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Planet 4 NRO Generator

Read this first


  1. Github SSH deploy key at ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  2. Github OAUTH token
  3. CircleCI API token
  4. docker installed and running
  5. dockerize installed in $PATH
  6. gcloud installed in $PATH
  7. make installed in $PATH

Dev Requirements

In addition to the above, you'll also need

  1. shellcheck installed in $PATH

Creating a New Planet4 Instance



  • Create an admin user on dev and prod and put your credentials in /secrets/common.
  • Be sure that the circleci and github token also work.
  • Run gcloud auth list --format=json | jq -r '.[] | select(.account|test("^.+?")) | .account' and check if the first account you see has iam access to the project.

Where ${NRO} is substituted for the NRO path, or slug ( eg: international for the site ):

  1. ./
  2. make run
  3. You may need to manually create an artifacts.yml file that replicates the environment variables section of the circleci configuration. This is used in the bin/ script when there are large changes made to the CI files. See this jira ticket for more information.


NRO Variables

Variable Default Description
APP_HOSTPATH URL stub, eg: /international
CONTAINER_PREFIX planet4-${NRO} Prefix to name containers in the Helm release
GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME planet4-${NRO} GitHub repository name, eg: planet4-international
GITHUB_SSH_KEY ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa Path to GitHub SSH key
GITHUB_USER_EMAIL $(git config --global Github email
GITHUB_USER_NAME $(git config --global Github username
MAKE_MASTER true Creates production environment resources
MAKE_RELEASE true Creates release environment resources
MYSQL_PASSWORD <generated> CloudSQL password
MYSQL_USERNAME planet4-${NRO} CloudSQL username (will be created)

Common secrets

Secret Default Description
CIRCLE_TOKEN CircleCI token:
GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN Github personal access token:
MYSQL_PRODUCTION_ROOT_USER Production environment CloudSQL user with all privileges
MYSQL_PRODUCTION_ROOT_PASSWORD Production environment CloudSQL password
MYSQL_DEVELOPMENT_ROOT_USER Development environment CloudSQL user with all privileges
MYSQL_DEVELOPMENT_ROOT_PASSWORD Develop environment CloudSQL password


# Simple:
make run

# Full command:
docker build -t p4-build .
docker run --rm -ti \
  --name p4-nro-generator \
  -e "NRO=${NRO}" \
  -v "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa" \
  -v "${PWD}/secrets:/app/secrets" \

If you don't have a github-ready deploy key at ~/.ssh/id_rsa you may deploy by changing the Makefile or running the long-form command above and changing the line -v "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa" accordingly.

Deleting all associated resources

The NRO to be deleted is based upon how you have configured the ./ script. If you want to delete and existing NRO configure this script with the appropriate variables (using ./ and then run the make run delete-yes-i-mean-it command.

Pass the Makefile target as a command parameter, eg:

# Deletes all databases, buckets, repositories etc.
docker run --rm -ti \
  -v "$(PWD)/secrets:/app/secrets" \
  -v "$(HOME)/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa" \
  p4-build delete-yes-i-mean-it

# via Make
make run delete-yes-i-mean-it

Look in the Makefile for more commands you can pass to the container.

Updating common CircleCI configuration on all NROs

Use this script for centrally managing the CircleCI configuration file on all NROs. Each NRO has a .circleci/artifacts.yml file which contains the NRO specific parts of the config. Currently, this file needs to be created manually, and it needs to match what is in .circleci/config.yml. You are currently able to make changes to .circleci/config.yml, however these changes would be overwritten by what is in .circleci/artifacts.yml. In order to prevent that a script first runs that checks whether something would be overwritten. If the script detects any out of sync files then you need to make the files match for those NROs (by applying the changes made in config.yml to artifacts.yml).

Obviously this is not an ideal workflow, and we will change this later so that it's all in one place.

Apply the new configuration to and first perform a dry run (first parameter false).

bin/ false

This will check out the repositories and perform the change, but not commit and push them. You can then inspect whether your changes looks ok and run it on dev sites.

bin/ true true

If dev sites look ok then you can first push the changes to one of the "test production" instances (comment out the line including the actual production instances) and check if the dev and staging pipelines run well.

bin/ true true false

If that's ok you can push the changes to production sites (third parameter true).