This code is a boiler plate for the implementation of GraphQL with Fast Api using Strawberry Library. For GraphQL server we have used Strawberry.
Production ready Python web server using Uvicorn and Gunicorn.
Python FastAPI backend
Async Connection of SQL Alchemy with POSTGRESQL DataBase.
CRUD Operations of GraphQL using Strawberry Library.
Written Async Unit Tests using Pytest to test GraphQL queries and mutations.
Boiler Plate directory struture for GraphQL Python.
Get the data only from the columns using SQL Alchmey which are specified in GraphQL Query.
Deployment using Docker Container through Docker Compose file.
Deployed code at specific endpoint to test GraphQL.
Alembic migrations.
Jenkins (continuous integration).
To run the project in your local environment::
- Clone the repository::
$ git clone
$ cd FastApi-Strawberry-GraphQL-SqlAlchemy-BoilerPlate
- Create and activate a virtual environment::
$ virtualenv env -p python3
$ source env/bin/activate
- Install requirements::
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application::
$ python
To run the project using Docker Container:
- Clone the repository::
$ git clone
$ cd FastApi-Strawberry-GraphQL-SqlAlchemy-BoilerPlate
- Run this command on CMD::
$ docker-compose up -d --build
Launch the fast api server at specified port default 5000 (open the UI at http://localhost:5000/graphql): ::
$ python
Launch using docker: ::
$ docker-compose up -d --build
Test are run with pytest. If you are not familiar with this package you can get some more info from their website <>
To run the tests, from the project directory, simply::
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python
You should see output similar to::
----------- coverage: platform win32, python 3.8.8-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover
tests\ 18 4 78%
tests\graphql\ 3 0 100%
tests\graphql\ 2 0 100%
tests\graphql\ 0 0 100%
tests\graphql\ 43 0 100%
tests\ 4 4 0%
TOTAL 70 8 89%
=================== 8 passed in 0.59s =================
To run the project in your local environment::
$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "migration string"
$ alembic upgrade head
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. If you have any question about this opinionated list, do not hesitate to contact me @SyedFaisal on Linkedin or open an issue on GitHub.