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UI Test Automation Framework


This is the documentation for Object Oriented approach used in automated UI tests for SUSE products.



The Test Framework is based on Page Object Desing Pattern with the certain adaptation related to the environment-specific demands.

It is broken on several Layers. The interactions between the layers could be represented with the following diagram.

Framework Abstract Diagram is an entry point for all the tests in openQA, the distribution is set here with DistributionProvider.

use testapi;

DistributionProvider is a factory that returns the required Distribution depending on openQA environment variables ('VERSION', 'ARCH', 'BACKEND' etc.). Currently, Tumbleweed is returned as the default one, following "Factory First" rule.

package DistributionProvider;
sub provide {
    return Distribution::Sle::15->new()            if version_utils::is_sle('15+');
    return Distribution::Sle::12->new()            if version_utils::is_sle('12+');
    return Distribution::Opensuse::Leap::15->new() if version_utils::is_leap('15.0+');
    return Distribution::Opensuse::Leap::42->new() if version_utils::is_leap('42.0+');
    return Distribution::Opensuse::Tumbleweed->new();
} then calls a scheduled Test Module that is using the Distribution to access its components through Controller layer.

Important: Test Module must be inherited from opensusebasetest or one of its children to have an access to the Distribution.

use parent 'opensusebasetest';

sub run {
    my $partitioner = $testapi::distri->get_partitioner_controller();

Framework Layers

Test Module

Test Module is a layer containing test case steps that need to be executed on the system under test (SUT).

Test Data usage in Test Module

All the data for the test should be provided on this level. Do not provide any test data in Controller or Page layers.


# Should partitioner enable separate home partition is set in Test Module.
sub run {
    my $partitioner = $testapi::distri->get_partitioner();
    $partitioner->edit_proposal(has_separate_home => 1);

Access to os-autoinst testapi from Test Module

Test Module is not allowed to use os-autoinst testapi functions directly. It should use methods, provided by Controller layer instead. This allows to hide the details of the UI structure and operate with the business logic the system provides.

Access to other framework layers from Test Module

Test Module is able to interact only with the Controller layer.


Controller is a layer that provides methods to interact with the system under test in business terms.

Test Data usage in Controller

Do not define any test data in Controller layer as it could make test maintenance more complicated. Use the test data passed from the Test Module layer instead.


  • If need to use conditions:

    sub create_encrypted_partition {
        my ($self, $is_lvm) = @_;
        if ($is_lvm) {
  • To make an action depending on a value:

    sub create_filesystem {
        my ($self, $filesystem) = @_;

Access to os-autoinst testapi from Controller

Ideally, it should not use the os-autoinst testapi directly.

  • Do not use testapi methods that communicates with the SUT (e.g. send_keys, assert_screen). Wrap them into Page methods with the meaningful names instead.

  • Using get_var to change the flow of a test or get a data for the test should be avoided as much as possible (e.g. to decide whether check or uncheck checkbox, use method parameters instead and pass the data from Test Module.

NOTE: Since os-autoinst API does not have separation between methods for interacting with openQA and interacting with the SUT, the usage of os-autoinst testapi in Controller layer cannot be fully avoided at the moment. So, some testapi functions may be used in exceptional cases.


It is ok when get_var is used in combination with record_soft_failure to just highlight known issue in openQA.

sub create_encrypted_partition {
    if (get_var('SOME_VARIABLE')) {

Access to other framework layers from Controller

It knows only about Pages and hides the complexity of manipulating with them from the Test Module layer.

However, it also provides access to the Pages directly through the getters. This compromising solution was added for the cases when specific and rare actions should be made.


For instance, there might be a test, that should create an encrypted partition. Positive case may use something like:

sub create_encrypted_partition {
    my ($self) = @_;

Then it could be called in all the Test Modules, where the encrypted partition need to be created.

sub run {
    my $partitioner = $testapi::distri->get_partitioner();

But in case if need to verify some negative cases the method cannot be used as is. For instance, to verify that prompt appears when blank password is entered. For such kind of cases the access to the Pages through Controller is added.
Then Test Module code may look like:

sub run {
    my $partitioner = $testapi::distri->get_partitioner();
    #here assertion for prompt on blank password is performed.


Page layer introduces accessing methods to elements of the page/section.

It is not required to describe the accessing methods for all the elements of a screen in one class. If there is an element or a section that is common for several pages, it may be extracted into separate class and then reused by all the pages.

All the page classes (but not the page element or section classes) should be inherited from a base page (e.g. in case of pages for installation wizard, it is Installation::WizardPage).

Unlike the classic POM approach, methods of Page layer in the Framework are not returning Objects. This compromising solution was introduced because the behavior of SUT may vary depending on the steps, that were done in the previous Test Modules and also due to a large set of versions, which behavior also may differs.


package Installation::Partitioner::Libstorage::PasswordDialog;

sub press_ok {

Test Data usage in Page

Do not provide any test data in Page layer. Use the test data passed from the Test Module layer instead.

Access to os-autoinst testapi from Page

This is the only layer having full access to testapi.

NOTE: Using get_var or similar methods to change the flow of a test should be avoided (e.g. to decide whether select checkbox or not by checking openQA variable. Please, use method parameters instead).

Access to other framework layers from Page

It should not use methods of another layers. It just provides page accessing methods for Controller layer.

Validation Test Module

Optional layer. The special Test Module that only makes sure if the actual state of the SUT corresponds to the expected one.

Useful for validating installation tests, as it is not possible to check in the installation Test Module, if the changes are applied to the system. The system need to be installed first.

Test Data usage in Validation Test Module

Access to os-autoinst testapi from Validation Test Module

Access to other framework layers from Validation Test Module

  • If the validation should be made via UI, consider this layer as the regular Test Module with all the appropriate conventions, like accessing to the page through Controller only.
  • For console tests, there is no strict rules as of now. Use testapi directly.

Style Guide

Naming Conventions


  • Package and Class names should be nouns, using mixed case with the first letter of each word capitalized.


    package Installation::Partitioner::Libstorage::EditProposalSettingsController;
  • Method names should be verbs, using lowercase with the underscores between the words.


    sub get_password_dialog;
    sub edit_proposal;
  • Variable names should be lowercase with the underscores between the words.


    my $is_lvm;
    my $filesystem;
  • Constant names should be uppercase with the underscores between the words.


    use constant {
        SUGGESTED_PARTITIONING_PAGE                  => 'inst-suggested-partitioning-step',
        LVM_ENCRYPTED_PARTITION_IN_LIST              => 'partitioning-encrypt-activated'


  • Methods returning true/false or variables that store them, should be named beginning with is_ or has_.


    sub is_lvm;
    sub has_separate_home;  
    my $is_checkbox_checked;  
    my $has_license_agreement;

Named Arguments in Methods

Use named arguments in hash reference if Method has more than one argument.


sub edit_proposal {
    ($self, $args_ref) = @;
    my $is_lvm = $args_ref->{is_lvm};
    my $has_separate_home = $args_ref->{has_separate_home};

# Then usage:

 edit_proposal({is_lvm => 1, has_separate_home => 1});

Getting Started

So, basically a new test requires to have at least one package/class per each layer to be created (or updated if the required class already exists).

Let's assume there might be a new test to create an account in the system during installation.

1. Create a Test Module with the steps.


use strict;
use warnings;
use parent "installbasetest";

sub run {
    my $user_settings_widget = $testapi::distri->get_user_settings_widget();
                  username       => 'test_user', 
                  user_full_name => 'Test User Full Name'


2. Define the steps in Controller.


package Installation::UserSettingsController
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Installation::WizardPage';

use Installation::UserSettingsPage;

sub new {
    my ($class, $args) = @_;
    my $self = bless {
        user_settings_page => Installation::UserSettingsPage
    }, $class;

sub get_user_settings_page {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{user_settings_page};

sub create_user {
    my ($self, $args_ref) = @_;
    my $username = $args_ref->{username};
    my $user_full_name = $args_ref->{user_full_name};


3. Specify actions provided by the Page;


package Installation::UserSettingsPage;
use strict;
use warnings;
use testapi;
use parent 'Installation::WizardPage';

use constant {
    # The needle to represent the page (e.g. Title in Installation Wizard). It is used to make sure that 
    # action is performed on the right Page.
    USER_SETTINGS_PAGE => 'user-settings-page' 

sub fill_in_username {
    my ($self, $username) = @_;
    assert_screen(USER_SETTINGS_PAGE);   # ensure the correct Page is shown before performing an action
    send_key('alt-u');                   # make the field to be in focus
    type_string($username);              # type the username

sub fill_in_user_full_name {
    my ($self, $user_full_name) = @_;
    assert_screen(USER_SETTINGS_PAGE);   # ensure the correct Page is shown before performing an action
    send_key('alt-f');                   # make the field to be in focus
    type_string($user_full_name);        # type the User's Full Name

sub fill_in_password {
    assert_screen(USER_SETTINGS_PAGE);   # ensure the correct Page is shown before performing an action
    send_key('alt-p');                   # make the field to be in focus
    type_password();                     # testapi method to enter the default secret password

sub fill_in_password_confirmation {
    assert_screen(USER_SETTINGS_PAGE);   # ensure the correct Page is shown before performing an action
    send_key('alt-o');                   # make the field to be in focus
    type_password();                     # testapi method to enter the default secret password

# overrides parent 'Installation::WizardPage' method.
sub press_next {
    my ($self) = @_;


4. Add a method to get the Controller to the required Distribution.

  • Let's assume all the distributions have the same implementation of the User Settings. Then add the controller to Tumbleweed distribution, as all other distributions are inherited from it to follow 'factory first'rule.


      package Distribution::Opensuse::Tumbleweed;
      use strict;
      use warnings FATAL => 'all';
      use parent 'susedistribution';
      use Installation::UserSettingsController;
      sub get_user_settings {
          return Installation::UserSettingsController->new();
  • If some of the Distributions has different implementation of User Settings for the same feature. For example, it still allows to create new user, but with different steps.

    In this case, just override the get_user_settings method in the required Distribution.

    package Distribution::Opensuse::Leap::42;
    use strict;
    use warnings FATAL => 'all';
    use parent 'Distribution::Sle::12';
    sub get_user_settings {
            return Installation::SomeAnotherImplementationOfUserSettingsController->new();

5. Add a test module to scheduling file.

In order to run the Test Module, it should be added to the scheduling file (e.g.

 loadtest 'installation/create_new_user';