xcontrol - instruction file for `xtb(1)` version 6.0 and newer
The xcontrol(7)
instruction set is the successor of the set-block
present in xtb(1)
version 5.8 and earlier. The used instruction
set is similar to the data groups in Turbomole or the detailed
input structure of ORCA. Every instruction is started by a flag ($
and terminated by the next flag. A instruction is only valid if
the flag is in the first column, the instruction name is the rest
of the register. A valid instruction opens its blocks with its own
options, every option is a key-value pair.
There are two kind of instructions, logical and groups. Logical instructions toggle a specific operation and cannot contain a option block while group instructions only open the option block without any further actions.
A special instruction is the end instruction which is optional, as EOF is a valid alternative in this implementation.
It should be noted that xtb(1)
is able to produce xcontrol(7)
by itself. You can tell xtb(1)
by --copy to
save you original instructions, note that this implementation will strip all
comments while copying (print what you see, not what you read), to aid debugging.
logical instruction to set xtb(1)
in mfit(1)
compatibility mode
and prints out further informations.
This is a pure development feature and therefore should
be absent in every productive run.
shifts molecule to center of mass and transforms cartesian coordinates into the coordinate system of the principle axis (not affected by ‘isotopes’-file).
This data group refers to constraining the gradient by appling potentials. Exact fixing is done with the fix data group. |
- force constant=real
force constant for constraining potential
- all bonds=bool
generate potentials to constrain the length of all bonds
- all angles=bool
generate potentials to constrain all bond angles
- all torsions=bool
generate potentials to constrain the angles of all torsions
- elements: symbol|number,…
constrains all elements of the same type, the atom type is determined by the ordinal number or the element symbol
- atoms: list,…
constrains the atom positions of all atoms in list. Needs at least two atoms since potential is applied on all atoms in list.
- distance: i,j,auto|real
constrain the distance between atom i and j to the actual length (auto) or the value real, which has to be given in Ångström.
- angle: i,j,k,auto|real
constrain the angle between atom i, j and k to the actual length (auto) or the value real, which has to be given in degrees.
- dihedral: i,j,k,l,auto|real
constrain the angle between atom i, j, k and l to the actual length (auto) or the value real, which has to be given in degrees.
- center: real,int
implemented and documented as in xtb 5.8, might use fragment1 information from split instruction.
- cma[ interface]: auto|real
implemented and documented as in xtb 5.8, might use fragment1/fragment2 information from split instruction.
- z: real
implemented and documented as in xtb 5.8, might use fragment1 information from split instruction.
- step=real
grid spacing for cube file
- pthr=real
density matrix neglect threshold
- boff=real
grid boundary offset (default: 3.0)
- cal=int
=1 switches on cube-file output (=0 means writing molden file instead, -1=do nothing)
- at=int
default atom type for point charges
- es=bool
use isotropic electrostatic with point charges
- input=file
point charges are read from file (default: pcharge), format is: q x y z [iat|gam], where q is the partial charges, xyz are the position of the partial charge in bohr and iat is the ordinal number of the atom. The corresponding gam-Parameter of the element will be used in the potential. Alternatively the gam value can be given directly as fifth argument, to simulate point charges provide a huge value for gam.
- gradient='file
gradient of the point charges is written to file (default: pcgrad)
- mopac bin=STRING
path to
binary, will searchPATH
variable for binary if not set - mopac input=STRING
input string used for
calculation, make sure it generates an aux file forxtb(1)
to read in. - mopac file=STRING
name of the
input file - orca bin=STRING
path to
binary, will searchPATH
variable for binary if not set - orca input line=STRING
input string used for
calculation, will use engrad runtyp by default - orca input file=STRING
name of the
input file - turbodir=STRING
path to your Turbomole directory (usually found in
the fix group refers to exact fixing. For geometry optimizations the gradient is set to zero, while for Hessians no displacements are calculated. Constraining with external potentials is done by the constrain data group. |
- elements: symbol|number,…
fixes all elements of the same type, the atom type is determined by the ordinal number or the element symbol. This is automatically deactivated for molecular dynamics since it leads to instabilities.
- atoms: list,…
fixes all atoms in list by setting the gradient to zero. This is automatically deactivated for molecular dynamics since it leads to instabilities.
- freeze frequency=real
diagonal element used for freezing atoms in numerical Hessian calculation
- freeze: list,…
freezes all atoms in list for hessian calculation
- shake: i,j,…
use SHAKE to constrain the atompair ij in molecular dynamics.
- solvent=string
solvent for the generalized born (GB) model with solvent accessable surface area (SASA), requires
. Does not activate GBSA (use commandline). - ion_st=real
ion strength for salt screening in GBSA
- ion_rad=real
ion radius for salt screening in GBSA
- grid=level
changes the grid used for the surface accessable surface area (normal, tight, vtight, extreme are available).
- sccacc=real
SCC accuracy level in Hessian runs
- step=real
Cartesian displacement increment for numerical Hessian
- scale=real
Scaling factor for the hessian elements (default: 1.0)
- element mass: int,real,…
set mass of elements int to real
- isotope: int,real,… (6.1 only)
set mass of atom number int to real
- modify mass: int,real,… (6.1 only)
set mass of atom number int to real
- scale mass: int,real,… (6.1 only)
scale mass of atom number int by real
- save=int
maximal number of structures for rmsd criteria
- kpush=real,…
scaling factor for rmsd criteria can be positive and negative
- modify factor=int,real,…
replace the factor int with real
- scale factor=int,real,…
scales the factor int with real
- alp=real
width of the Gaussian potential used in the rmsd criteria
- coord=file
external structures to initialize the rmsd criteria (xmol format required)
- atoms: list,…
atoms to include in rmsd calculation, if not present all atoms are taken into account
- rmsd: real,…
target rmsd for biased hessian runs in Ångström
- bias input=file
read static bias from file, requires xyz format with factor and width of the potential in the comment line
- bias atoms: list,…
atoms to include in static rmsd calculation, if not present all atoms are taken into account
- bias elements: id,…
elements to include in static rmsd calculation, if not present all atoms are taken into account. Elements can be referenced by their element symbol or their atomic number.
- temp=real
MD thermostat/GBSA temperature
- time=real
MD run time in ps
- dump=real
dump structure in every dump fs
- sdump=real
dump structure as scoord.<num> every sdump fs
- velo=int
set to 1 if dumps (trj file) should contain velocities
- nvt=int
use thermostat (=1, =0 for NVE)
- skip=int
skip interval in -mdav, -mdopt
- step=real
MD time step in fs (automatically determined if < 0), could be 4-5 fs with shake =2, md_hmass=4
- hmass=int
increase hydrogen mass to this value in amu (at const. tot. mass) allowing large time steps (=0 off)
- shake=int
shake on (=0: off which is default) for X-H bonds only (=1),
- sccacc=real
SCC accuracy level in MD. Every 10th step the SCC is properly converged at sccconv=1.0. sccmd should be < 5 in critical cases, effects may show up as bad thermostating
- forcewrrestart=logical
forces the writing of a restart file at each dump step
- n=int
of points along normal mode path scan
- step=real
step lengths for scan (should be around 1 because its adjusted internally to mode mass and FC)
- updat=real
update search mode with a fraction of the displacement at every step (0.0 means no update, 0.1-0.2 is a good choice)
- local=int
use canonical normal modes (=0) or Pipek-Mezey localized ones (=1)
- vthr=real
threshold up to which frequency modes are used for mode based conformer search (def. is 300)
- prj=int
number of second mode which should be projected out in mode following (normally = 7 ie the TS mode which is fixed then)
- mode=int
can set by --modef via cmdline
- inner logs=bool
to print optimization log files for model region geometry (
) - derived k=bool
to calculate prefactor k and create jacobian dynamically (see more )
- ignore topo=bool
to bypass topology check when breaking bonds
- outer=bool
to saturate outer region
- silent=bool
to hide the execution runs of external software
- engine=method
method can be rf for ANCopt (default), lbfgs for L-ANCopt or inertial for FIRE.
- output=file
redirect output of optimization to file
- logfile='file
write optimization log to file (default: xtbopt.log)
- optlevel=level
convergence thresholds for the
: crude = -3, sloppy = -2, loose = -1, normal = 0, tight = 1, verytight = 2, extreme = 3 - microcycle=int
number of optimization cycles before new ANC are made (default=25)
- maxcycle=int
total number of opt. cycles, 0 means automatically determined
- hlow=real
lowest force constant in ANC generation (should be > 0.005)
- maxdispl=real
maximum coordinate displacement in
- average conv=bool
average the energy and gradient before checking for convergence to accelerate numerically noisy potential energy surfaces (default: false).
- s6=real
dispersion scaling in ANC generation
- hessian=lindh-d2|lindh|swart
model hessian for generation of ANC used in optimization
- kstretch=real
stretch force constant in model hessian
- kbend=real
bend force constant in model hessian
- ktorsion=real
torsion force constant in model hessian
- koutofp=real
out-of-plain force constant to model hessian
- kvdw=real
additional vdW-contribution (lindh|swart only)
- kes=real
electrostatic contribution to model hessian by EEQ model
- rcut=real
distance cutoff for bonds in model hessian
- exact rf=bool
use better solver during the rational function optimization
- nrun=int
number of runs for pathfinder
- nopt=int
number of points on the path to optimize
- anopt=int
number of steps to optimize the points on the path
- kpush=real
factor for RMSD criterium pushing away from the reactant structure
- kpull=real
factor for RMSD criterium pulling towards the product structure
- alp=real
width of the RMSD criterium
- product=file
file name of the product structure
- mode=sequential|concerted
scans all constraints at once (concerted) or after each other (sequential). in sequential mode the final value of the scanned constraint is kept in place. in concerted mode all steps for the scans have to be the same.
- int: start,end,steps
where start and end are real values and steps is an integer value. Defines a scan along constraint int (which has to be defined before, of course), from start to end in a certain number of steps. There is no limitation in the number of steps as in 5.8.
- name: values; start,end,steps
defines the constrain name on which the scan is performed. See above and the the constrain group for more information, since name (e.g. distance) and values (e.g. i,j,value) are handed internally to the constrain parser.
the scan parser will always terminate in error if the instruction could not be parsed correctly, while the constrain parser is able to skip instructions with wrong input by raising a warning. |
- temp, etemp=real
electronic temperature for the Fermi smearing
- broydamp=real
damping for the Broyden convergence accelerator
- guess=gasteiger|goedecker|sad
different possible guess charges for GFN2-xTB SCC calculation
- iterations, maxiterations=int
adjusts the number of SCC iterations in the first/last SCC calculation
- fragment1: list,…
defines atoms belonging to fragment 1
- fragment2: list,…
defines atoms belonging to fragment 2
- fragment: i,list,…
defines atoms belonging to fragment i
activate by $write/stm=true
- broadening=real
width of tip DOS energy broadening (eV)
- current=real
constant current value (arb.u.)
- grid=real
grid width (Bohr), half that value along Z
- thr=real
integral and density matrix neglect threshold
- potential=real
potential of tip vs. molecule, negative values let e flow from mol to tip i.e. occ space of mol is probed
- desy=real
point group symmetrization threshold
- maxat=int
point group determination skipped if # atoms > this value (i.e. desymaxat 0 switches it off)
- temp=real
temperature for thermostatistical calculation (default: 298.15 K)
- imagthr=real
threshold for inverting imaginary frequencies for thermo in cm-1 (default: -20.0)
- scale=real
scaling factor for frequencies in vibrational partition function (default: 1.0)
- sthr=real
rotor cut-off (cm-1) in thermo (default: 50.0)
- potential=logfermi|polynomial
sets kind of wall potential used (default: polynomial)
- alpha=int
exponent of polynomial wall potential (default: 30)
- beta=real
exponent of logfermi bias potential (default: 6.0)
- autoscale=real
scales axis of automatic determined wall potentials by real
- axisshift=real
constant offset used in automatic dermined wall potential axis (default: 3.5)
- temp=real
temperature of the logfermi wall (default: 300.0 K), wall energy of logfermi is multiplied with kT.
- sphere: auto|real,all|list,…
set up a spherical wall potential for all or the atoms in list with the radius real or an automatical determined sphere radius
- ellipsoid: auto|real,auto|real,auto|real,all|list,…
set up a ellipsoid wall potential for all or the atoms in list with the radii real or an automatical determined sphere radius If auto is chosen for axes, sphere potential is applied, no ellipsoid!!!
- sandwich: auto|real,all|list,…
set up a sandwich wall potential for all or the atoms in list with the radius real or an automatical determined sandwich radius in Bohr Only potential=logfermi ist available. diameter=2*radius+2*4A safety buffer
- esp=bool
calculate and print electrostatic potential, this will create a data file and a cosmo file
- gridfile=file
read gridpoints for ESP calculation from file.
- mos=bool
print molden file
- lmo=bool
localize orbitals and print out LMO centers
- density=bool
calculate density on a cube grid
- spin population=bool
spin population analysis
- spin density=bool
calculate spin density on a cube grid
- fod=bool
calculate FOD on a cube grid (set electronic temperature to at least 12500 K)
- wiberg=bool
calculate and print Wiberg bond order
- dipole=bool
calculate and print dipole moment
- charges=bool
print charges file
- mulliken=bool
print mulliken population analysis
- orbital energies=bool
print orbital energies and occupation numbers
- stm=bool
creates an STM image of the molecule, see stm group (6.1 only)
- geosum=bool
old style geometry summary
- inertia=bool
geometry summary on moments on inertia and rotational constants (available with
) - distances=bool
geometry summary on distances and bonds (available with
) - angles=bool
geometry summary on angles (available with
) - torsions=bool
geometry summary on dihedral angles and torsions (available with
) - vib_normal_modes=bool
write normal modes as Turbomole vibrational modes data group
- hessian.out=bool
write DFTB+ style hessian.out file containing the unprojected hessian
To ensure compatibility with older versions of the xtb(1)
prior to version 6.0
a group instruction set is allowed which accepts the same syntax as the
original set-block. Here we provide a list of set-block commands and their
corresponding instructions in xcontrol(7)
xtb(1) can read a set-block by itself and will print out a
equivalent instruction set. This feature will be deprecated
in future versions since the set-block is less flexible than
xcontrol(7) and might be deactived without prior announcement!
- broydamp
use broydamp in scc group instead
- chrg, charge
use chrg logical instead
- constrainallbo, constralltbo
currently not supported
- constrainalltors, constralltors
currently not supported
- constrain
use constrain group instead
- constrainel
currently not supported
- constrfc
use force constant in constrain group instead
- constrxyz
use atoms in fix group instead
- cube_cal
use cal in cube group instead
- cube_pthr
use pthr in cube group instead
- cube_step
use step in cube group instead
- desymaxat
use maxat in symmetry group instead
- desy
use desy in symmetry group instead
- ellips
use ellipsoid in wall group instead
- etemp
use temp in scc group instead
- ex_open_HS
currently not supported
- ex_open_LS
currently not supported
- fit
use fit logical instead
- fix
use atoms in fix/constrain group instead
- fixfc
use force constant in constrain group instead
- fragment1
use fragment1 in split group instead
- fragment2
use fragment1 in split group instead
- gbsa
use solvent in gbsa group instead
- gfnver
use version in gfn group instead
- hessa
currently not supported
- hessf
use freeze in fix group instead
- hlowopt
use hlow in opt group instead
- ion_rad
use ion_rad in gbas group instead
- ion_st
use ion_st in gbsa group instead
- maxdispl
use maxdipl in opt group instead
- maxopt
use maxcycle in opt group instead
- mddumpxyz
use dump in md group instead
- md_hmass
use hmass in md group instead
- mdskip
use skip in md group instead
- mdstep
use step in md group instead
- mdtemp
use temp in md group instead
- mdtime
use time in md group instead
- microopt
use mircocycle in opt group instead
- mode_local
use local in modef group instead
- mode_n
use n in modef group instead
- mode_prj
use prj in *modef group instead
- mode_step
use step in modef group instead
- mode_updat
use updat in modef group instead
- mode_vthr
use vthr in modef group instead
- nvt
use nvt in md group instead
- optlev
use optlevel in opt group intead
- orca_exe
currently not supported
- orca_line
currently not supported
- orca_mpi
currently not supported
- restartmd, mdrestart
use restart in md group
- runtyp
please use the commandline instead, might still work
- s6opt
use s6 in opt group instead
- samerand
use samerand logical instead
- scan
use scan group instead
- scchess
use sccacc in hess group instead
- sccmd
use sccacc in md group instead
- shake
use shake in md group instead
- sphere
use sphere in sphere group instead
- springexp
use springexp in fix group instead
- stephess
use step in *hess group instead
- thermo_sthr
use sthr in thermo group instead
- thermo
use temp in thermo group instead
- uhf
use uhf logical instead
- velodump
use velo in md group instead
Please report all bugs with an example input, --copy
dump of internal settings
and the used geometry, as well as the --verbose
output to xtb@thch.uni-bonn.de
Main web site: http://grimme.uni-bonn.de/software/xtb