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denys-arkan-osf edited this page Jul 29, 2014 · 2 revisions
ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $this->data = @unserialize(file_get_contents($this->file)); $aryData = $this->data['useronline']; if(!$this->data) $this->data=array(); $timeout = time()-120; //Removes expired data foreach($aryData as $key => $value){ if($value['time'] <= $timeout) { if($value['username']) { $this->data['memonline']--; } else $this->data[‘guestonline’]—; unset($aryData[$key]); } } //If it’s the first hit, add the information to database if(!isset($aryData[$this->ip])){ $CI =& get_instance(); $aryData[$this->ip]['time'] = time(); $aryData[$this->ip]['uri'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $username = $CI->session->userdata('username'); $aryData[$this->ip]['username'] = $username; if($username) { $this->data['memonline']++; } else { $this->data['guestonline']++; } $this->data[‘totalvisit’]++; //Loads the USER_AGENT class if it’s not loaded yet if(!isset($CI->agent)) { $CI->load->library('user_agent'); $class_loaded = true; } if($CI->agent->is_robot()) $aryData[$this->ip][‘bot’] = $CI->agent->robot(); else $aryData[$this->ip][‘bot’] = false; //Destroys the USER_AGENT class so it can be loaded again on the controller if($class_loaded) unset($class_loaded, $CI->agent); } else { $aryData[$this->ip]['time'] = time(); $aryData[$this->ip]['uri'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $this->data[‘useronline’] = $aryData; $this->_save(); } //this function return the total number of online users function total_users(){ return count($this->data['useronline']); } //this function return the total number of online members function total_mems(){ return @$this->data['memonline']; } //this function return the total number of online guest function total_guests(){ return @$this->data['guestonline']; } //this function return the total number of total visit function total_visit() { return @$this->data['totalvisit']; } //this function return the total number of online robots function total_robots(){ $i=0; foreach($this->data as $value) { if($value['is_robot']) $i++; } return $i; } //Used to set custom data function set_data($data=false, $force_update=false){ if(!is_array($data)){ return false;} $tmp=false; //Used to control if there are changes foreach($data as $key => $value) { if(!isset($aryData[$this->ip]['data'][$key]) || $force_update) { $aryData[$this->ip]['data'][$key] = $value; $tmp=true; } } //Check if the user’s already have this setting and skips the wiriting file process (saves CPU) if(!$tmp) return false; return $this->_save(); } // function get_info(){ return @$this->data; } //Save current data into file function _save() { $fp = fopen($this->file,'w'); flock($fp, LOCK_EX); $write = fwrite($fp, serialize($this->data)); fclose($fp); return $write; } }
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