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bwping-client - The bwping client side tool for measuring maximum UDP bandwidth


bwping-client is part of a client-server tool for measuring bandwidth and response times between two hosts using UDP request/reply mechanism. It requires a client and a server program.


Usage: bwping-client -a <IP address> [-p <port>] [-l <length>] [-t <interval_us>] [-d <duration>] [-c] [-h] [-v] [-s wlan-if] [-r]

Parameter Description
-6 connect using IPv6 - default connect with IPv4
-a ip server IPv4 address (required)
-c output in CSV (Comma Separated Values ) format
-d duration total execution time in seconds - Number of collected samples = duration/interval
-i interval time between periodic bandwidth reports in seconds - default 1 second - minimum 0.01 seconds (=10ms). This value should be entered as a float in seconds, e.g enter 0.5 to get a report each 0.5 seconds (500ms)
-l length payload byte length of each packet (see RFC 2544 - 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280 and 1518 bytes)
-o outfile record output to file name outfile - overwrite
-p port server UDP port in use , default = 5001
-s wlan-if print received signal and noise power in dBm of interface wlan-if
-r print CPU idle and non-idle times
-t interval time between bwping-udp requests in microseconds - default 10 miliseconds. This value should be entered as an integer in microseconds, e.g to make a request each 20 ms, you should enter 20000.
-h print this help message and quit
-v print version information and quit


bwping-udp prints some information during its execution. If you use "-c" parameter, bwping-udp uses a "Comma Separated Values" (CSV) format. It prints the following fields in each line, one line per sample:

YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, tv_sec.tv_usec, bw, delay, delay_s, jitter, jitter_s, loss, packets_sent, packets_recv, total_sent, total_rcvd, total_diff [, cpuidle_t_local, cpu_nonidle_t_local, cpuidle_t_remote, cpu_nonidle_t_remote] [, link_quality_local, signal_local, noise_local, link_quality_remote, signal_remote, noise_remote]

  • delay and jitter are shown in seconds, with a resolution of microseconds.

  • delay_s and jitter_s are the standard deviation of the delay and jitter, respectiveely. They area also shown in seconds, with a resolution of microseconds.

  • loss is shown in percentage.

  • bw (bandwidth) is shown in bytes per second (Bps). Bwping-udp uses a long long int variable to compute the bandwidh, so it is capable of containing at least the [−9,223,372,036,854,775,807 , +9,223,372,036,854,775,807] range.

  • packets_sent and packets_recv are the number of packets sent and received in the sample period

  • total_sent and total_rcvd are the total number of packets sent and received since the begin of the test

  • total_diff = total_sent - total_rcvd

  • link_quality_local and link_quality_remote are values between 0 and 100, provided by the driver provider

  • signal_local, noise_local, signal_remote, noise_remote are in dBm

  • bwping-client with no -d duration runs forever!




No known bugs. Report bugs to


Daniel Macedo (

Erik de Britto e Silva (

Henrique Moura (