Today's Progress:
- 1 hour Vue.JS => half of section 2: Using VueJS to interact with the DOM + assignment 1
- ~45 minutes The Odin Project Javascript, Objects and Object Constructors
Thoughts: I'm glad that I'm going to be systematic about my learning again
Link to work: vue assignment 1 Prototype Inheritance
Today's Progress: ~30 minutes Odin Project, Library project
Thoughts: I feel like I got myself stuck in the weeds pretty quickly here. Going to sketch it out later and make sure I understand everything. Felt so tired today, but wanted to commit something
Link to work:Project: Book Library
Today's Progress:
- 30 minutes Vue
- events
- assignment 2
- 1 hr Javascript
Thoughts: I enjoyed the vue lesson, still seems pretty simple. I needed to map out the library project on paper before I could mentally understand all of the parts, but I'm really happy that I got there. Not feeling bothered to add any css to make it look nice.
Link to work:
Today's Progress:
- 30 minutes Vue
- reactive properties -assignment 3
- 30 minutes Javascript
Thoughts: I went back to finish some fundamental JS that I left from the last 100Days challenge. I remember thinking that this lesson was really confusing, but now it felt too easy
Today's Progress:
- 30 min Vue
- reactiveProperties.html
- assignment 4
- completed section 2
- 30 min JS
- got about halfway though etch-a-sketch project
Today's Progress: Finished etch a sketcch Project 10 minutes of Vue Falling asleep at the desk, decided to stop early
Today's Progress: