You'll find two different project sections, one is of 50-days-50-projects and other section contains cool web dev projects to help you upskill yourself
This site contains all the projects we built 👉 Awesome Web-Dev projects (Under progress)
Want to improve the website? want to collaborate on it? First make sure to read Contribution guidelines
Please make sure to raise the issues first and wait to get it assigned to you, before making PR
Note: Have a look on already created issues, try to work on them
Once your PR gets merged, then don't forget to add your Dev Info in Contributors file and we will give you a shout-out on our socials
Serial no. | Project name | Live Project link | Code Base |
1. | Expanding Cards | Expanding-cards | Expanding-cards |
2. | Progress Bar | Progress bar | Progress bar |
3. | Rotating Navbar | Rotating Navbar | Rotating Navbar |
4. | Search bar | Search bar | Search bar |
5. | Loading page | Loading page | Loading page |
6. | Scroll effect | Scroll effect | Scroll effect |
7. | Split Page | Split Page | Split page |
8. | Techn Blogs webapp | Tech Geeks | Tech Geeks |
9. | Height Converter | Height Converter | Height Converter |
Serial no. | Project name | Live Project link | Code Base |
1. | Calculator | Calculator | Calculator |
2. | swiggy slider | Swiggy slider | Swiggy slider |
3. | Carousel | Carousel | Carousel |
4. | Form validation | Form validation | Form validation |
5. | Sticky notes | Sticky notes | Sticky notes |
6. | Taj palace | Taj palace | Taj palace |
7. | Music library | Music library | Music library |
8. | Hotel website | Hotel website | Hotel website |
9. | Swiggy home page | Swiggy home page | Swiggy home page |
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