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Joshen's Project Portfolio Page

Project: Doc'it

Doc’it provides a centralised platform for authorised staff from small family clinics to view, update, and onboard patient records, solving the inefficient paper records and files used today. With Doc’it, small family clinics can reduce man-hours in managing paper files, translating this ‘saved’ time into better frontline care services Doc'IT is a desktop address book application. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Summary of Contributions

Given below are my contributions to the project:

  • New Feature: Added ArchivedAppointmentBook class to store details of archived appointments

    • What it does: stores details of archived appointments, but prevents internal modification of data.
    • Justification: This feature allows the user to archive and view archived appointments, to look at previous patient prescriptions and past appointments.
    • Highlights: The implementation requires careful restriction of access for the new classes to prevent misuse and inappropriate modification of archived data.
    • Credits: Implementation details of AppointmentBook by teammate Gabriel Goh
    • Relevant PR: #69
  • New Feature: Integrate Appointment and Prescriptions into the GUI

    • What it does: display appointment information on the GUI.
    • Justification: This feature extends the functionality of the CLI application as a user can immediately view upcoming appointments at a glance.
    • Highlights: A "TODAY" tag is displayed on appointment cards with appointments scheduled today. Integration of appointments on the GUI was challenging as many considerations had to be made with regards to how appointments should be handled when patients were removed from the system.
    • Relevant PRs: #152, #91
  • New Feature: Auto-Archive feature

    • What it does: auto-archives expired (24-hour past) appointments.
    • Justification: This feature improves the archiving process significantly because this saves the user trouble of archiving many (e.g. >20) past appointments when they are already over.
    • Highlights: This feature uses a thread pool to schedule the archive command at a specific timing each day. It was challenging to implement testcases due to the time-sensitive nature of the feature.
    • Credits: Implementation adapted from
    • Relevant PR: #155
  • New Feature: Sort Appointments feature

    • What it does: sorts appointments in order of whether its today, followed by dateTime, and patient name.
    • Justification: This feature allows the user to view the most urgent appointments first, and assign prescriptions to the most important appointments (those happening today).
    • Highlights: This feature required use of the Comparable interface for the Patient and Appointment classes, and checks with the current system time to verify if an appointment is deemed 'expired'.
    • Relevant PR: #155
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:

    • Managed releases v1.1 - v1.4 (4 releases) on Github
  • Enhancements to existing features:

    • Completely revamped the GUI with modern UI trends #121
    • Wrote additional tests for existing features
    • Handled most of the UI changes, UI testing, and UI debugging
  • Documentation:

    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the features Sort Command, Archive Command
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added documentation for the UI.
      • Updated PUML diagrams for UI and Storage classes. #96
      • Added implementation details and PUML diagrams for the Auto-Archive feature and Archive Command. #114, #180, #296
  • Community:

  • Debugging:

Contributions to the User Guide:

List all archived appointments: apmt alist

Shows the list of all archived appointments.

Format: apmt alist


  • apmt alist Lists all archived appointments.

Expected Outcome:

1. Patient Name: Bernice Yu | Appointment Date: 2021-1-05
2. Patient Name: Alex Yeoh | Appointment Date: 2021-1-06
3. Patient Name: Charlotte Oliveiro | Appointment Date: 2021-1-23
Listed all archived appointments

Archive an appointment: apmt archive

Archives an old appointment that is already past its date.

Format: apmt archive INDEX

  • Archives the appointment at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed appointment list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, ...


  • apmt archive 1 Archives appointment at index 1.

Expected Outcome:

Archived Appointment:
Patient: Alex Yeoh; Datetime: 31 Dec 2012 1200; Prescription: []

Sort all appointments: apmt sort

Shows a sorted list of all appointments

Format: apmt sort


  • apmt sort Lists all appointments.

Expected Outcome:

1. Patient Name: Bernice Yu | Appointment Date: 2021-06-05
2. Patient Name: Charlotte Oliveiro | Appointment Date: 2021-07-21
3. Patient Name: Alex Yeoh | Appointment Date: 2021-10-05
4. Patient Name: David Li | Appointment Date: 2021-10-06
Sorted Appointments based on default settings.

Contributions to the Developer Guide:

Archiving an Appointment


A user is able to archive an appointment when the appointment is expired, i.e. the patient has either missed his/her appointment or already attended the scheduled appointment. In this case, the appointment should be archived, so that clinic staff are able to view what medicine was prescribed to the patient during previous appointments.

Implementation Details

Sequence diagram of Archive Command

Users may archive specific appointments manually to remove visual clutter. This is done through the ArchiveAppointmentCommand.

The above sequence diagram displays how the archive command works. The parsing mechanism has been abstracted out from the above diagram as it has been covered in previous diagrams. An example input can be viewed in our User guide. It first retrieves the Appointment to archive from the appointment index parsed through the user input, removes the appointment from upcoming appointments, and adds it to archived appointments.

Archiving is facilitated by the ArchivedAppointmentBook. As opposed to the regular AppointmentBook, it does not allow users to directly modify the data of appointments as archived data should not be edited. Hence, the following operations have the private access modifier:

  • ArchivedAppointmentBook#setAppointment(Appointment target, Appointment editedAppointment) - edits the target Appointment to be replaced with editedAppointment.
  • ArchivedAppointmentBook#removeAppointment(Appointment key) - removes the target Appointment key.

The reason these methods exist in the class is so to support the methods ArchivedAppointmentBook#updatePatient(Patient target, Patient editedPatient) and ArchivedAppointmentBook#removePatient(Patient target), which are called to accurately reflect any updates/removals of patient details.

Class diagram of Archive Storage

In the Storage component, the addition of ArchivedAppointmentBook also necessitates the implementation of a separate storage system for archived appointments. This forms under ArchivedAppointmentBookStorage, alongside AddressBookStorage and AppointmentBookStorage. The .json file for archived appointments is named 'archivedappointmentbook.json'.

Design Considerations

Alternative Considered Current implementation Rationale for current implementation
Implementing archived appointments as a second UniqueAppointmentList attribute under the AppointmentBook class Have a separate class ArchivedAppointmentBook Having a separate class ArchivedAppointmentBook separates the two types of appointments better to facilitate data management. It ties in better with our Storage framework, and archivedappointmentbook.json files can be easily used by the user, instead of having to split one appointmentbook.json files into two segments.

Auto-Archiving Feature

The archiving implementation involves scanning through all appointments in a day and comparing it to the current date and time of the user system. If the current date and time is 24 hours ahead of the scheduled appointment time (24-hour buffer), i.e. by our definition, expired, the appointment is automatically archived. This auto-archiving implementation is handled by the ModelManager class in two ways.

Sequence diagram of Auto-Archive Feature

  1. Upon initialisation of the application, the application automatically archives expired appointments (24-hours past their scheduled time). This is called through ModelManager#archivePastAppointments().

  2. A ScheduledExecutorService object schedules the task AutoArchiveApmts which implements the Runnable interface. Every day at the ModelManager.UPDATE_HOURth hour, the Runnable object executes the ModelManager#archivePastAppointments() method.

In the case where there are many scheduled appointments, this saves the user trouble of archiving past appointments when they are already over.