- Go through the Table of Contents and choose the tool.
- Search for a keyword or phrase (for example, "animation", "bloc").
- Ask Caleb, Jason and Haris on Flutter Singapore Telegram Group.
World's first ever all-day International Flutter™ Hackathon organised by over 2 dozen communities worldwide!
- Flutter Hackathon Global Registration — global registration form for voting your favourite project all over the world created by Flutter Hackathon.
- Flutter Hackathon YouTube Live Streaming — global live streaming of Flutter hackathon hubs all over the world created by Flutter Hackathon.
- Flutter Hackathon Getting Started — getting started resources specially made for #Hack19: International Flutter Hackathon 2019 created by Flutter Hackathon.
- Flutter Hackathon Singapore Slides — flutter sg slides specially made for #Hack19: International Flutter Hackathon 2019 created by pslove.
- Flutter Hackathon Singapore Submission Link — project submission link specially made for #Hack19: International Flutter Hackathon 2019 created by pslove.
Building Blocks to Supercharge your App with RapidAPI!
- RapidAPI API Credit Request Form — API credits specially made for #Hack19: International Flutter Hackathon 2019 by RapidAPI.
- RapidAPI Slack Invitation — RapidAPI dedicated support specially made available for #Hack19: International Flutter Hackathon 2019 by RapidAPI.
- Flutter Curated Collection — curated APIs specially made for #Hack19: International Flutter Hackathon 2019 by RapidAPI.
- Killer APIs for Hackathons — 100 Killer APIs for Hackathon Winners by RapidAPI.
Flutter is Google’s portable UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively-compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
- Flutter Official Website — flutter landing page with docs, showcase and community support created by Flutter.
- Flutter YouTube Channel — official flutter-related videos including flutter updates, tutorials and talks.
- Introduction to Flutter Webinar — introduction to Flutter video created by Brian Egan.
- What’s Revolutionary about Flutter — brief introduction to Flutter by Hackernoon.
- The Magic of Flutter — brief introduction to Flutter by Tim Messerschmidt.
- Let's Try Flutter — brief introduction to Flutter by GDG Ahmedabad.
- Introduction to Dart VM — a high-level overview of the Dart VM and then proceeds to describe various components of the VM in great details by Vyacheslav Egorov.
- Flutter Roadmap — a high-level overview of the Flutter development roadmap by Flutter.
Resources that help you get started at record time!
- Official Flutter Tutorials — flutter tutorials created by Flutter.
- Official Flutter Cookbook — flutter cookbook created by Flutter.
- Official Flutter Codelabs — flutter codelabs created by Flutter.
- Getting Started with Flutter — getting started tutorial created by raywenderlich.com.
Amazing sample apps that cover different topics and features of Flutter!
- Official Curated Samples — curated samples created by Flutter.
- Community Curated Samples — curated samples created by Solido.
- Flutter by Example Samples — Flutter samples created by Eric Windmill.
- Flutter UI Kit Samples — Flutter UI kit samples created by iampawan.
Free and paid courses that give you great knowledge about Flutter!
- Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter — official Flutter short course created by Flutter.
- The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp Using Dart — Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart created by The App Brewery in collaboration with Flutter.
Flutter animations made easy with 60/120 fps smooth performance at great speed!
- Animations in Flutter — introduction to animations in Flutter by HappyHaris.
- Implicitly Animated Widgets in Flutter — simplifying animations in Flutter with implicitly animated widgets by Flutter Community.
Great variety of state management patterns to keep your data organized with integrity and consistency!
- Reddit Post on Clean Architecture in Flutter — comparison between different state management patterns in Flutter.
- Introduction to Redux in Flutter — explain how you can start writing mobile apps with Flutter using the Redux architecture by Novoda.
- You Might Not Need Redux: The Flutter Edition — TL;DR: setState -> scoped_model -> redux by ProAndroidDev.
- Fish Redux — an assembled flutter application framework by Alibaba.
Complex data serialization made simple with generated codes!
- Official JSON and Serialization Guide — explain JSON solution to use in different scenarios by Flutter.
- Parsing complex JSON in Flutter — different rules of JSON structure in Flutter by Flutter Community.
Firebase integrations with Flutter makes mobile development easy and yet powerful!
- Enabling Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notifications with Flutter — step by step tutorial on Firebase Cloud Messaging by FlutterPub.