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Collaborative Manipulation Project - Trajectory Adaptation

Abhinav Jain (, Daphne Chen, Dhruva Bansal, Sam Scheele, Mayank Kishore, Hritik Sapra, David Kent, Harish Ravichandar and Sonia Chernova



Repository of ROS packages. Contains the following packages

  1. human_traj_pred -- package for ROS pipeline setup for taking in output from the Azure kinect (MarkerArray messages) and then using UOLA to get the mean predictions and variances.
  2. conimbus_bringup, conimbus_description, conimbus_moveit_config -- packages for launching drivers for J2S7S300 Kinova Jaco2 7DOF Robot
  3. co_manipulation_demo, co_task_optimizer, co_traj_optimizer -- packages for September 2019 demo
  4. human_traj_display -- package for visualizing human trajectory in RVIZ


The packages includes a copy of the unsupervised_online_reaching_prediction repository (UOLA), which is used for human pose prediction.

The file is responsible for reading a csv with some pre-recorded trajectory, convert its data into MarkerArray messages and then publish that information on the human_traj_stream topic. It was created to emulate output from the Azure Kinect so that when we use this pipeline with the real data, we don't face any problems.

The file is the core prediction file. It listens to the human_traj_stream topic for MarkerArray messages, parses it and then uses UOLA (specfically UOLA_predict.m) to get the prediction means and variances.

Finally, file parses the output from the and puts it in the format required by trajopt.


The launch file conimbus_bringup.launch in the conimbus_bringup package launches the full robot with sensing. Parameters inside the launch file can be set to modify the sensors. Trajectory controller and MoveIt! can be enabled/disabled as well.


The trajopt repo is a fork of trajopt from Pieter Abbeel's lab based on this paper. For this project, we have added implementations of our costs in C++ in trajopt/src/trajopt/kinematic_terms.cpp. Cost containers are added to trajopt/src/trajopt/problem_description.cpp. Only these files and corresponding header files have been modified in C++.

The trajopt/comanipulationpy directory contains python interface for the project. The following files are used:

  1. -- all functions used to add trajopt costs to a trajopt problem. Some helper functions to update human pose trajectories
  2. -- functions used to interface with ROS control for robot arm
  3. -- the full testing framework that contains all testing functions inside a class.
  4. -- file used for creating an instance of testing_framework and running tests. This file is used to run the code.
  5. and -- used for plotting human and robot trajectories

Other python files are obsolete and not used any longer.


Full pipeline

  • Planning request is passed
  • Comanipulationpy node waits for updated prediction
    • Pose prediction node is constantly updating human pose prediction from camera observations
    • Passes updated prediction as a string
  • Comanipulationpy node updates collision object from camera (see below)
  • New trajopt optimization problem is setup with human pose prediction, robot state and goal joint position
  • Problem is optimized
  • Optimized trajectory is executed using trajectory controller

Collision objects from camera:

  • MoveGroup node has to be running (either through conimbus_bringup or from movegroup.launch from conimbus_moveit_config).
  • Octomap from moveit’s planning scene is used
  • Octomap is published in binary
  • Converted using octomap ros library and republished using custom message format
  • Each voxel in octomap is added individually as a collision object.
  • Size of each voxel is 0.025 meters

Robot model inside OpenRAVE/trajopt

OpenRAVE uses collada models for robot description whereas ROS uses URDF. We use collada_urdf to convert ROS robot urdf files to collada dae files. Note that some modifications have to made to the fies to made the compatible with trajopt. See jaco-test.dae and iiwa.dae files in trajopt/data.



  1. ROS Melodic (see here)
  2. OpenRAVE (run ./ in /trajopt/openrave_installation/ or see here)
    • If does not work (OpenRAVE error), try:
    • Add OpenRAVE to your PYTHONPATH (and put this line in your .bashrc file).
      export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`openrave-config --python-dir`
  3. MATLAB and matlab.engine (see here)
  4. ROS Packages
    1. kinova-ros (GT-RAIL github) - melodic-7dof branch
    2. robotiq_85_gripper (GT-RAIL github) - melodic-devel branch
    3. robotiq_85_gripper_actions (GT-RAIL github) - melodic-devel branch
    4. rail_manipulation_msgs (GT-RAIL github) - melodic-devel branch
    5. Iiwa_stack (Abhinav Jain) - master branch
    6. ROS Embedded Control Libraries (ecl) - sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ecl
    7. ROS MoveIt - sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-moveit
    8. Sophus - sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-sophus


  1. Install catkin. sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-catkin

  2. Put the comanipulation repository and ROS packages in a catkin workspace (see here for instructions). Some notes:

    • Make sure source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash is in your .bashrc file (should have done this when installing ROS Melodic). If it isn't, add it and run source .bashrc.
    • After you create the workspace, add source <path_to_catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash to your .bashrc file.
    • Move the comanipulation repository and all the ROS packages installed in step 4 above into the <path_to_catkin_ws>/src directory.
  3. Build the trajopt repository (<path_to_catkin_ws>/src/comanipulation/trajopt) using cmake. Note that OpenRAVE, OpenSceneGraph and Boost are installed by the openrave installation scripts above.

    • Within the trajopt directory, run the following commands to build trajopt:
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j `nproc`
    • Update PYTHONPATH after building trajopt (and put these lines in your .bashrc file).
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/<path_to_catkin_ws>/src/comanipulation/trajopt
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/<path_to_catkin_ws>/src/comanipulation/trajopt/build/lib

    Note that trajopt unittests may fail due to unstable OpenRAVE/OpenRAVEpy. OpenRAVE often crashes on exit.

  4. Build the catkin workspace using catkin_make.

  5. Verify installation:

    • Start ROS using roscore
    • Run trajopt using python2
    • Run human motion predictor using rosrun human_traj_pred
    • Run phantom trajectory stream using rosrun human_traj_pred


  1. Start a ROS instance - roscore
  2. Start roslaunch - roslaunch human_traj_display iiwa_full.launch
  3. Run (python 2) - python ~/<path_to_catkin_ws>/src/comanipulation/co-manipulation/comanipulationpy/src/



  • Update human_traj_pred package to be independent of directory run from. Consider setting up launch files for this.


  • Improve FK speed. Currently uses OpenRAVE for FK, which can be very slow when several FK calls are made per cost computation. Consider using simpler calculations (maybe based on DH parameters) for calculating FK or a lighter external library for the same.
  • New distance cost. Current distance cost calculates human joint - robot joint pairwise values. Try vectories human-robot joint distances to calculate the full cost.


  • Currently parsing in octomap from MoveIt!. Update to use octomap ros package to directly take point cloud from camera and generate parsable octomap.