diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/stdlib-content.jsonnet b/pkg/stdlib/stdlib-content.jsonnet
index 241f11a..c36e1c5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/stdlib-content.jsonnet
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/stdlib-content.jsonnet
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
name: 'extVar',
params: ['x'],
availableSince: '0.10.0',
- description: 'If an external variable with the given name was defined, return its string value. Otherwise, raise an error.',
+ description: 'If an external variable with the given name was defined, return its value. Otherwise, raise an error.',
@@ -70,83 +70,6 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
, true
or false
- {
- name: 'get',
- params: ['o', 'f', 'default=null', 'inc_hidden=true'],
- availableSince: '0.18.0',
- description: |||
- Returns the object's field if it exists or default value otherwise.
- inc_hidden
controls whether to include hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectHas',
- params: ['o', 'f'],
- availableSince: '0.10.0',
- description: |||
- Returns true
if the given object has the field (given as a string), otherwise
- false
. Raises an error if the arguments are not object and string
- respectively. Returns false if the field is hidden.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectFields',
- params: ['o'],
- availableSince: '0.10.0',
- description: |||
- Returns an array of strings, each element being a field from the given object. Does not include
- hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectValues',
- params: ['o'],
- availableSince: '0.17.0',
- description: |||
- Returns an array of the values in the given object. Does not include hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectKeysValues',
- params: ['o'],
- availableSince: '0.20.0',
- description: |||
- Returns an array of objects from the given object, each object having two fields:
- key
(string) and value
(object). Does not include hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectHasAll',
- params: ['o', 'f'],
- availableSince: '0.10.0',
- description: |||
- As std.objectHas
but also includes hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectFieldsAll',
- params: ['o'],
- availableSince: '0.10.0',
- description: |||
- As std.objectFields
but also includes hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectValuesAll',
- params: ['o'],
- availableSince: '0.17.0',
- description: |||
- As std.objectValues
but also includes hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
- {
- name: 'objectKeysValuesAll',
- params: ['o'],
- availableSince: '0.20.0',
- description: |||
- As std.objectKeysValues
but also includes hidden fields.
- |||,
- },
name: 'prune',
params: ['a'],
@@ -157,16 +80,6 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
The argument a
may have any type.
- {
- name: 'mapWithKey',
- params: ['func', 'obj'],
- availableSince: '0.10.0',
- description: |||
- Apply the given function to all fields of the given object, also passing
- the field name. The function func
is expected to take the
- field name as the first parameter and the field value as the second.
- |||,
- },
@@ -197,12 +110,20 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
The function std.mod(a, b)
is what the % operator is desugared to. It performs
modulo arithmetic if the left hand side is a number, or if the left hand side is a string,
it does Python-style string formatting with std.format()
+ The functions std.isEven(x)
and std.isOdd(x)
use integral part of a
+ floating number to test for even or odd.
is equal to str2
by doing case insensitive comparison, false otherwise.
@@ -869,13 +806,49 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
+ {
+ name: 'manifestJson',
+ params: ['value'],
+ availableSince: '0.10.0',
+ description: |||
+ Convert the given object to a JSON form. Under the covers,
+ it calls std.manifestJsonEx
with a 4-space indent:
+ |||,
+ examples: [
+ {
+ input: |||
+ std.manifestJson(
+ {
+ x: [1, 2, 3, true, false, null,
+ "string\nstring"],
+ y: { a: 1, b: 2, c: [1, 2] },
+ })
+ |||,
+ output:
+ std.manifestJson(
+ {
+ x: [
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ true,
+ false,
+ null,
+ 'string\nstring',
+ ],
+ y: { a: 1, b: 2, c: [1, 2] },
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ ],
+ },
name: 'manifestJsonMinified',
params: ['value'],
availableSince: '0.18.0',
description: |||
Convert the given object to a minified JSON form. Under the covers,
- it calls std.manifestJsonEx:')
+ it calls std.manifestJsonEx
examples: [
@@ -1303,6 +1276,10 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
input: 'std.slice("jsonnet", 0, 4, 1)',
output: std.slice('jsonnet', 0, 4, 1),
+ {
+ input: 'std.slice("jsonnet", -3, null, null)',
+ output: std.slice('jsonnet', -3, null, null),
+ },
@@ -1349,6 +1326,20 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
+ {
+ name: 'flattenDeepArray',
+ params: ['value'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: |||
+ Concatenate an array containing values and arrays into a single flattened array.
+ |||,
+ examples: [
+ {
+ input: 'std.flattenDeepArray([[1, 2], [], [3, [4]], [[5, 6, [null]], [7, 8]]])',
+ output: std.flattenDeepArray([[1, 2], [], [3, [4]], [[5, 6, [null]], [7, 8]]]),
+ },
+ ],
+ },
name: 'reverse',
params: ['arrs'],
@@ -1421,6 +1412,66 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
+ {
+ name: 'minArray',
+ params: ['arr', 'keyF', 'onEmpty'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: html.paragraphs([
+ |||
+ Return the min of all element in arr
+ |||,
+ ]),
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'maxArray',
+ params: ['arr', 'keyF', 'onEmpty'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: html.paragraphs([
+ |||
+ Return the max of all element in arr
+ |||,
+ ]),
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'contains',
+ params: ['arr', 'elem'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: html.paragraphs([
+ |||
+ Return true if given elem
is present in arr
, false otherwise.
+ |||,
+ ]),
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'avg',
+ params: ['arr'],
+ availableSince: '0.20.0',
+ description: html.paragraphs([
+ |||
+ Return average of all element in arr
+ |||,
+ ]),
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'remove',
+ params: ['arr', 'elem'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: html.paragraphs([
+ |||
+ Remove first occurrence of elem
from arr
+ |||,
+ ]),
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'removeAt',
+ params: ['arr', 'idx'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: html.paragraphs([
+ |||
+ Remove element at idx
index from arr
+ |||,
+ ]),
+ },
@@ -1497,6 +1548,107 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
+ {
+ name: 'Objects',
+ id: 'objects',
+ fields: [
+ {
+ name: 'get',
+ params: ['o', 'f', 'default=null', 'inc_hidden=true'],
+ availableSince: '0.18.0',
+ description: |||
+ Returns the object's field if it exists or default value otherwise.
+ inc_hidden
controls whether to include hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectHas',
+ params: ['o', 'f'],
+ availableSince: '0.10.0',
+ description: |||
+ Returns true
if the given object has the field (given as a string), otherwise
+ false
. Raises an error if the arguments are not object and string
+ respectively. Returns false if the field is hidden.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectFields',
+ params: ['o'],
+ availableSince: '0.10.0',
+ description: |||
+ Returns an array of strings, each element being a field from the given object. Does not include
+ hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectValues',
+ params: ['o'],
+ availableSince: '0.17.0',
+ description: |||
+ Returns an array of the values in the given object. Does not include hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectKeysValues',
+ params: ['o'],
+ availableSince: '0.20.0',
+ description: |||
+ Returns an array of objects from the given object, each object having two fields:
+ key
(string) and value
(object). Does not include hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectHasAll',
+ params: ['o', 'f'],
+ availableSince: '0.10.0',
+ description: |||
+ As std.objectHas
but also includes hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectFieldsAll',
+ params: ['o'],
+ availableSince: '0.10.0',
+ description: |||
+ As std.objectFields
but also includes hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectValuesAll',
+ params: ['o'],
+ availableSince: '0.17.0',
+ description: |||
+ As std.objectValues
but also includes hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectKeysValuesAll',
+ params: ['o'],
+ availableSince: '0.20.0',
+ description: |||
+ As std.objectKeysValues
but also includes hidden fields.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'objectRemoveKey',
+ params: ['obj', 'key'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: |||
+ Returns a new object after removing the given key from object.
+ |||,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'mapWithKey',
+ params: ['func', 'obj'],
+ availableSince: '0.10.0',
+ description: |||
+ Apply the given function to all fields of the given object, also passing
+ the field name. The function func
is expected to take the
+ field name as the first parameter and the field value as the second.
+ |||,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
name: 'Encoding',
id: 'encoding',
@@ -1544,6 +1696,58 @@ local html = import 'html.libsonnet';
Encodes the given value into an MD5 string.
+ {
+ name: 'sha1',
+ params: ['s'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: [
+ html.p({}, |||
+ Encodes the given value into an SHA1 string.
+ |||),
+ html.p({}, |||
+ This function is only available in Go version of jsonnet.
+ |||),
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'sha256',
+ params: ['s'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: [
+ html.p({}, |||
+ Encodes the given value into an SHA256 string.
+ |||),
+ html.p({}, |||
+ This function is only available in Go version of jsonnet.
+ |||),
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'sha512',
+ params: ['s'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: [
+ html.p({}, |||
+ Encodes the given value into an SHA512 string.
+ |||),
+ html.p({}, |||
+ This function is only available in Go version of jsonnet.
+ |||),
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'sha3',
+ params: ['s'],
+ availableSince: 'upcoming',
+ description: [
+ html.p({}, |||
+ Encodes the given value into an SHA3 string.
+ |||),
+ html.p({}, |||
+ This function is only available in Go version of jsonnet.
+ |||),
+ ],
+ },
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/stdlib_test.go b/pkg/stdlib/stdlib_test.go
index 0e8b2e6..af00576 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/stdlib_test.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/stdlib_test.go
@@ -17,6 +17,15 @@ func TestFunctions(t *testing.T) {
contains(t, functions, minFunc)
+ // Check std.objectHas
+ objectHasFunc := Function{
+ Name: "objectHas",
+ Params: []string{"o", "f"},
+ MarkdownDescription: "Returns `true` if the given object has the field (given as a string), otherwise\n`false`. Raises an error if the arguments are not object and string\nrespectively. Returns false if the field is hidden.",
+ AvailableSince: "0.10.0",
+ }
+ contains(t, functions, objectHasFunc)
// Check std.ceil
ceilFunc := Function{
Name: "ceil",