diff --git a/InfoTool/Model/Index.php b/InfoTool/Model/Index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f627698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InfoTool/Model/Index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ * @license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. See application/doc/COPYING
+ */
+ * @name $InfoToolModel
+ */
+namespace InfoTool\Model;
+ * Index
+ */
+class Index
+ /**
+ * toolbar array
+ *
+ * @var array
+ * @access private
+ */
+ private $aToolbar = array ();
+ /**
+ * adds Event Listerner to 'mvc.view.render.before'
+ * starts collecting Infos and save it to Registry
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param \Smarty $oView
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function __construct (\Smarty $oView)
+ {
+ // add toolbar at the right time
+ \MVC\Event::BIND ('mvc.view.render.before', function ($oView)
+ {
+ \InfoTool\Model\Index::injectToolbar ($oView);
+ });
+ // get toolbar values and save them to registry
+ \MVC\Registry::set ('aToolbar', $this->collectInfo ($oView));
+ }
+ /**
+ * adds the toolbar to the html dom before closing body tag
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @param \Smarty $oView
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public static function injectToolbar (\Smarty $oView)
+ {
+ $sToolBarVarName = 'sToolBar_' . uniqid ();
+ $sInfoToolSmarty = '{$' . $sToolBarVarName . '}';
+ // add toolbar template var to layout
+ $aToolbar = \MVC\Registry::get ('aToolbar');
+ $oView->assign ('aToolbar', $aToolbar);
+ $oView->assign ($sToolBarVarName, $oView->loadTemplateAsString (realpath (__DIR__ . '/../') . '/templates/infoTool.tpl'));
+ // disable regular view output
+ \MVC\View::$_bEchoOut = FALSE;
+ // inject toolbar var to regular string output via DOM
+ {
+ $oDom = new \DOMDocument(null, null);
+ // prevent error messages occuring by using DOM
+ // @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/6090728/2487859
+ libxml_use_internal_errors (true);
+ // DOMDocument::loadHTML will treat your string as being in ISO-8859-1 unless you tell it otherwise.
+ // @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/8218649/2487859
+ $oDom->loadHTML (
+ mb_convert_encoding(
+ $aToolbar['sRendered'],
+ 'UTF-8'
+ )
+ );
+ libxml_clear_errors ();
+ // add toolbar tag as a placeholder before body closing tag
+ $oNode = $oDom->createElement ($sToolBarVarName);
+ $oBody = $oDom->getElementsByTagName ('body');
+ foreach ($oBody as $oItem)
+ {
+ $oItem->appendChild ($oNode);
+ }
+ $sHtml = $oDom->saveHTML ();
+ // render the toolbar
+ $sInfoToolRendered = $oView->fetch ('string:' . $sInfoToolSmarty);
+ // replace toolbar tag placeholder with rendered toolbar
+ $sHtml = str_replace ('<' . $sToolBarVarName . '>' . $sToolBarVarName . '>', $sInfoToolRendered, $sHtml);
+ }
+ // new output, now including toolbar
+ echo $sHtml;
+ }
+ /**
+ * collects all Info for being displayed by the Toolbar
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @param \Smarty $oView
+ * @return array $aToolbar containing all Info for toolbar
+ */
+ private function collectInfo (\Smarty $oView)
+ {
+ $aToolbar = array ();
+ $aToolbar['sPHP'] = phpversion ();
+ $aToolbar['sOS'] = PHP_OS;
+ $aToolbar['sEnv'] = \MVC\Registry::get('MVC_ENV');
+ $aToolbar['aGet'] = array_map('htmlentities', $_GET);
+ $aToolbar['aPost'] = array_map('htmlentities', $_POST);
+ $aToolbar['aCookie'] = array_map('htmlentities', $_COOKIE);
+ $aToolbar['aRequest'] = array_map('htmlentities', $_REQUEST);
+ $aToolbar['aSession'] = $_SESSION;
+ $aToolbar['aSmartyTemplateVars'] = $oView->getTemplateVars ();
+ $aConstants = get_defined_constants (true);
+ $aToolbar['aConstant'] = $aConstants['user'];
+ $aToolbar['aServer'] = $_SERVER;
+ $aToolbar['oMvcRequestGetWhitelistParams'] = \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getWhitelistParams ();
+ $aToolbar['oMvcRequestGetQueryArray'] = \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getQueryArray ();
+ $aToolbar['aEvent'] = ((\MVC\Registry::isRegistered ('MVC_EVENT')) ? \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_EVENT') : array ());
+ $aRequest = \MVC\Request::GETCURRENTREQUEST ();
+ $aToolbar['aRouting'] = array(
+ 'aRequest' => \MVC\Request::GETCURRENTREQUEST (),
+ 'sModule' => \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getModule (),
+ 'sController' => \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getController (),
+ 'sMethod' => \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getMethod (),
+ 'sArg' => ((isset($aToolbar['oMvcRequestGetQueryArray']['GET']['a'])) ? $aToolbar['oMvcRequestGetQueryArray']['GET']['a'] : ''),
+ 'aRoute' => \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_ROUTING_CURRENT'),
+ 'sRoutingJsonBuilder' => \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_ROUTING_JSON_BUILDER'),
+ 'sRoutingHandling' => \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_ROUTING_HANDLING')
+ );
+ $aPolicy = \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_POLICY');
+ $sController = '\\' . \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getModule () . '\\Controller\\' . \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getController ();
+ $sMethod = \MVC\Request::getInstance ()->getMethod ();
+ $aToolbar['aPolicy']['aRule'] = ((\MVC\Registry::isRegistered ('MVC_POLICY')) ? \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_POLICY') : array ());
+ $aToolbar['aPolicy']['aApplied'] = ((isset($aPolicy[$sController][$sMethod])) ? $aPolicy[$sController][$sMethod] : false);
+ $aToolbar['aPolicy']['sAppliedAt'] = ((isset($aPolicy[$sController][$sMethod])) ? $sController . '::' . $sMethod : false);
+ $sTemplate = ((file_exists($oView->sTemplate)) ? $oView->sTemplate : ((file_exists($oView->_joined_template_dir . '/' . $oView->sTemplate)) ? $oView->_joined_template_dir . '/' . $oView->sTemplate : false));
+ $aToolbar['sTemplate'] = $sTemplate;
+ $aToolbar['sTemplateContent'] = file_get_contents ($aToolbar['sTemplate']);
+ ob_start ();
+ $sTemplate = file_get_contents ($oView->sTemplate, true);
+ $oView->renderString ($sTemplate);
+ $sRendered = ob_get_contents ();
+ ob_end_clean ();
+ $aToolbar['sRendered'] = $sRendered;
+ $aToolbar['aFilesIncluded'] = get_required_files ();
+ $aToolbar['aMemory'] = array (
+ 'iRealMemoryUsage' => (memory_get_usage (true) / 1024)
+ , 'dMemoryUsage' => (memory_get_usage () / 1024)
+ , 'dMemoryPeakUsage' => (memory_get_peak_usage () / 1024)
+ );
+ $aToolbar['aRegistry'] = \MVC\Registry::getStorageArray ();
+ $aToolbar['aCache'] = $this->getCaches ();
+ $aToolbar['aError'] = \MVC\Error::getERROR ();
+ $aToolbar['oIds'] = ( (\MVC\Registry::isRegistered ('MVC_IDS_IMPACT')) ? \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_IDS_IMPACT') : '' );
+ $aToolbar['aIdsConfig'] = ( (\MVC\Registry::isRegistered ('MVC_IDS_INIT')) ? \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_IDS_INIT') : '' );
+ $aToolbar['aIdsDisposed'] = ( (\MVC\Registry::isRegistered ('MVC_IDS_DISPOSED')) ? \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_IDS_DISPOSED') : '' );
+ $iMicrotime = microtime (true);
+ $sMicrotime = sprintf ("%06d", ($iMicrotime - floor ($iMicrotime)) * 1000000);
+ $oDateTime = new \DateTime (date ('Y-m-d H:i:s.' . $sMicrotime, $iMicrotime));
+ $oStart = \MVC\Session::getInstance ()->get ('startDateTime');
+ $dDiff = (date_format ($oDateTime, "s.u") - date_format ($oStart, "s.u"));
+ $aToolbar['sConstructionTime'] = round ($dDiff, 3);
+ return $aToolbar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get cachefiles
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @return array $aCache
+ */
+ private function getCaches ()
+ {
+ $aCache = array ();
+ $oObjects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator (
+ new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator (
+ \MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_CACHE_DIR'),
+ 0
+ ),
+ \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST,
+ 0
+ );
+ foreach ($oObjects as $sName => $oObject)
+ {
+ $sTmp = str_replace (\MVC\Registry::get ('MVC_CACHE_DIR'), '', $sName);
+ if ($sTmp != '.' && $sTmp != '..')
+ {
+ $aCache[] = $sTmp;
+ }
+ }
+ return $aCache;
+ }
diff --git a/InfoTool/README.md b/InfoTool/README.md
index 8c384e0..82a0d1c 100644
--- a/InfoTool/README.md
+++ b/InfoTool/README.md
@@ -1 +1,39 @@
# myMVC_module_InfoTool
+This is a module for myMVC (https://github.com/gueff/myMVC). Get it run in a few Steps:
+## 1. Download this Repository
+and place it inside myMVC's `modules` folder:
+ application
+ config
+ modules
+ [..]
+ InfoTool
+ Controller
+ Event
+ Model
+ [..]
+ public
+ composer.json
+ manager.php
+## 2. Activate via Event Listener
+ * switch on InfoTool in develop environment
+ * immediatly after the target class/method was called
+ */
+if ('develop' === \MVC\Registry::get('MVC_ENV'))
+ \MVC\Event::BIND ('mvc.reflect.targetObject.after', function ($oObject)
+ {
+ // switch on InfoTool
+ new \InfoTool\Model\Index ($oObject->oBlogixxViewIndex);
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/InfoTool/templates/infoTool.tpl b/InfoTool/templates/infoTool.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33b1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InfoTool/templates/infoTool.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+see /InfoTool/README.md
+for more Info