I need to interact with Helm directly, e.g. because a Helm deployment was orphaned due to an error while running rake

  1. cd gcp/live/dev (or another environment)
  2. rake sh
  3. helm list (or other command)

I want to spin up my dev environment in a different region

  1. cd gpii-infra/gcp/live/dev
  2. Check for an existing Keyring in the new region:
    • rake sh"[gcloud kms keyrings list --location mars-north1]"
  3. If this is your first time spinning up a dev environment in a new region, or if you're sure you've never created a dev environment in the specified region, proceed to Using a region for the first time and skip the Destroy step.
  4. If you see Listed 0 items, proceed to Using a region for the first time.
  5. If you see something like projects/gpii-gcp-dev-mrtyler/locations/mars-north1/keyRings/keyring, proceed to Using a region where you previously had a dev environment.

Using a region for the first time

  1. Destroy all deployed resources, Terraform state, and secrets in the old region:
    • rake destroy_hard
  2. export TF_VAR_infra_region=mars-north1
  3. Your environment is ready to re-deploy with rake
  4. If you encounter an error like one of the following, proceed to Using a region where you previously had a dev environment.
    • google_kms_key_ring.key_ring: the plan would destroy this resource, but it currently has lifecycle.prevent_destroy set to true.
    • google_kms_key_ring.key_ring: Error creating KeyRing: googleapi: Error 409: KeyRing projects/gpii-gcp-dev-tyler/locations/us-east4/keyRings/keyring already exists., alreadyExists

Using a region where you previously had a dev environment

  1. Destroy all deployed resources, Terraform state, and secrets in the old region:
    • rake destroy_hard
    • If you have run other rake commands since destroy_hard, e.g. because you tried the "Using a region for the first time" workflow and encountered an error, run destroy_hard again here.
  2. export TF_VAR_infra_region=mars-north1
  3. rake import_keyring
    • This command is experimental and doesn't do a lot of error checking. If this step fails, try running its constituent commands one-by-one.
  4. rake rotate_secrets_key
    • These rotate_ steps are not needed if all the Keys have an enabled primary version. However, rotating is safe either way and prevents some problems so it is the recommended workflow.
  5. rake rotate_secrets_key"[gcp-stackdriver-export]"
  6. Your environment is ready to re-deploy with rake

My environment is messed up and I want to get rid of it so I can start over

These steps are ordered roughly by difficulty and disruptiveness.

Easy, ordinary steps

  1. rake unlock - if you orphaned a Terraform lock file, e.g. by Ctrl-C during a Terraform run. See also Error locking state
  2. rake destroy - the cleanest way to terminate a cluster. However, it may fail in certain circumstances.
  3. rake clobber - cleans up generated files. You will have to authenticate again after clobbering

More difficult, disruptive steps

If you're at these steps, you probably want to ask #ops for help.

  1. rake destroy_hard - cleans up terraform state files and secrets in Google Storage
    • NOTE: This will "orphan" any resources Terraform created for you previously and will be difficult to recover from
  2. Manually delete "ordinary" resources using the GCP Dashboard: Kubernetes Cluster, Disks, Snapshots, Logging Export rules, Logging Exclusion rules
  3. Manually delete "infra" resources using the GCP Dashboard: Network stuff, Network services -> Cloud DNS, Google Storage buckets.
    • NOTE: If you delete the -tfstate bucket, you will need to ask Ops (or CI) to re-deploy common-prd. Unless things are really messed up, you may prefer to leave the bucket itself alone and delete all its contents.

I want to work on a different dev cluster

Note: this is an advanced / non-standard workflow. There aren't a lot of guard rails to prevent you from making a mistake. User discretion is advised.

Examples of when you might want to do this:

  • (Most common) Cleaning up when CI ends up with a broken dev-gitlab-runner cluster, e.g. the CI server reboots and orphans a Terraform lock.
  • Collaborating with another developer in their dev cluster.
  • Running multiple personal dev environments (e.g. dev-mrtyler-experiment1).
    • Note that this additional dev environment will require configuration in common/.
  1. Prepend USER=gitlab-runner to all rake commands.
    • Or, to add an additional dev cluster: USER=mrtyler-experiment1

I need to work with my tfstate bucket directly

For example: a developer deleted their tfstate bucket in GCS and re-created it with the wrong permissions. You need to back up the contents of the bucket so Terraform can destroy it and re-create it with the correct permissions.

  1. Entities in the tfstate bucket may use one of two encryption types:
    • Google-managed - for initial bootstrapping, storage of tfstate for the secrets themselves
    • Customer-supplied - managed with our secrets code
  2. For entities encrypted with a Google-managed key (infra/, secret-mgmt/):
    • `rake sh
    • gsutil ...
  3. For entities encrypted with a customer-supplied key (k8s/, locust/):
    • rake sh
    • echo -e "[GSUtil]\nencryption_key = $TF_VAR_key_tfstate_encryption_key" > ~/.boto
    • gustil ...
  4. The tfstate bucket contains entities with both kinds of encryption. When reconstructing the bucket, you must use (or not use, i.e. move out of the way) the custom .boto file described above.
  5. Some Google documentation for context, Using Encryption Keys.

Error locking state: Error acquiring the state lock

If you see an error like this (usually because you orphaned a lock file by interrupting (Ctrl-C'd) a rake/terraform run):

Error: Error locking state: Error acquiring the state lock: writing "gs://gpii-gcp-dev-jj-tfstate/dev/k8s/cluster/default.tflock" failed: googleapi: Error 412: Precondition Failed, conditionNotMet
Lock Info:
  ID:        1564599692234628
  Path:      gs://gpii-gcp-dev-jj-tfstate/dev/k8s/cluster/default.tflock
  Operation: OperationTypeApply
  Who:       root@52fec555531a
  Version:   0.11.14
  Created:   2019-07-31 19:01:32.102683134 +0000 UTC
  1. Make sure you are the only person working in the environment.
    • In your dev environment, this is almost always the case.
    • In a shared environment like prd, this lock file prevents two people from attempting to make changes at the same time (which could lead to serious problems). Confirm in #ops that no one else is working there before you proceed.
  2. Run rake unlock.

My deploy is stuck on Waiting for all CouchDB pods to join the cluster... 1 of 2 pods have joined the cluster

  1. Unfortunately, this is a known issue that happens periodically. It is a result of "split brain" -- both couchdb instances think they are the leader of their own cluster.
    • To find out if you're suffering from this problem:
      • rake display_cluster_state
      • Look for the _membership output
      • If couchdb-couchdb-0 only knows about couchdb-couchdb-0 and couchdb-couchdb-1 only knows about couchdb-couchdb-1, you have split brain
  2. The easiest workaround is to destroy couchdb, then re-run the deployment:
    • rake destroy_module"[k8s/gpii/couchdb]" && rake
  3. If you need to, you may be able to repair the split brain manually using CouchDB Cluster Management commands.

My component won't start and the Event logs say Error creating: pods "my-pod-name" is forbidden: image policy webhook backend denied one or more images: Denied by default admission rule. Overridden by evaluation mode

This means your component is trying to use a Docker image that is not hosted in our Google Container Registry instance, or which is otherwise not allowed by our Kubernetes Binary Authorization configuration. The Ops team will want to discuss next steps but gke-cluster is the relevant module. For development purposes, you may add an additional binary_authorization_admission_whitelist_pattern_N to allow your new image. You may want to re-deploy your component so that Kubernetes notices the change more quickly.

Errors trying to enable/disable Google Cloud APIs

When destroying an environment completely (rake destroy), or creating an environment for the first time or after complete destruction (rake deploy), we disable/enable some Google Cloud APIs. This action is asynchronous and can take a few minutes to propagate.

  1. If you encounter an error like this during a rake run:
Error enabling service:
Error enabling service [""]
for project "gpii-dev-mrtyler": googleapi:
Error 400: Precondition check failed., failedPrecondition

then try again.

See exekube/exekube#91 for further discussion.

  1. There is a slightly different error related to enabling/disabling GCP APIs:
Error 403: The caller does not have permission, forbidden

This happens when trying to enable an API that is already enabled. This shouldn't happen in normal operation, but a quick fix is to run something like this for each affected API:

rake sh["gcloud services disable"]

Error (gcloud.iam.service-accounts.keys.create) RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Maximum number of keys on account reached

This happens due to limitation of maximum 10 keys per ServiceAccount. If you see this error during any rake execution, run rake destroy_sa_keys and then try again.

oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request

This happens when you run some commands in an environment (usually stg or prd) before, did not run rake clobber, CI run after that and destroyed your SA key. Error is basically saying that locally stored SA key is invalid and needs to re-issued. Solution is to rake clobber and re-authenticate. This will not affect your running cluster, only local state.

helm_release.release: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing

This caused by locally missing helm certificates (similarly to previous error, it usually happens when working to stg or prd environment, after rake clobber) and can be fixed by running rake fetch_helm_certs.

helm_release.release: error creating tunnel: "could not find tiller"

This some times happens during forceful cluster re-creation (for example when updating oauth scopes), and caused by Terraform failing to trigger helm-initializer module deployment. Solution is to run rake deploy_module['k8s/kube-system/helm-initializer'].

helm_release.release: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = PodDisruptionBudget.policy "DEPLOYMENT" is invalid

This happens when we need to update immutable fields on PodDisruptionBudget resources for deployments. Solution is to destroy PDB resources and allow Helm to recreate them: rake plain_sh['sh -c "for pdb in DEPLOYMENT1 DEPLOYMENT2; do kubectl -n gpii delete pdb \\$pdb; done"'] && rake.

The metric referenced by the provided filter is unknown. Check the metric name and labels. (Google::Gax::RetryError)

This some times happens, when Stackdriver Ruby client is trying to apply alerting policy on newly created log-based metric. Solution is to wait 5-10 minutes and try again.

Error reading Metric: googleapi: Error 400: Cannot delete metric METRIC. That metric is still used in an alerting policy.

There is a data propagation delay between logging and monitoring parts of Stackdriver. Some times Stackriver sees recently orphaned (not used by any alert policy) LBMs as still in-use and refuses to delete them. Solution is to wait 5-10 minutes and try again.

[ERROR]: Deadline exceeded while destroying resources!

The most common solution for this is to create your Stackdriver Workspace.

Error: "":"cert-manager", MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable

Check running cert-manager version with rake plain_sh['kubectl -n kube-system get deployment cert-manager -o json | jq .metadata.labels.chart']. For everything < v0.11.0 you'll need to follow the upgrade scenario:

  1. Run rake plain_sh['kubectl -n gpii delete certificate\,issuer --all'] to destroy cert-manager resources in GPII namespace. This operation does not affect existing secrets with certificates and required so we can destroy cert-manager CRDs later.
  2. Run rake destroy_module['k8s/kube-system/cert-manager'].
  3. Run rake again, cert-manager should now be successfully upgraded.
  4. Run rake plain_sh in opened exekube shell run for crd in $(kubectl get crd -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select( == "cert-manager") | .spec.names.plural'); do kubectl delete crd ${crd}; done to delete any leftover CRDs from previous cert-manager versions.

Flowmanger module has been deployed successfully, but kubectl -n gpii get certificate,issuer still says that no resources found

This is happening, because after upgrade to GKE 1.13 and Istio 1.1.16, old cert-manager CRDs are being deployed as part of Istio:

bash-4.4# kubectl get crd -o yaml
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  annotations: keep |

Addon manager Reconcile mode prevents us from making any modifications, so we can not delete them. Luckily, it does not affect new cert-manager functionality in any way. To get CRD-based resources, please use full CRD name instead of singular definition. i.e. kubectl -n gpii get,

Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

In case any of your new deployments fail with the error above, the reason is configuration drift in Istio sidecar injector. The solution is to restart sidecard injector pods, following instructions from Istio documentation.

Istio components are failing to start - x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Check the logs from one of the failing pods if you observe following error:

2020-01-08T18:52:51.873253Z error mcp Failed to create a new MCP sink
stream: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in
TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport:
authentication handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"

This issue is caused by certificates between Istio components being out of sync. This can happen when Root CA is rotated (historically root CA had a 1 year default lifetime, new root CAs have 10y... so don't expect to see this issue anytime soon).

To resolve this issue:

  • Recreate (restart is not enough) all pods from istio-galley deployoment (scaling to 0 and up is fine in this case).

  • Search for and recreate all pods that keep logging the above error after the istio-galley pods have been recreated. Following Stackdriver filter can be used:

    textPayload:"Failed to create a new MCP sink stream"

Common plumbing

The environments that run in GCP need some initial resources that must be created by an administrator first. The common part of this repository has the code and the instructions to do so.

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

See Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery.

Authentication workflow

There are number of infrastructure components that require access tokens to interact with various GCP services.

  • For developers we use application-default credentials. This approach allows us to trace every action performed by individual users back to their G Suite accounts.
    • After initial interactive login using your G Suite account you will be asked to login one more time to retrieve application-default credentials.
    • Locally stored credentials can be destroyed with rake clobber.
  • For CI we use projectowner service account, so all CI actions appear in audit logs under that SA.
    • SA credentials are being generated and stored locally during CI setup.
    • In case SA credentials are present locally, application-default credentials are ignored.


The permissions in this project are set in three different levels: at organization level, at project level and at resource level.

At the organization level we have the group which contains the list of users that will manage the projects of the organization and has the high level permissions to do so. Also we have a Service Account (SA) dedicated for the project creation and the billing association: This SA only has the enough permissions to create projects, assciate them to the billing account and create the IAMs needed in such project to allow the owner to create the resources inside it. The SA must also be in the organization level, as the billing account is associated to this organization and it is used to attach it to the testing organization

Each project has a SA which performs almost all the actions over the resources of such project. This SA only has the permissions needed to deploy GPII cloud. This SA doesn't have permissions to make changes outside the project which owns it.

The permissions set at resource level are automaticallly set by Terraform in order to work properly among the rest of the components of the GPII cloud. i.e the storage bucket permissions for exported logs

More details about which roles and permissions are set in the infrastructure can be found in the

Monitoring and alerting

We use Stackdriver Beta Monitoring to collect various system metrics, navigate through them with Kubernetes Dashboard, and send alerts when they violate thresholds that are being set by Stackdriver Alerting Policies.

One-time Stackdriver Workspace setup

See Getting started: One-time Stackdriver Workspace setup

To configure Dashboards for your project:

  1. Go to Metrics Explorer.
  2. Select resource type, metric and configure other parameters for the chart that you want to add to your Dashboard.
  3. Click "Save Chart". Select existing one or new Dashboard. Click "Save".
  4. Your Stackdriver Dashboard should be now available in Dashboard Manager.

To receive notifications in Slack:

  1. Go to Workspace Notification Settings - Slack.
  2. Click "Add Slack Channel".
  3. Click "Authorize Stackdriver" – this will redirect to Slack's authentication page.
  4. Click "Authorize".
  5. Save the URL after the authentication is done, the parameter "auth_token" of the url is the value you have to use in the next step.
  6. Export the variable: export TF_VAR_secret_slack_auth_token=XXXXX-xxxx-XXXXX-xxxxx-XXXX.
  7. Run rake to save the secret.
  8. Enter channel name including "#". Click "Test Connection" and then "Save".
  9. Now you can use new notification channel in gcp-stackdriver-monitoring module. Here is an example:
    resource "google_monitoring_notification_channel" "alerts_slack_channel" {
      type         = "slack"
      display_name = "Alerts #${var.env} Slack"
      labels = {
        channel_name = "#alerts-${var.env}"
        auth_token   = "${var.secret_slack_auth_token}"

Fixing errors related to the Stackdriver deployment

If during a deployment any error is raised because either a log based metric or an alert already exist. It is possible to remove all the Stackdriver resources and let GPII-infra to recreate them.

  1. rake clean_stackdriver_resources
  2. rake

Working with CouchDB data

You can run all kubectl commands mentioned below inside of an interactive shell started with rake sh.

Accessing CouchDB and CouchDB Web UI

  1. Running rake couchdb_ui task in corresponding environment direcotry (e.g. gcp/live/dev) will set up port-forwarding of CouchDB port to your local machine and print a link and credentials to access CouchDB Fauxton Web UI.
  2. (optional) You can also use the displayed credentials to interact with CouchDB API directly via the forwarded port (35984), e.g.:
    curl http://ui:$password@localhost:35984/_up

Note: Temporary credentials from couchdb_ui rake task can be handy for executing ad hoc scripts against the database, however CouchDB does not replicate these across the cluster, therefore they will only work when querying the same node where they were created. This will not be an issue when running queries from your local machine (kubectl port-forward always terminates the connection at the same pod). If you need to run queries from within docker container, you can use docker with --net host to do so, e.g. docker run -it --rm --net host --entrypoint /bin/sh, and CouchDB will be accessible using the url printed by the couchdb_ui rake task.

The CouchDB cluster won't converge because one of its disks is in the wrong zone

Consider this scenario:

  • A Kubernetes cluster has 3 Nodes, one each in us-central1-a, us-central1-b, and us-central1-c.
  • On this Kubernetes cluster runs a CouchDB cluster with 3 replicas, one on each Node (and thus one in each Zone).
  • Each CouchDB replica is attached to a Persistent Volume, which is tied to a specific Zone.
  • A change is deployed which requires the Kubernetes cluster to be destroyed and re-created. The new Kubernetes cluster has 3 Nodes, but now they are in us-central1-a, us-central1-b, and us-central1-f (i.e. no Nodes in us-central1-c).
  • CouchDB is deployed. The replicas in us-central1-a and us-central1-b are scheduled so that they can re-attach to the Persistent Volumes containing their data.
  • But the replica that wants to re-attach to the PV in us-central1-c cannot do so, because there is no Node in us-central1-c on which to run.
    • You'll know you're in this state if one CouchDB Pod can't start at all (0/2 Pending), and there are messages about 0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) had no available volume zone in the output of rake display_cluster_state.

The workaround is to manually move the Persistent Disk that backs the Persistent Volume into a Zone where it can be attached by a CouchDB replica:

  1. Find a destination Zone that has a Node with no CouchDB Pod running on it. Note this for later.
  2. Find the un-attached Persistent Disk used by CouchDB.
    • Usually this will be the one with an empty "In use by" column in the GCP Dashboard.
  3. Move the un-attached Disk to the destination Zone
    • gcloud compute disks move gke-k8s-cluster-000000-pvc-11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 --zone us-central1-AAA --destination-zone us-central1-ZZZ
  4. Edit the PVC associated with the un-attached Disk.
    • kubectl -n gpii edit pv pvc-11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
    • Find all mentions of the old Zone and replace them with the destination Zone.
  5. Kubernetes should run the CouchDB Pod in the correct Zone, and CouchDB should attach to the Persistent Disk. Verify this with e.g. kubectl -n gpii get pods or the GKE Dashboard.
    • You may need to deploy the couchdb module again (rake deploy_module"[k8s/gpii/couchdb]"), nudge the Pod (kubectl -n gpii delete pod couchdb-couchdb-NNN), or destroy and re-create the couchdb module (rake redeploy_module"[k8s/gpii/couchdb]").
  6. When you are sure the CouchDB cluster is healthy, delete any new Snapshots you created (k8s-snapshots manages its own Snapshots).

An alternative workaround is to do a snapshot-restore cycle to move the Persistent Disk to a better Zone:

  1. Find a Zone that has a Node with no CouchDB Pod running on it. Note this for later.
  2. Open Google Cloud console, go to "Compute Engine" -> "Disks".
  3. Find the un-attached Persistent Disk used by CouchDB.
    • Usually this will be the one with an empty "In use by" column.
    • Save the Disk's name, type, size, zone and description.
  4. Select this Disk, then "Create Snapshot". Give the Snapshot a meaningful name.
    • If you are certain the latest Snapshot created by k8s-snapshots is up-to-date (e.g. because you shut down all services that talk to CouchDB before the latest Snapshot was created), you may skip this step and use that Snapshot instead.
  5. rake destroy_module"[k8s/gpii/couchdb]"
    • This is a disruptive action! But if you're in this situation, the environment was probably down anyway. :)
    • You may need to manually delete the CouchDB StatefulSet, due to the Helm deployment failing and the StatefulSet becoming orphaned: kubectl -n gpii delete statefulset couchdb-couchdb
  6. Manually remove the PVC associated with the Disk you noted earlier, e.g.: kubectl -n gpii delete pvc pvc-11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
    • Kubernetes will reap the PV eventually.
    • Wait until both the PV and PVC are gone: kubectl -n gpii get pv ; kubectl -n gpii get pvc
  7. Using the CouchDB disk you identified above:
    • Make sure you saved the disk name, type, size, zone and description.
    • Delete the PD in the old (wrong) zone, if it hasn't already been reaped.
    • Create a new PD from the Snapshot you identified earlier.
      • Use the same name, type, size, and description, but the new (correct) Zone you noted earlier.
  8. rake deploy_module"[k8s/gpii/couchdb]"
  9. Kubernetes should run the CouchDB Pod in the correct Zone, and CouchDB should attach to the Persistent Disk. Verify this with e.g. kubectl -n gpii get pods or the GKE Dashboard.
  10. When you are sure the CouchDB cluster is healthy, delete any new Snapshots you created (k8s-snapshots manages its own Snapshots).

Data corruption on a single CouchDB replica

In this scenario we rely on CouchDB ability to recover from loss of one or more replicas (our current production CouchDB settings allow us to lose up to 2 random nodes and still keep data integrity). The best course of action as follows:

  1. Make sure that you figured affected CouchDB pod properly
  2. There is a PVC object, associated with affected CouchDB pod. Let's say affected pod is couchdb-couchdb-1, then corresponding PVC is database-storage-couchdb-couchdb-1, located in the same namespace.
  3. Delete associated PVC and then affected pod. For our example case:
    • kubectl --namespace gpii delete pvc database-storage-couchdb-couchdb-1
    • kubectl --namespace gpii delete pod couchdb-couchdb-1
  4. After target pod is terminated, Persistent Disk that was mounted into it thru corresponding PVC will be destroyed as well.
  5. When new pod is created to replace deleted one, corresponding PVC will be created as well, and, thru it, new PV object for new GCE PD.
  6. Run rake deploy_module[couchdb] to patch newly created PV with annotations for k8s-snapshots.
  7. CouchDB cluster will replicate data to recreated node automatically.
  8. Corrupted node is now recovered.
    • You can check DB status on recovered node with kubectl exec --namespace gpii -it couchdb-couchdb-N -c couchdb -- curl -s http://$TF_VAR_couchdb_admin_username:$TF_VAR_couchdb_admin_password@, where N is node index.
  9. To make sure that all systems are functional, run smoke tests with rake test_preferences_read and then rake test_flowmanager.

Restoring Entire CouchDB Cluster from Snapshots

There may be a situation, when we want to roll back entire DB data set to another point in the past. This operation is disruptive and requires bringing entire CouchDB cluster down.

Ops team performs backup restoration test on gpii-gcp-stg cluster monthly, to make sure that automated backups are being created as expected, can be used to restore functional and consistent DB and that this documentation is correct.

This operation requires admin permissions on the project, use rake grant_project_admin.

Restoring from the latest set of snapshots (mainly used when performing monthly exercise):

rake 'couchdb_backup_restore'

Restoring from a specific set of snapshots (the snapshots have to be listed in order, starting from node 0).

rake 'couchdb_backup_restore[snapshot-0 snapshot-1 snapshot-2]'

To make sure that all systems are functional, run smoke tests using the rake test_* tasks.

Manual processes: Users' data and client credentials

Generating db data of user preferences

  1. git clone git:// && cd universal && npm install
  2. Put the preferences set you want to load into a folder, i.e.: testData/myPrefsSets.
  3. Create a folder to store the db data, i.e.: testData/myDbData.
  4. node ./scripts/convertPrefs.js testData/myPrefsSets testData/myDbData

Now there are two new files inside testData/myDbData, gpiiKeys.json and prefsSafes.json. Both files contain an array of JSON objects, i.e.:

        "_id": "GPII-270-rbmm-demo",
        "type": "gpiiKey",
        "schemaVersion": "0.1",
        "prefsSafeId": "prefsSafe-GPII-270-rbmm-demo",
        "prefsSetId": "gpii-default",
        "revoked": false,
        "revokedReason": null,
        "timestampCreated": "2018-08-12T16:34:04.656Z",
        "timestampUpdated": null
        "_id": "MikelVargas",
        "type": "gpiiKey",
        "schemaVersion": "0.1",
        "prefsSafeId": "prefsSafe-MikelVargas",
        "prefsSetId": "gpii-default",
        "revoked": false,
        "revokedReason": null,
        "timestampCreated": "2018-08-12T16:34:04.661Z",
        "timestampUpdated": null

And we want to edit these files to look like the following:

{ "docs":
            "_id": "GPII-270-rbmm-demo",
            "type": "gpiiKey",
            "schemaVersion": "0.1",
            "prefsSafeId": "prefsSafe-GPII-270-rbmm-demo",
            "prefsSetId": "gpii-default",
            "revoked": false,
            "revokedReason": null,
            "timestampCreated": "2018-08-12T16:34:04.656Z",
            "timestampUpdated": null
            "_id": "MikelVargas",
            "type": "gpiiKey",
            "schemaVersion": "0.1",
            "prefsSafeId": "prefsSafe-MikelVargas",
            "prefsSetId": "gpii-default",
            "revoked": false,
            "revokedReason": null,
            "timestampCreated": "2018-08-12T16:34:04.661Z",
            "timestampUpdated": null

For the lazy:

  • cd testData/myDbData
  • sed -i '1i { "docs": ' prefsSafes.json gpiiKeys.json
  • sed -i '$ a }' prefsSafes.json gpiiKeys.json

Congratulations, half of the work is done, now you have to load both json files by following the instructions described in the load step section. Remember that you need to perform a POST request for every json file.

Generating client credentials

It's as easy as following the process described in the generateCredentials.js script from universal. After running the script with the appropriate arguments, a new folder will be created with the site name you provided when running the script, something like Then you need to load the couchDBData.json file according to the instructions in the load step section below.

Load the data into a cluster


  • You are either an Op or you have been trained by one of them in using gpii-infra.
  • Your computer is already set up to work with gpii-infra.
  • And the most important thing, you know what you are doing. If not, ask the Ops team ;)

Note that we assume that you are going to perform these steps into an already up & running cluster. Also, remember that you always need to test the changes in your "dev" cluster first. In case that everything worked in your "dev" cluster, then proceed with "stg". If everything worked in "stg" too, then, proceed with "prd". In order for you to understand the differences beetween the different environments, check this section from our documentation.

Note that the following process is mostly for "dev" environments since the Ops team prefer to use the secrets from env vars when dealing with "stg" and "prd", so the process might differ a bit.

The process:

  1. Go into the corresponding folder with the cluster name where you want to perform the process, "stg", "prd" or "dev". In this case We are going to perform the process in "dev": cd gpii-infra/gcp/live/dev.
  2. Set up the env you are going to deal with: rake sh Note that if you are going to perform this in production (prd) you should do it from the prd folder and remember to use the RAKE_REALLY_RUN_IN_PRD=true variable when issuing the commands against the production cluster.
  3. Open a port forwarding between the cluster's couchdb host:port and your local machine: rake couchdb_ui. This command will provide you the user/password and url/port that you will need in the next step, something like: http://ui:1xFA6vhGKCGiLRsZBnencvNqm1QEneMG@localhost:35984/_utils, we will just need to remove the _utils.

Let's load the data from your jsonData file by running:

  1. curl -d @yourDataFile.json -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST http://ui:1xFA6vhGKCGiLRsZBnencvNqm1QEneMG@localhost:35984/gpii/_bulk_docs

Unless you get errors, that's all. Now you can close the port forwarding by pressing Enter in the terminal where you ran rake couchdb_ui.

Downtime procedures

Before (planned) downtime

  • Email outage@ ahead of time explaining at a high level the what, when, and why of the planned downtime.
    • See below for a template.
    • The audience for outage@ is all GPII Cloud stakeholders. Keep it brief and non-technical, and highlight any required actions.
  • Consider manually disabling alerts related to your maintenance using the "Enabled" sliders on the Stackdriver Alerting Policies dashboard.

During downtime

  • Before performing manual or extraordinary actions, disable the CI/CD pipeline to prevent automated processes from interfering.
    • On the Gitlab Project -> Settings -> General page, go to "Permissions" and disable "Pipelines".
      • This hides the CI/CD tab on the Project page. If you need to access that view (e.g. to view old pipeline logs), you can still navigate to it directly. Note that running/retrying builds is disabled.

After downtime

  • Create a record of any manual steps you perform, e.g. copy your terminal and paste it into a tracking ticket.
  • If you manually disabled alerts previously, re-enable them.
  • Email outage@ that the downtime is ended.
    • See below for a template.
    • The audience for outage@ is all GPII Cloud stakeholders. Keep it brief and non-technical, and highlight any required actions.

outage@ email template

Subject line: GPII [Scheduled/Completed/In progress] Production Outage - $start_date [- $end_date]

Body (plaintext please), dates in "Jan 14, 19:00 UTC" format:

What: What service(s) are affected
When: $start_date [-$end-date]
   * Announce an outage for ~2x the time you expect it to take. This allows some buffer if problems arise.
Status: [Scheduled/Completed/In progress]

Couple of lines explaining why this is planned, what is being done, and when
users can expect the next update. E.g., "The Ops team is currently
investigating the issue and we will update you once the cause is known/issue is
resolved/update is done.

[For planned downtime only]
If this downtime will be disruptive to your work ("We're giving a demo for the
Prime Minister at that time!"), please let me know immediately.

External backups

Sending backup outside of the organization

The process is mostly executed by the gcloud compute images export command, which uses Cloud Build service, which uses Daisy to create a VM, attach the images based on the snapshots to backup, create a file from those images and send the result files to the external storage.

The destination buckets are created automatically by Terraform code. These buckets live in the testing organization (gpii2test) rather than the main organization (gpii) to keep them safe if a disaster affects the main organization.

Restoring a backup from outside of the organization

The process of the restore it's similar to the backup but the other way around. It uses the gcloud compute images import command. In order to make easier the process a rake task called restore_snapshot_from_image_filecan be used. This task takes only one parameter where each snapshot file to recover is separated by one space. Also this proccess takes almost 9 min per snapshot to restore:

  1. Get in to the exekube shell

    rake plain_sh
  2. Select the files to be restored.

    gsutil ls -l gs://gpii-backup-stg/** | sort -k 2
  3. Copy the full path of each file to be restored.

    rake restore_snapshot_from_image_file["gs://gpii-backup-stg/2019-05-03_210008-pv-database-storage-couchdb-couchdb-0-030519-205726.raw.gz gs://gpii-backup-stg/2019-05-03_210008-pv-database-storage-couchdb-couchdb-1-030519-205756.raw.gz gs://gpii-backup-stg/2019-05-03_210008-pv-database-storage-couchdb-couchdb-2-030519-205756.raw.gz"]
  4. Once the task finished, check that the new restored snapshots will appear with the string external- at the beginning of the name. This will help with the search when at the restoration of the disks using the snapshots.

  5. Follow the process Data corruption on all replicas of CouchDB cluster using the snapshot files restored.

Deployment considerations

Avoiding inconsistent backups during the deployment

The cloud has two types of automatic backups: periodic snapshots and the export of the snapshots outside the GCP organization. If the deployment needs any kind of data migration the backups made from the middle of the process could have some inconsistencies. Because of this the automatic processes are not desirable in the time that the data migration is performed.

Also the rotation policy of the k8s-snapshots can delete the latest snapshots made just before the deployment starts. Stoping the backup processes avoids this situation.

To stop the backups of a particular environment execute the following commands:

cd gcp/live/dev/
rake destroy_module["k8s/kube-system/k8s-snapshots"]
rake destroy_module["k8s/kube-system/backup-exporter"]

Once the data migration has ended

cd gcp/live/dev/
rake deploy_module["k8s/kube-system/k8s-snapshots"]
rake deploy_module["k8s/kube-system/backup-exporter"]

Good practices

  1. Always use ephemeral pairs (user/password) on each operation in a deployment if the access to the data is needed. The rotation of the credentials is more expensive that, for example, make use of the couchdb_ui rake task.

  2. Be careful with the environment variables that are passed using kubectl commands, they can appear in plain text in the logs.

  3. Automate all the process as much as we can. Avoid any manual procedure if it is possible.

Locust testing

Running Locust from your host

From your environment directory run one of the three tests available:

rake test_flowmanager                         # [TEST] Run Locust swarm against Flowmanager service in current cluster
rake test_preferences_read                    # [TEST] Run Locust swarm against Preferences service (READ) in current cluster
rake test_preferences_write                   # [TEST] Run Locust swarm against Preferences service (WRITE) in current cluster

Customize test parameters

The settings of each test can be modified using environment variables. All the environment variables that modify the locust tests settings are:


The default values can be found in the variables file

For example, if you want to change the number of the workers prepend the rake command with the new value of the environment variable:

TF_VAR_locust_workers=4 rake test_flowmanager